NEVER Use Text Boxes in Your Resume, How to Sell Yourself, Great Tips About Work Samples, and Interviewing Strategies

NEVER Use Text Boxes in Your Resume, How to Sell Yourself, Great Tips About Work Samples, and Interviewing Strategies


How to?Download the Files Mentioned in This Article

  • These files I mention in this article are located in the Featured section of my LinkedIn profile at
  • You can use the ?< and ?> ? buttons on the side of the displayed file to scroll left and right in the list files ?until you find the file you want to download.
  • Next, hover your mouse over the desired file and then click on the full screen icon (looks like a square icon with breaks in each side)?on the bottom right of that file. Then file will display in full screen size.?
  • Next, you will see a Download icon (looks like a down arrow with a U under it)) in the upper right of the screen.??Click on this icon to imitate the download.
  • Finally, navigate to the folder where you want to store the file and then click OK.

Problems with Text Boxes

  • If you use Text Boxes in your resume, the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can’t read what’s inside the Text Boxes
  • This means this means any meaning information or skills/keywords won’t be found
  • I?had 1 client where all the text in his resume was all in Text Boxes
  • He was not getting any calls for interviews because of this
  • Basically, the ATS was seeing nothing in his resume and that killed him
  • We got all the text out of the Text Boxes into main line text and he started getting calls for interviews

Not Selling Yourself

  • To really sell yourself, you have to put your Top 3 Selling Points (That matched the Top 3 Strategic Needs in the Job Description) in the Professional Summary section of his resume
  • Likewise, you have to put an Compelling Achievement in the Professional Summary section and in Each Job in the Professional Experience section
  • Achievements are either: 1) Measurable Achievements where you made or saved money for your company, 2) An Award you won, including how many times you one it if more than once, 3) A Compelling Recommendation you received from you boss, a c-level exec, a customer, a vendor, or a supplier
  • Make sure you show Work Samples at the end of your interview to provide living proof you can do the job.
  • At the beginning of the interview, be sure to ask the interviewer to reserve 10 minutes at the end of the interview for you to ask him questions and show your work samples. I
  • f you don't reserve this time, the interviewer may use up all the time and you won't get to strut your stuff with your amazing work samples.

Interview Practice & Strategies

  • In the Featured section of my LinkedIn, I've included my Interview Tutorial & 4 sets of Interview Questions tutorial that you can use to learn how to be a master interviewer and to practice answering interviewing questions using the sample questions at the end of this tutorial.
  • I recommend you pick out 20 question at random from the 4 sets of questions and write out your answers to them.
  • Next, use to record yourself answering these 20 questions and then play the recording back to see how you did.
  • Then play the recording back to see how you did.
  • Zoom lets you record this session and when you're done, stop the recording and be sure to save a copy on your PC.
  • Have family members, friends, former co-workers look at the recording and give you constructive feedback.
  • One last thing about interviews. Be sure to really practice answering the Tell Me About Yourself and Why Should We Hire You? questions.
  • Almost every interviewer will ask you one or both of the questions, so you've got to create compelling answers in advance and practice delivering them until you've got them down cold.
  • At the beginning of your interview, ask the hiring manager what he expects you to do in your first 90s on the job.
  • This information allows you to give answers to questions that align with the hiring managers needs during those first 90 days.
  • Take notes on what the hiring manager needs are and after the interview is over, create a 30-60-90 Day Plan and email it to the hiring manager
  • Your 30-60-90 Day Plan will set you apart from your competition and help you get a job offer.

The Result

  • After my client did all this, started getting more calls for interviews and getting more job offers.
  • What I've shown you here really make a difference.

#textboxes #interviewing #resumes #worksamples #interviewpractice #interviewstrategies #achievements #sellingyourself #ats #applicanttrackingsystem


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