Large scale sculpture for Frieze Art Fair
Recently team fabricated this large-scale sculpture for quantum artist @libby_heaney_ in collaboration with Gazelli gallery @ , now being shown @friezeofficial Regent’s Park sculpture garden.
Libby Heaney's original and densely layered work has an AR experience surrounding the physical sculpture, and opens conversation about the power of future quantum computing, likening the positive and negative potential of quantum to Hieronymus Bosch’s dual depictions of heaven and hell.
Title: Ent- (non-earthly delights)Made from metal, fibreglass, jesmonite, resin, cnc cut and hand carved, with chrome and spray finishing, Size: 325 x 250 x 200cm
The sculpture park is curated by @fatosustek, and is a must see for any curious being! Free exhibition on until 27th October
Special thanks to @paulluckraft , photos by Denis Guzel #frieze #friezeartfair #artfabrication #sculpture #make #makeit #makeitlondon #thamessidestudios #quantum #quantumphysics