LaSalle Exploration Inc. (LSX-V) 

Radisson drill program results reported in Eeyou Istchee - James Bay, Québec - Multiple gold zones
LaSalle Exploration Inc.

LaSalle Exploration Inc. (LSX-V) Radisson drill program results reported in Eeyou Istchee - James Bay, Québec - Multiple gold zones

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On October 19, 2021 LaSalle reported assay results for 7 holes drilled as part of the maiden ~2,700m scout drill program on the 100% owned Radisson Property located in the Eeyou Istchee - James Bay Territory, Québec. These holes tested both the Goldhawk and Goldfang zones, discovered late in the 2020 field season (see: Recall these zones were discovered by surface prospecting, and occur within an extensive, gold enriched structural corridor (Stu Structure) that extends more than 8 km to the ESE onto Harfang Exploration (HAR-V) Serpent property (see: and ?We estimate an overall grade x thickness metric of ~11.04 g/t Au x m for the disclosed 7 drill holes of a total of 12 diamond drill holes on the property.

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LaSalle has now identified multiple gold mineralized structures covering a large area and a mineralized halo is emerging from the Goldhawk Zone with multiple high-grade gold structures. At Goldhawk Zone, 3 drill holes totaling 763 m investigated a 100-m of strike length and intersected a 10 to 25 m wide shear zone (with values ranging from 1.37 to 1.64 g/t Au) defined as the Goldhawk Main Shear Zone. A higher grade intersection up to 15.85 g/t over 0.5 m was encountered at 85m depth along drill hole DDH LXR21-001. In addition, a 3 to 6 m wide shear zone (with values ranging from 1.09 to 2.13 g/t Au) was intersected at shallow depths in each of the drill holes. Both shears consist of 1-3% laminated sheared quartz veins with 1 to 3% pyrite characterized by intense alteration along with iron oxide staining. Notably, the diorite host wall rock locally contains up to 5% pyrite. The shears zones define a 50 to 75 m wide anomalous (i.e., >0.050 g/t Au) gold envelope with adjacent sheared diorite wallrock that can also be mineralized. Ongoing prospecting discovered the Goldhawk Extension 1 km WNW of the current Goldhawk drilling which is characterized by a 1 to 3 m wide shear zone hosted in altered diorite with 5-10% laminated quartz veins containing 0.5 to 2% pyrite with occurrences of visible gold. ?Locally, up to 5% pyrite in the host diorite is noted.

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At the Goldfang Zone (located 2.5 km NE of the Goldhawk Zone), 4 drill holes totaling 408 m tested a 100-m of strike length and gold mineralization was only intersected in one of the drill holes with 7.74 g/t Au over 1.13m (DDH LXR21-004). The intersection consists of quartz veins with 1-2% pyrite and pyrrhotite hosted in altered amphibolite. However, silver and base metal mineralization was also intersected in 2 other drill holes with anomalous to high grade silver (up to 219 g/t Ag), anomalous copper (up to 1,040 ppm Cu) and anomalous molybdenum (up to 4,910 ppm Mo). This mineralization is hosted in narrow quartz veins and irregular fractures with 1-2% disseminated chalcopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and molybdenite within altered amphibolite and felsic dykes suggesting a different mineral domain.

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More work required: The recently completed 2021 summer field program consisted of systematic prospecting, geological mapping and bedrock sampling along the extensions of the greater Goldhawk, Goldfang and Talon target areas. A total of 158 grab samples were collected as additional work was completed along strike to the NW and north of the Goldfang trend. In addition to the newly discovered Goldhawk Extension, a 2 to 3 m wide shear zone with 5% quartz veins and 1-2% pyrite hosted in sheared diorite was discovered 300m along strike to the SE of the Talon Zone. ?Assay results for the remaining 5 holes (Eli, MM5 and Wisht areas, among other) together with the results from the extended field season prospecting and channel sampling on the Goldhawk and Talon Zones are pending. A next phase of drilling is being planned to commence early in the new year 2021.


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Update - November 22, 2021

Results on the Radisson Project in Eeyou Istchee - James Bay, Québec - LaSalle Goldhawk Zone extended 200 metres southeast by drilling and 1,200 metres to the northwest by prospecting and returns high grade gold trench

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On November 22, 2021 LaSalle announced final results from its initial 2021 drill and exploration campaign on the 100% owned Radisson located in the Eeyou Istchee - James Bay Territory, Québec. The results reported include the remaining 5 drill holes, 266 grab samples from systematic prospecting (aimed at defining strike extensions of the known gold zones and discovering new gold zones), and 42 channel samples from the Goldhawk and Talon Zones trenching. Recall on October 19, 2021 LaSalle had reported assay results for the first 7 holes drilled as part of the maiden ~2,654m scout drill program successfully completed in August 2021. Drill holes from the 2021 program investigated both the Goldhawk and Goldfang zones, discovered late in the 2020 field season (see: as well as other showings (such as MM-5, Eli and Wisht).

The final 5 holes from the program investigated different areas such as the MM-5, Eli and Wisht targets, as well as a step-out hole on the Goldhawk Zone. Main highlights from the drilling campaign are extension of Goldhawk Zone 200 m to the SE with hole LXR21-012 that intersected 2 separate mineralized shear zones returning i) 2.01 g/t Au over 6 m, 82 to 88m downhole (including 1.75m @ 4.19 g/t Au) and ii) 3.01 g/t Au over 6m, 186 to 192m downhole (including 3.25m @ 5.43 g/t Au). We now estimate an overall grade x thickness metric of ~8.63 g/t Au x m for the 9 of the 12 drill holes including the No significant results on MM-5, Eli and Wisht. The Goldhawk Zone gives a metric of 12.09 g/t Au x m and mineralized zones from Hole LXR21-012, appear to correlate with mineralization reported previously in holes LXR21-001, 002 and 003.

