Are Language Tests Really Testing Language? Rethinking Cognitive Validity in Assessment Design
Kyle Lachini
Trustee, English Language Testing Society, CA., USA.; Reviewer, Language Testing Journal; York University Alumnus, Toronto, Canada.
In language testing, particularly when striving for cognitive validity, there’s a risk that tasks designed to simulate real-world language use may inadvertently assess general cognitive skills rather than language proficiency. Tasks requiring advanced reasoning, critical thinking, or problem-solving could disadvantage test-takers (cognitive skills that even native speakers might not possess), who struggle with these demands. This raises a critical question: are we measuring language ability, or are we conflating it with broader cognitive competencies?
Cognitive Validity is a concept in educational and psychological assessment that refers to the degree to which a test accurately measures the cognitive processes it is intended to assess. In other words, a test with high cognitive validity reflects the mental skills, strategies, and processes that individuals would naturally use in real-world tasks or in the domain being assessed. Cognitive validity is closely linked to construct validity, which ensures the test measures what it claims to measure. The cognitive processes targeted by the test should match the theoretical framework underpinning the construct. Cognitive aspects of language testing focus on how learners engage their mental faculties while completing test tasks. A successful language test needs to consider the cognitive processes that underlie effective language use, ensuring that the tasks reflect the mental demands involved in language production and comprehension. These cognitive demands are crucial because they influence not only the accuracy of the test scores but also the test’s fairness and validity in assessing language proficiency.
Cognitive Processes in Language Use
Language use, whether in speaking, listening, reading, or writing, involves a wide range of cognitive processes that are activated in response to specific tasks. These cognitive processes are comprehension, recall, inference, and problem solving. Comprehension entails interpreting linguistic input, such as understanding spoken or written text. This process involves recognizing vocabulary, syntactic structures, and deriving meaning from the context. In language testing, especially in reading and listening comprehension tasks, it is important to focus not only on word recognition or grammar but also on the learner's ability to process and interpret language effectively.
Recall is another crucial cognitive process in language use. It is essential for tasks requiring the learner to remember and retrieve information from memory, such as answering questions about a text or producing language from a given prompt. In testing, this process is measured by assessing the ability to recall relevant language knowledge, including vocabulary, grammar, and content knowledge from specific tasks, such as recalling details from a reading passage. However, care should be taken not to overwhelm the test-taker with excessive cognitive load during recall tasks, as this may affect the validity of the results.
Inference, which involves drawing conclusions based on incomplete or indirect information, is a higher-order cognitive skill. Learners must use contextual clues, prior knowledge, and linguistic structures to interpret or infer meaning. Language tests should include tasks that require inference, such as making predictions or interpreting ambiguous language. These types of tasks assess both critical thinking and linguistic proficiency, such as understanding a speaker's intent or recognizing figurative language.
Finally, problem-solving is a cognitive aspect frequently involved in language use. It includes deciding on the best word choice, navigating ambiguity, or resolving unclear syntax. Problem-solving requires both cognitive and linguistic abilities, and in language tests, tasks that incorporate problem-solving—such as selecting the most appropriate response to a given situation or correcting grammatical errors—engage the learner's cognitive resources. These tasks help assess the ability to identify and apply appropriate language rules or structures.
Cognitive Load
Cognitive load refers to the mental effort required to process information and complete tasks. Language tests should be designed with cognitive load in mind to ensure they are neither too easy nor too difficult, allowing for a valid assessment of language proficiency. Tests can place significant demands on a test-taker’s memory and processing capacities, particularly when tasks require the recall of large amounts of information or when instructions are unclear or overly complex. To mitigate cognitive overload, test developers should ensure that instructions are clear and concise. Additionally, tasks should be designed to avoid overwhelming the test-taker’s cognitive resources. For instance, in a listening comprehension test, instructions should be straightforward, and only one task should be presented at a time to reduce the cognitive load. Similarly, in reading comprehension, the passage length and complexity should align with the intended proficiency level, ensuring that the cognitive demands are appropriate.
It is also important to differentiate between linguistic and cognitive challenges when designing test items. Linguistic challenges typically involve difficulties with the language itself, such as unfamiliar vocabulary or complex grammar structures, whereas cognitive challenges relate to how the brain processes and organizes information, such as memory, attention, and inference. Clear distinctions between these two types of challenges are crucial for accurate assessment. For example, an item that requires the interpretation of a complex sentence structure tests linguistic ability, while an item that asks the test-taker to infer meaning from context involves more cognitive processing. Mixing these two types of challenges without a clear purpose could lead to confusion or misrepresentation of a test-taker’s abilities. In a speaking task, for example, a question requiring the explanation of a complex concept may combine linguistic knowledge with cognitive processing. Such tasks should be designed to ensure that the language level aligns with the cognitive load required to process the task, avoiding unnecessary cognitive strain.
Task Authenticity
Task authenticity refers to how well test tasks replicate real-world language use. The more authentic a task is, the more accurately it reflects how language is used in actual communication, which leads to a better assessment of the cognitive and linguistic skills required for real-life scenarios. In real-life communication, language tasks often involve problem-solving, comprehension, recall, and inference in dynamic, unpredictable environments. These cognitive processes should be mirrored in test tasks to provide a more accurate measure of language proficiency.
Authentic language tasks should be designed to reflect real-life language use, such as navigating conversations, reading news articles, writing emails, or giving presentations. By engaging test-takers in tasks that mimic actual situations, these assessments tap into the cognitive processes learners would use outside the test environment. For example, a speaking task in which a test-taker must respond to a scenario—like giving directions or making a reservation—simulates real-life conversations and tests both cognitive and linguistic abilities. Similarly, a reading task based on a real-world article, followed by questions requiring inference and problem-solving, enhances the authenticity of the test.
