The Language of Light
Jason Jackson
Global Leader & Strategist | Social Impact Multiplier | MBA, MSc Business Intelligence
"Language is an organ of perception, not simply a means of communication."
What matters more than labels? You recognizing the truth cloaked behind symbolic letters placed in-formation as phonemes and syllables, a visual representation, to satiate a pre-conditioned and socially accepted perception.
"The mind can only see what is has been prepared to see."
Let's prepare you to see the truth.
8 minutes for sunlight to reach your view. You never actually see the sun. Only an 8-minute delayed symbol of the sun's light. Oh how we have lost in-sight of the powerful truth behind it's symbol. Yet, our scientific instruments in space penetrate the symbolic representation of Earth's sunlight and stand closer to the truth. Thank the creator for his mighty son and glorious life-giving rays adorning us all. A life nurturing truth.
You are MORE than the name your parents gave you. You live BEYOND the home where you reside. You are MORE than your job title. You are an ever EVOLVING you. A life nurturing truth.
"To change with change is the changeless state."
Know Thyself and be whatever you are meant to be. You are your truth, and no letter, word, phrase, term, or concept can define all that is you. Learn to be true to the best version of you, and you'll discover realities hidden truths. "
"The name is NOT the thing named." Nor will it ever be.
"The map is NOT the territory." Nor will it ever be..