the Language of Happiness -2

the Language of Happiness -2

We all know and realise the importance of using positive language. Conflicts can be resolved and rapport can be built by the use of better words.

The use of appropriate and positive language can soften the blow even for bad news.

In my previous newsletter – the Language of Happiness -1, we saw how language could be used to create a ‘happier’ world for us. We understood how filling our vocabulary with more resourceful words, we can get ourselves to become more resourceful

You can read that here

Let’s now, get to the next part- how does this happen? How do words really create this magic!

We are all told to stay away from negative language and say our affirmations daily.

And while we say our affirmations or write them down, we are instructed to use only positive words.

So, apart from being a reminder and a source of motivation, what do positive words do? How do they have a lasting impact? Do they impact the brain in any way?

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming also talks of the use of language such that it can create outcomes. It also talks of changing the ‘language patterns’ that we use that could be limiting. NLP empahasises on the use of language to rewire the brain to make us more resourceful.

How does that happen?

Lets first consider the following evidences from experts

·??????In their jointly co-authored book,?Words Can Change Your Brain, Dr. Andrew Newberg, who is a neuroscientist at Thomas Jefferson University, & Mark R Waldman, who is a ?communications expert state something thought provoking. And that is that, “a single word?has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress.” That means that words have effect at the gene level!

·??????Waldman further goes on to say that the ?frontal lobe activity( like cognitive reasoning) ?gets stimulated by holding a positive & optimistic [word] in our mind. This area includes specific language centers that connect directly to the motor cortex which is responsible for moving us into action. The more we concentrate on positive words, the more we begin to affect other areas of the brain.

·??????Over time, as we continue to have sustained positive thoughts, functions in the parietal lobe also start to change. Consequently, this changes our perception of ourselves and also of those around us. Over time, our thalamus also change in response to our positive words, thoughts, & feelings, and the thalamic change effects the way we all perceive reality.

???????????So, by use of consistent positive words, our perception of our reality changes for the good. And this happens because the positive words cause a structural change in the brain centres.

·??????They further go on to demonstrate the effect of negative words on our brains. When we use negative words continuously, we flood our systems with stress causing haormones and increase the activity of the brain’s fear centre(the amygdala). This is actually our brain’s primal mechanism to protect us from danger.

·??????These stress hormones & neurotransmitters interrupt the reasoning centres in the brain and they disrupt the normal functioning of the brain. Negative and angry words are like alarms for the mind to shut down normal functions.

Another study conducted by Positive Psychology further elaborates on the effects of using positive words. A group of adults, aged between 35-54 years were given a daily task of writing down three things that went well for them that day, including an explanation of why they think they went off well. They were asked to do this as a nightly review. The following three months showed that their degrees of happiness continued to rise, and their feelings of sadness and depression continued to decline.

So, by focussing on what has gone right in our days, we can increase our overall well- being to a large extend, as also cause changes in our brains which make the impact longer lasting. The term, Neuroplasticity, refers to the ways in which the brain reinvents itself continuously . The older, redundand neural pathways fade away and the new ones ,(the ones we focus on)become strengthened with repetition. The brain continues to rewire itself, depending on what we think about or focus on.

This video drives the point home-

Our choice of words, negative or positive, causes an immediate emotional response, and the circuitry of the brain forms accordingly. This happens even during our self-talk.

The result of this research being out can be seen in the ways professional colleges are focussing on the use of the right language.

For eg. Harvard is researching the effect of?using positive words ?and images, such as those related to victory, success, harmony, rewards, or security, at the start of a negotiation, rather than focusing on the words that reflect dispute. This kind of priming can trigger the production of?oxytocin , the neurochemical that trigger feelings of well- being and security. More and more managers are choosing their words more carefully, whether it is for revies and feedbacks or to introduce changes in the workplace.

It is of paramount importance for us to be mindful of the power of words to actually cause changes in our brains. And this power can be used while speaking to others(to influence) or to ourselves(as in affirmations).

An interesting video which shows evidence that our words actually impact our barins

Another interesting fact is the work the brain does when we are sleeping. During the day, in our waking hours, the brain is busy forming new neural connections according to your thoughts and focus areas. When we sleep, our brain reorganises and consildates all that we learnt during the day. It lets these seep into the subconscious level- where they are safely stored for future use.

So, if we let positive and resourceful thoughts and memories seep into our subconscious, these are the memories that will be stored. In case of any future need, these resourceful memories tend to resurface and we feel more resourceful. We will also have a storehouse full of solutions when we wake up.

Think of what you’d be feeding into the subconscious mind (that vast storehouse) if we think of negative thoughts and use negative words!

There is immense power in the language we use. We just have to be more mindful and enrich our vocabulary with words that serve us rather than imprison us!

#nlp ?#nlptrainer ?#nlpcoach ?#lifecoach ?#personalsuccess ?#knowledge ?#success ?#nlppractitioner ?#coach ?#flexibility ?#words ?#wordplay ?#language ?#vocabulary ?#meanings ?#mapoftheworld ?#communication ?#rapport #wordseffectbrain #neuroplasticitythroughwords #wordsmatter #happiness #happy

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Next Trend Realty LLC./

1 年

Well Said.

Priyanka Renjen Kumar, PCC

ICF Coach | NLP Coach | Facilitates growth in the individual to move from feeling stuck to being UNstuck | Leadership Development | NLP Trainer | Lumina practitioner | Yoga | Amateur biker | Armed Forces' Fanatic

1 年

Beautifully written and beti well researched. Positivity is quite the science... and words are the catalyst!!!