Authentic tasks also measure the cognitive skills necessary to apply language in specific contexts. These skills include decision-making, reasoning, and adapting to new information, which are crucial in real-world communication. Tests should be designed to evaluate not only language knowledge but also how well learners can apply this knowledge in realistic settings. For instance, a task in which test-takers must write an email to a colleague, requesting something while maintaining the appropriate level of formality and tone, assesses both linguistic knowledge and the cognitive ability to navigate social dynamics. This type of task ensures that learners are not only familiar with language structures but can also use them effectively in contextually appropriate ways.
Multilingual Considerations
Multilingual test-takers may use different cognitive strategies compared to monolingual test-takers, and understanding and accounting for these strategies is crucial for ensuring fairness and accuracy in testing. One such strategy is code-switching, where multilingual individuals alternate between two or more languages or dialects depending on the context or the conversation. This can be a natural cognitive strategy for multilingual test-takers when they encounter difficulties in expressing themselves in a particular language. For instance, when faced with a challenging test item or task, a multilingual test-taker might switch languages to clarify or convey their meaning more effectively. Although code-switching might not always be visible in written tests, it can influence performance on speaking or listening tasks. To accommodate this, language tests should acknowledge the possibility of code-switching and allow multilingual test-takers the flexibility to use it when needed. For example, a listening comprehension test might include dialogues in which code-switching is used naturally, recognizing that some multilingual individuals may switch languages for clarity or efficiency. In speaking tasks, test-takers could be allowed to draw upon their full linguistic repertoire, providing a more accurate reflection of their language ability.
Another cognitive strategy often used by multilingual test-takers is translanguaging, which involves using multiple linguistic resources across languages in a flexible, fluid manner to make meaning. Multilingual speakers may use translanguaging to bridge gaps in communication, especially when they need to make sense of complex ideas or unfamiliar material. In language testing, it is important to recognize that learners may use translanguaging as part of their cognitive process, particularly in tasks that require problem-solving or constructing meaning. This is especially relevant in writing and speaking assessments. For example, in a speaking test, allowing candidates to switch between languages or use their first language as a mental scaffold could better reflect their overall communicative ability. In writing tasks, multilingual test-takers may demonstrate proficiency in multiple languages, drawing on the structures or vocabulary of each, which showcases their resourcefulness in communication. By accommodating these strategies, tests can more accurately assess the full range of a multilingual learner’s abilities and provide a fairer evaluation of their language proficiency.
To ensure that language proficiency remains the focus, test designers must first clarify the construct being measured. The emphasis should be on language-specific abilities such as grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension rather than broader cognitive skills like critical thinking or problem-solving. While cognitive processes play a role in real-world language use, they should support, not overshadow, the assessment of linguistic ability.
One way to address this is by scaffolding cognitive demands in tasks. For example, providing frameworks for note-taking during a listening test or giving hints about what to focus on can help reduce the cognitive burden, allowing test-takers to concentrate on demonstrating their language skills. Additionally, separating cognitive and linguistic components in scoring can help isolate language proficiency. For instance, in a writing task, scoring criteria could distinguish between linguistic accuracy, such as grammar and vocabulary, and cognitive performance, such as argumentation or organization. This approach ensures that strong language use is rewarded even if cognitive challenges pose difficulties.
Tasks should also be designed with clear language targets to avoid conflating cognitive and linguistic abilities. Instead of asking test-takers to solve a complex logical problem in English, tasks could focus on explaining a simple process, narrating an experience, or summarizing information. The emphasis remains on how effectively the language is used to complete the task, rather than on solving the problem itself. Pilot testing with diverse groups, including native and non-native speakers, can help identify tasks that are disproportionately challenging due to cognitive complexity rather than linguistic factors. Such testing ensures that tasks are fair and truly measure what they aim to assess.
Moderating the cognitive load of test tasks is another way to maintain a balance between cognitive validity and linguistic assessment. For example, instead of requiring test-takers to evaluate dense and complex arguments, simpler tasks like comparing two texts with explicit prompts can assess language proficiency without overburdening cognitive resources. Adjusting task complexity in this way allows for the assessment of real-world language use while keeping cognitive demands reasonable.
To illustrate this, consider a task that asks test-takers to critique the methodology of a dense academic article. This could conflate cognitive and linguistic skills, making it unclear whether difficulties arise from language barriers or the complexity of the cognitive task. A better approach might involve asking test-takers to summarize the article’s main points or identify its key features. These simpler tasks still require comprehension and the use of language but reduce the extraneous cognitive burden, ensuring that language proficiency remains the primary focus.
Balancing cognitive validity and linguistic assessment is a nuanced challenge in language testing. While cognitive processes such as comprehension, recall, and inference are integral to real-world language use, their inclusion in test design must be carefully calibrated to avoid overshadowing the evaluation of language proficiency. Test tasks should reflect authentic language use without imposing excessive cognitive demands that could disadvantage test-takers, including native speakers, and conflate broader cognitive skills with linguistic ability. By clarifying constructs, scaffolding tasks, and separating cognitive and linguistic scoring criteria, test developers can ensure that assessments remain both fair and focused. Ultimately, the goal is to design language tests that truly measure what they claim to assess—proficiency in using language effectively—while fostering inclusivity and reliability across diverse test-taker populations. Therefore, to ensure fairness and accuracy, language tests must strike a balance, ensuring that cognitive processes support linguistic assessment rather than overshadow it.
#construct validity
#language assessment