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Specifically, the final 5 holes from the program investigated different areas. Hole LXR21-008 tested the eastern portion of the MM5 airborne electromagnetic (EM) anomaly related to a 32-m wide silicate facies iron formation with up to 15% disseminated to semi-massive sulphides. A 25.7 m wide zone of anomalous copper (0.1 to 0.26%) and nickel (0.1 to 0.8%) was intersected within the iron formation, but no significant gold. Holes LXR21-009 and 010 were drilled 500 m apart and tested the E-W Eli structure with historic quartz vein grab samples with 16 g/t and 25 g/t Au. LXR21-010 had a single intersection of 1.5m @.5 g/t Au in a sheared diorite with weak potassic alteration and <1% pyrite. Finally, the Wisht target with 2 chargeability anomalies in association with a grab sample of 1.4 g/t Au was investigated by hole LXR21-011 that gave anomalous gold values up to 0.096 g/t Au in sheared and altered diorite and fuchsitic ultramafics with minor intervals of pegmatite dykes and amphibolite with disseminated to semi-massive pyrite and pyrrhotite (0.5-5%) and 1-3% quartz veinlets correspond to the chargeability anomalies. Hole LXR21-012 on Goldhawk Zone was a >200m expansion drilling success that remains open.

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Trenching and channel sampling work opening up the Goldhawk and Talon Zones: Trenching of the Goldhawk Zone suggests a gold enriched deformation corridor that has been identified over 2 km on Radisson and extends for an additional 6 km onto the adjoining Serpent property of Harfang Exploration Inc. (HAR-V) (see: and Goldhawk Zone is up to 300 m wide, strikes NW (~N300o) and is characterized by multiple, parallel, mineralized shear zones including the Main, North and South Goldhawk shear zones. These contain steeply dipping, deformed quartz veins that vary from a few centimetres up to 2 m in width, with up to 5% disseminated pyrite, hosted within a strained and altered diorite complex. Over 30 channel samples totaling 62-m linear were collected over an area measuring 400 x 100 m centred over the area tested by drilling. Saliently, 21 of the 30 channels returned reportable gold intercepts ranging from 1.42 g/t to 30.2 g/t Au over widths ranging 0.4m to 3m in length. We estimate a grade x thickness metric of 7.89 g/t Au x m. Multiple, high-grade shear zones were sampled with the most significant intervals including 2m @ 11.85 g/t Au (CH3), 1m @ 20.3 g/t Au (CH-24), 0.5m @ 30.2 g/t Au (CH-19-1), and 0.5m @ 30.1 g/t Au (CH-16). At the Talon Zone, located 600m north of the Goldhawk corridor, trenching permitted the collection of 52 samples from 12 channels in 2 separate, 10-m wide outcrop exposures. 8 of the 12 channel samples returned reportable gold intercepts ranging from 1.03 to 12.48 g/t Au over 1 to 2m widths. Visible gold was noted in channel sample CH-37, corresponding to 1.9m @ 12.48 g/t Au. The mineralized shear zone has been identified over a 50-m strike length that is oriented N290 to N300o.

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Surface prospecting leads to new discoveries: A total of 266 grab samples were collected during the expanded surface program resulting in several new discoveries as 72 of the 266 samples returned gold assays above 0.10 g/t Au with 5 samples returning assays such as 37.4 g/t, 12.45 g/t 10.75 g/t and 10.6 g/t Au. Key highlights are the:

i) Goldhawk Extension, where the Goldhawk Zone was extended 1,200 m along strike to the NW of the original discovery. The Goldhawk Extension is defined by several quartz veins up to 1m wide with up to 5% pyrite hosted in sheared diorite. Values returned 0.53 to 37.4 g/t Au from grab samples over a strike length of 600 m. These samples have similar metal associations to the Goldhawk Zone, which include silver grades up to 2.7 g/t Ag, combined with anomalous tungsten and molybdenum.

ii) Talon Extension, a newly discovered zone that was extended 400 m along strike to the SE with several quartz veins up to 0.5m wide with up to 5% pyrite hosted in sheared diorite. Assays grab from samples returned 0.52 to 10.75 g/t Au.

iii) Goldfang Zone, was extended to the NW strike with grab sample assays ranging from 1.06 to 10.75 g/t Au.

iv) 45 Zone Discovery, is a new N045o trending structural corridor discovered parallel to the Serpent ultramafic body that returned grab sample assays ranging from 1.29 to 5.12 g/t Au. The 45 Zone exhibits similar metal associations with the Goldfang Extension, which include silver grades up to 20.6 g/t Ag and up to 0.3 % copper.

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The extensive gold enriched structural corridor (Stu Structure) that extends more than 8 km to the ESE onto Harfang Exploration (HAR-V) Serpent property remains a prime target. ?Ian Campbell, President and CEO of LaSalle states: "We are extremely pleased by the results of our 2021 campaign at Radisson. The Goldhawk Zone continues to return highly encouraging drill intercepts and we have extended the zone an additional 1,200 metres to the northwest by prospecting. We also discovered numerous promising gold showings within the high-grade gold corridor that has now been identified over 2 kilometres on our property and extends for an additional 6 kilometres onto the adjoining Serpent property of Harfang Exploration Inc. We are excited to return to the property this winter for additional drill testing of Goldhawk and for the initial drill test of Talon."







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