Language is the Roadmap of a Culture.
This article is the unclouded result of my whimsical& fragile anguish and from a serious concern regarding the unchecked use of cuss words in ‘official’ spaces.
Look at the casual conversation below:
Employee1 – Voh customer hamaari le raha hai yaar !!!
Employee2 – True. Raju (officeboy) BC, tereko chai boli thi, kahaan hai.
Employee3 – F**k, received a message from my boss asking me to come on this Sunday.
These ‘cuss’ words have become the acceptable part of our #communication. They are generally used to express our dissent, anger, humour, criticism, (strangely) affection and what not.
The proliferated use of these expletives in business including offline and online is something which makes me embarrassed to the core. With utmost hesitation, I admit, at times even, I get carried away with the momentum only to pledge not to repeat this uncouth behaviour.
The transformation from the “lingo†to a more unpleasant-on-the-ears kind of open usage of cuss words is unfortunate and expendable. This overhauling is being mistakenly considered by many as the freedom and autonomy. Nobody is debating on the freedom of speech and creative dissent here but using these words as a part of public display of emotions is alienated & substandard.
Getting into animated conversations every-time you are excited speaks volume about your mind-set. After all, even, our Cinema also does not want to get behind in promoting these ‘f**kingawesome’ words !!!! They want to over-ride on our adrenaline. Simply label it 18+ on any movie and you are allowed to do the verbal vomit in open ignoring the importance of influence these artists have on us, especially the youth.
This reminds me of a conversation with a decorous friend who was defending the use of this slang language saying it is now a trend (he meant ‘fashion’) and is accepted worldwide. You are no more expected to apologise for using such ‘lingo’, even before your family. My spontaneous rebuttal was if it is a public conduct, it has to be aligned with the general dogma, though implied, keeping the common sentiments in mind.
These words have intoxicated our general #language so much that we find it challenging to control our anxiety without using this filthy ‘mother-sister’ language. These words are now commonly & openly used in spoken diktats by the seniors to their juniors.
At the risk of sounding pedantic, I, personally, do not resign to the view of reducing oneself to the level of ludicrous and that too without achieving any purpose.
My point through all these instances is that if cuss words do not serve any purpose to us, do we really need to use them? And if not, why don’t we dare to challenge this self-sadistic behaviour which has ruthlessly encroached our social life.