Lanitz Aviation’s Design-change for all Piper high wing aircraft approved by FAA

Lanitz Aviation’s Design-change for all Piper high wing aircraft approved by FAA

Piper PA-18-150 Super Cub

Lanitz Aviation from Leipzig, Germany is the only manufacturer of the worldwide patented ORATEX6000? aircraft fabric which comes coated & colored and can be flown right after the installation without any painting. It is airworthy right off the delivery roll. There is no other product like it; all other Aircraft Fabric products are naked woven cloth relying on multiple layers of paint that are sprayed by the installer.

Some years ago, the company looked into the designs of aircraft types and had an innovative idea: Why should the covering be attached to an aircraft by the antique time-consuming rib stitching or pop-riveting technology? There should be a better way!

Lanitz Aviation developed a new technology: they implemented cap strips to strengthen the ribs and to substitute bracing tape for the ribs, rib stitching and/or riveting. This process is called the Lanitz Aviation Designchange STC. This STC implements the aircraft fabric by special bonding process only, which means rib stitching and riveting become obsolete.

Result of the "Design-change"

The very first aircraft STC’ed for this are European Jodel Robin, a very popular 180Hp+ 4-seater in Europe, flown in almost every flying club there. Due to the high performance of these aircraft, they are often glider tugs.

SAN Jodel DR.1050 Ambassadeur

The technology behind the Design-change STC is the installation of special 1.2 mm beech plywood cap strips, consisting of three beech layers, which also enlarge the gluing area of the fabric on a rib. By implementing this technology, the original type design rib stitching becomes obsolete. The result is a cleaner airfoil with better airflow. Together with the microvortex effect produced by the Lanitz Aviation ORATEX6000? aircraft fabric, you succeed in getting the ultimate performance from your aircraft concerning lower stall speed, higher cruise speed and climb rate. This technology has been approved by EASA and LBA (German authorities) as well as by FAA STC.

The second aircraft type Lanitz Aviation implemented this technology in was the Piper PA-18A-180. On December 1st 2023 the FAA approved the Lanitz Aviation’s Design-change for all N-registered high-wing Pipers according to the AML of the STC.

At EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2024, Lanitz Aviation will demonstrate the covering process in real time at their sole distributor’s booth, Better Aircraft Fabric (booth #300). Before that date, Lanitz Aviation will be publicly covering the very first STC’ed US Piper PA-18 in Ohio (on display in Oshkosh). Due to limited space in Ohio, interested customers are kindly requested to contact us at

Lanitz Aviation is also inviting maintenance companies interested in learning the application process of ORATEX6000? and the installation of the STC. Take note, the STC will only be available to qualified builders.

As Lanitz Aviation extends the STC AML, the unstitched Design-change already got implemented in the following homebuilt aircraft: Pitts special S1-S, Stolp Starduster, Carbon Cub, Just Aircraft Highlander & SuperSTOL, Rans S9, Savage and Savage Cruiser.

At the moment, Lanitz Aviation is in STC approval for Christen/Aviat Husky unriveted and Maule MX4 and MX7 unstitched. The goal of Lanitz Aviation is to offer future Design-change STCs for the majority of the existing rib stitched and riveted aircraft fleet. The implementation of this process and ORATEX6000? aircraft fabric will save installation time and money, increase the aerodynamic performance and reduce the empty weight.

SAN Jodel DR.1050 Ambassadeur

For those interested in learning more about Lanitz Aviation’s Designchange and ORATEX6000? aircraft fabric, as well as their workshops and tradeshows, we invite you to visit the homepage at – Or contact the exclusive USA-Canada Dealer at:

Tim-Peter Voss

Aerospace Engineer, Commercial Pilot, RPAS/UAS Pilot, Flight Tester

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