Language of influence – Part 2
Sara Gilbert
? Keynote speaker, Trainer & Facilitator ?? Award-winning Business Strategist & Mindset Coach ?? Author in the making: The Language Effect
The important thing is not what you say, but what others understand.
In my previous article, I offered two exercises to get a grip on your inner-chatter, you know, that little voice in our heads (click here to read or re-read the article). Now, let's see how you could adjust your message to your clients' communication style and build strong relationships with them.
But first, you must first detect your client's communication style is.
In fact, each person favors one of the following three channels to retain the information you give them: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic.
By sharing information with your client in their communication style, you’ll reinforce your relationship with them. When you “talk their language” the underlying message you’re sending out is: we are alike. Which, in return, will enhance their know/like/trust factor towards you.
Of course, it’s not all white or all black: no one's communication style is 100% visual or kinesthetic, but we all have one predominant style.
Let’s explore each style in detail.
Visual people retain information when it is presented in a visual way, and when they can visualize concepts.
How to detect the style: The person uses visual terms when talking to you: “Look…”, “I see what you mean…” Visuals often use paper to make diagrams and charts to explain their thoughts.
How to present the information: When communicating with a visual, present documents, examples, graphs, images, or tables so that they can see the evolution, the diagrams, and the scenarios you are talking about.
How to talk to them: Adhere to their communication style by using visual terms too: "Look...", "I'd like to show you an example..."
Auditory people retain information when it’s communicated verbally. They may sometimes seem distant when you talk to them, but it’s simply because they record your words and the structure of your sentences.
How to detect the style: Auditory people refer to hearing when they speak, "I hear what you are saying...", "Listen...". They are often very comfortable with languages, usually take little notes, and tend to think aloud.
How to present the information: When submitting information to an auditory person, explain your idea, your offer, your solution.
How to talk to them: Follow their communication style by asking questions that will lead them to clarify their thoughts: "Have you ever heard of this solution?", " What do you think?" Get them talking, that’s how they process information.
Finally, kinesthetics are people of action, who like to do things, move, participate, touch. Long conversations and explanations are not for them!
How to detect the style: The kinesthetic person will tell you about his actions: "I read about it...", "I did comparative analyzes...". They will also tend to touch the documents you present to them, to immediately make calculations or searches on their smartphone to find the answer to a question.
How to present the information: Bring them into action, send documentation before your meeting, and set up scenarios with your client during your meeting.
How to talk to them: Use words and sentences indicating an action: "Reports show that...", "What if we looked at different scenarios together..."
Speak the same language as your client
One of the keys to the language of influence is to understand the other person's communication style AND to enter their world.
If you’re more of the kinesthetic style and your client is auditory, it’s paramount that you adapt. Otherwise, it's as if you speak English to your client, who understands only Japanese!
In the same way, if you’re of the auditory type and that you explain at length a detail to your client who is of the visual style, you’ll lose their attention, and they won’t be actively engaged in the conversation (and you might look boring!)
As their trusted professional, mastering the language of influence is a powerful tool to help you positively influence your clients' decisions and guide them toward their goals.
The recipe is simple to serve your clients well and develop a solid relationship with them: you need to speak their language!
It is always with great pleasure that I read your comments. You can contact me at [email protected], and follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
Until then, download...
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