LASCAS 2028: Call for Bids

LASCAS 2028: Call for Bids

The submission deadline is: 20 December 2024

The IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) is soliciting proposals from Region 9 (Latin America) for hosting the 2028 edition of the IEEE Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems (LASCAS).

LASCAS is an IEEE CASS Regional flagship conference in Region 9, Latin America.? It is a joint annual event financially sponsored by the IEEE CAS Society (CASS). It is typically organized in late February to early March. Its technical sessions, keynotes, tutorials, and workshops last for four days. Social events for all attendees include a welcome reception and a gala dinner. Flagship conferences are preferably organized in locations that are close to a city center and offer opportunities for the participants to come in contact with and experience the local history and culture.

The Expressions of Interest should be submitted electronically via the web form.

The deadline to submit a proposal is 20 December 2024.

The selected proposers will then be invited to present the final bid in-person at the Steering Committee meeting during LASCAS 2025 on 25 February 2025 in Bento Goncalves, Brazil. The proposal should contain all the items listed below.

Francois Rivet

IEEE LASCAS Steering Committee Chair

Please direct any questions to the LASCAS Steering Committee Chair or the IEEE CASS Conference Portfolio Manager.

LASCAS Bid Proposal Guidelines

A proposal should contain the following mandatory items:

  1. A letter of commitment from the General Chair to present the detailed proposal in person to the steering committee at LASCAS 2025 in Bento Goncalves, Brazil, on 25 February 2025, and in case the bid is successful, to present updates on preparation on all prior sessions of the event they bid for. The General Chair should also commit to the financial closing of LASCAS within six months of its organization. In the same letter, the General Chair should acknowledge full understanding of and commitment to follow these guidelines, which are mandatory for the organization of a flagship conference. If you need to get an invitation letter to attend the conference and apply for a visa, please inform the conference steering committee chair so that arrangements can be made for you and your team.
  2. The names of the General Chair, Technical Program Chair, and all Key Committee members, with their qualifications and current or past involvement in CASS leadership and CASS conferences.
  3. Any IEEE Organizational Units, other than CASS, and any other entities involved in the organization.
  4. Proposed conference dates (normally in the last week of February).
  5. The proposed destination and venue. Based on recent paper submissions, the venue should be able to accommodate:
  6. List of IEEE Technical Conferences previously held at the same Venue.
  7. Estimated budget. The budget should have details about all aspects of the organization. Use the IEEE Budget Template. If you have any questions in preparing the budget, please direct them to the CASS Office. Some details:
  8. Professional Conference Organizer (PCO) credentials, if any PCO is involved
  9. International Air Access & Local Transportation:
  10. Local security for participants.
  11. Paper review system.
  12. Support from Local Volunteers.
  13. Local industrial interests in the field of Circuits and Systems. Indicate which of these companies are potential sponsors and/or exhibitors at the Conference.
  14. Accommodation options for attendees. Estimated hotel expenses:
  15. Expected Weather Conditions.


Bárbaro Maykel López-Portilla Vigil

Doctor en Ciencias de la Ingeniería c/m en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Universidad de Concepción, Chile

1 个月

Hello. Where will the 2026 and 2027 versions take place?



