Lass meine Pers?nlichkeit in Ruhe
Ihr Führungskr?fte wollt oft so sehr, dass sich die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter ?ndern. Und zwar so, wie ihr es wollt. Und das ist auch legitim, solange es der Wertsch?pfung dient.
Nun gibt es aber drei Probleme:
1. Menschen ?ndern sich sowieso nicht so gerne.
2. Schon gar nicht, wenn es jemand anderes von ihnen verlangt.
3. Und wenn sie sich dann doch ge?ndert haben, steht oft schon der n?chste Ver?nderungswunsch am Horizont.
Was tun?
Sei klug und vergeude deine Energie nicht damit, dich an der Pers?nlichkeit anderer abzuarbeiten.
Leave my personality alone
As a manager, you often want your employees to change so badly. And to change the way you want them to change. And that is legitimate, as long as it creates value.
But there are three problems:
1. People don't like to change anyway.
2. Especially when someone else is telling them to.
3. And even if they do change, the next change request is often already on the horizon.
So what do you do?
Separate the behavior from the person. Leave the personality alone and focus on the observable behavior. This is where you can start. What exactly do you want the person to do differently? Think of what a video camera would record.
Look at the "rules of the game" of your team or organization. What could "force" people to behave this way? Analogy: If I want to win Monopoly, I have to be selfish. If someone wants me to play Monopoly in a more participatory way, appeals won't help. The rules of the game must be changed.
Be smart and don't waste your energy working on other people's personalities.