Language Rich Environments
Discovery Childcare and Education
Our Motto is Courage and Kindness. Discovery Childcare and Education is about putting children first.
Our Kindergarten Teachers have been focused on creating a language-rich environment for the children in our Kindergarten programs, it sounds simple but the desire to go above and beyond in terms of fostering and nurturing the existing love of learning amongst the children while developing a program that will enable them to enrich their vocabulary and gain confidence to communicate in a range of different ways is not an easy feat.
Using keyword sign, and basic Aus-lan our ECTs have successfully incorporated sign language / Key word signs within our 3 and 4yr old Kindergarten programs. With visual displays around the room in the key learning areas, as well as using signs for essential communication. We had a visit from our local Speech Pathologist, as part of our school readiness funding for 2023 Nicole, who commended this practice and encouraged it across both 3yr old an 4yr old kinder rooms
It is crucial to support children to develop language and start understanding language in as many ways as we can, when children are developing oral language, normally, their emotions are developing faster. By Giving them alternative ways to express themselves, their opinions, emotions, basic needs, and wants we are providing them with life skills and coping tools to support them not only now, and in school readiness, but in preparing them for life readiness also.
We took “Hearing Awareness Week” as the perfect opportunity to highlight this practice. We invited Amy along with her Mother Kylie, to come down and assist us in teaching the Children some Songs in sign language. Amy is a student from Old Orchid Primary School, who is hard of hearing / Partially deaf. Having needed the use of sign language within her day-to-day life we thought this the perfect opportunity for her to celebrate her achievements in coming down to the Kinder to sit with the children and teach them to sign some of her favourite songs, see the link below to the song “Sing a Rainbow” by our friends at hey dee ho educational services
There are many ways to incorporate Programs such as these within our day-to-day practice. – Stay Tuned for what amazing work our team is doing next!