LANGUAGE is defined as the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. LANGUAGE is also defined as the system of communication used by a particular community.
LANGUAGE does not have to be spoken or written. I’ve been told African tribes had a LANGUAGE using drums to warn when outsiders were present and to convey their location. We often consider body LANGUAGE, how someone’s movements, facial expressions, and tone can convey more or even different meaning than their words.
So….watch your LANGUAGE
We often hear that phrase when being warned to not speak in vulgar terms. But how we speak communicates who we are. So watch your LANGUAGE. Do you speak in positive terms? Do you talk more about obstacles or opportunities? Do you talk more about compliments or complaints? Do you enjoy more the company of people who focus on obstacles and complaints, or those who focus on compliments and opportunities? So watch your LANGUAGE – you can change your perspective, your framework, and your connections with others if you do.