The Laptop Lifestyle

The Laptop Lifestyle

The Laptop Lifestyle...

Breaking away from the traditional economy is a dream that many have but few ever materialize...

If you ever dreamed of sacking your boss, quitting the commute and living life on your terms, then stay tuned because I will be sharing 10 reason as to why you should take action....

( cant wait to take action > sign up for the live online webinar to hear and watch how thousands of people including me were able to live life in our terms > )

? Reason # 10 The Internet

The internet is available to millions of people across the globe. People everywhere can connect to the internet at a moment’s notice via their phones, laptops, iPads, and other digital devices to shop, make reservations, check in with friends on social media, buy stuff, do research and browse through thousands of blog. The internet has transformed the way people live. It’s no longer a want. It’s a need. People consider internet access to be a necessary part of their daily lives. You can take advantage of this huge shift in focus and create your business to show up where your audience is hanging out for hours every single day!

? Reason # 9 The Digital Economy

For many years people bought and sold goods and services via the traditional economy. You could order things from catalogs, but mostly you actually went to the store where you wanted to purchase your items. Sales people met you there and did their best to talk you into buying what they had to sell. The digital economy has changed all of that. Now if you need or want to purchase something you simply look it up online, spend a few minutes comparing prices and finding the best deal, then make the purchase and it doesn’t matter where you are located at the time. Just put in your address and you can expect your item to arrive within a few days. When you start living a laptop lifestyle you will learn exactly how you can tap into the income earning potential of the thriving digital economy.

? Reason #8 Home Businesses Are Booming

Due to Reason #9 and #10 above, home businesses are booming. People are realizing the opportunities that exist online allowing them to create a home business lifestyle. Legitimate money making options are available online which, in turn, has led to more and more people starting home businesses.

? Reason # 7 Do Something Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For

If there is anything you could do today that your future self will thank you for – it’s to learn how to live a laptop lifestyle so you can enjoy the laptop lifestyle benefits. It’s a lifestyle of both financial and time freedom. Why not invest in your future self?

? Reason # 6 More Quality Time With Family And Friends

Learning how to live a laptop lifestyle – being a lifestyle of time freedom gives you the opportunities to be there for all those milestones you tend to miss out on when you work the 9 to 5 job. You really do get to spend more quality time with family when you have the time flexibility to do so. How many times have you wanted to get together with your loved ones or friends only to find that schedules don’t mesh? You can’t get the time off work and when you can get a day off, someone else can’t? A laptop lifestyle eliminates this problem.

? Reason # 5 Create Your Own Flexible Schedule

Living a laptop lifestyle means you get to create your own flexible schedule. I remember back when I was working my job in the corporate world – I had this small window of time to run errands on Saturday mornings. When I went to work, most stores had not opened yet. When I got done, they were closed. I always found this part of my traditional 9 to 5 lifestyle to be very frustrating. Now, with my laptop lifestyle I choose when to work and when to do other things like running errands – this way I can get there when the stores are open. Plus, I like that I can fit daily exercising into my schedule now. It just seemed before like I never had the time - even though I knew it was important for my health.

? Reason #4 Connecting With A Like Minded Community of People

When you decide you want to live a laptop lifestyle, you can begin connecting with a like minded community of people who are there to support you on your own journey. They’ve all been where you are now. And they know what it took for them to learn what to do and then apply that knowledge. This is one of the perks of the laptop lifestyle – being able to open the door to make connections with others who truly “get” why you are doing this.

? Reason #3 Take Back Control of Your Life

Back when I worked as a general manager for a webhosting company I didn’t have much control over my life. Someone else controlled my time and my schedule. Then my routines and habits formed around what someone else was making me do. Someone else also controlled my paycheck. Now that I know how to live a laptop lifestyle, I have been able to take back control of my life and it feels fantastic. I am the one who controls my time now. I put myself back in the drivers seat of my life. How would it feel if you could do the same?

? Reason # 2 Places to See and People To Meet

I’ve spent about 33 years of my life in one location. I grew up in the Netherlands and spent 3 decades there aside from the occasional trips. 2 years ago I moved to Canada! By living a laptop lifestyle I’ve been able to create opportunities for myself to travel. For example, I can live a new lifestyle travelling the world. Or, I can live a nomadic lifestyle. I have places to see and people to meet before I reach the end of my life. Why not take the time to travel the world and let those experiences enrich me now - why wait until a retirement check to do it? Do you also have places you want to visit before you die? What are they? I want to be able to check off my bucket list items while I still have my health to do so. How about you? Do you feel the same way?

? And the Number 1 Reason to live a laptop lifestyle is FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM!!!

When you begin to experience the same freedom you felt as a child who is on summer vacation, your stress filled former self will fall away like a caterpillar emerging from its cocoon as a beautiful butterfly. It stretches its wings, flaps them a few times to try them out, then takes flight. You can be that way too after your stress leaves you, the stress that comes from working that 9 to 5 corporate job – day after day, year after year, with little to no time to do much of anything else. Once you rid yourself of the stress of that lifestyle – you will feel freer just like I did. Your inner anxiety and stress will be replaced by inner peace. How good will that feel? Inner peace restored?

What’s more is that after a taste of this kind of freedom and then finding out how much better life gets – there’s no going back. I won’t go back to the way I used to live. I refuse to accept the 9 to 5 constraints I used to regard as just a normal part of my life. Now that I know it doesn’t have to be that way and I’ve felt the inner peace this kind of lifestyle freedom gives me – I simply refuse to go back to that former lifestyle again. That exhausted, run down, drag myself out of bed every day lifestyle. I want to spend the rest of my precious time on this earth enjoying my life. Do you?

If you are on the fence about how to even open the door to this lifestyle? Let me help you. Check out the webinar about how I was able to do it...and hear the story's of many who were able to create the life THEY want. Its one step at a time...

?? Step 1:

Clarissa T.

Accounting Technician*Online Business Owner*Staff Accountant*Bookkeeper*Business Mentor*Coach*

6 年

That is great! I love doing this business.


Ellis Botman★ MultiPreneur and Investor ★的更多文章

