Laser hair removal experts since 2001

Laser hair removal experts since 2001

How does it work?

Laser energy converts to heat as it passes through the skin and targets hair follicles. If the hair is in the active growing phase, it will never return. If the hair is in the resting or shedding phase, it will temporarily fall out. Treatments are typically spaced 6 weeks apart depending on the area being treated.

Who is a good candidate?

  • With newer laser technology, we can treat all skin types and tones, even tan skin.
  • Laser hair removal, however, is NOT effective on gray, red, or white hair.

Where can I treat?

Almost anywhere! The most common areas are:

  • Brazilian
  • Underarms
  • Legs
  • Back & chest
  • Arms
  • Fingers & toes
  • Face

What kind of results can I expect?

On average, you permanently lose about 30% of the hairs you see with each treatment, and after 5 treatments in one area, the average loss is around 80%. Touch-up treatments are sometimes requested in certain areas such as the face and men’s backs (if you have PCOS or other hormonal imbalances, more frequent touch-up treatments will be required). Although the hair follicles are permanently destroyed, the body can still create new follicles as we age or go through hormonal changes.

What is a treatment like?

  • Depending on the area being treated, treatments take anywhere between 15 and 45 minutes.
  • Ice or topical numbing cream will be applied before treatment.
  • Discomfort decreases with each treatment as the hair becomes more sparse. Discomfort is described like a rubber band snap.

What does the area look like after treatment?

  • Skin may be red with small bumps immediately following the treatment. Your skin may feel like it has a mild sunburn from a few minutes to a few days after treatment. Use ice packs and cold aloe gel to soothe skin.
  • If you experience itching, use over-the-counter topical hydrocortisone lotion or cream. If light scabbing or crusting occurs, apply Vaseline.

Prior to and during treatment

  • We will go over your medications during your consultation and do a test spot if deemed necessary.
  • If you tweeze or wax, try to stop. If you continue to tweeze, you will need more than 5 treatments.
  • Please shave area to be treated prior to arriving for appointment.
  • You may shave any time during the treatment series. Shaving the face does not cause more hair growth.
  • The treatment temporarily stunts all hair growth, so between treatments you will have very little hair (unless you were tweezing/ waxing prior to the treatment).
  • Avoid skin irritants (alpha hydroxy acids, salicylic acids, benzoyl peroxide, tretinoin, or retinol) for 3 days after treatment.
  • No sunless tanner during treatment series

Aftercare instructions

  • Treat your skin gently – do not scrub, scratch, or pick at the treated area. Avoid hot tubs for at least 24 hours after treatment.
  • Use a gentle, mild soap for the first 2-3 days after treatment.
  • You may shave the treated area, but no tweezing, waxing, or bleaching.
  • You may find it difficult to get a close shave for the first 2 weeks. Remember, it takes 10 days to 3 weeks for the treated hair to fall out, so be patient.

At CSLC, we use state of art lasers to remove hair. We have a 95%+ success rate.

Ready to toss your razors? Schedule your laser hair removal treatment or complimentary consultation today. Call or text 231.347.7395.


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