The Language of It
"St. John of the Cross recognized “the lowliness, deficiency, and inadequacy of all the terms and words used in this life to deal with divine things.”[1] Indeed, no one can fully express God’s inscrutable ways: “The saintly doctors, no matter how much they have said or will say, can never furnish an exhaustive explanation of these figures and comparisons, since the abundant meanings of the Holy Spirit cannot be caught in words.”[2] For “the way to God is as hidden and secret to the senses of the soul as are the footsteps of one walking on water imperceptible to the senses of the body.”[3] Indeed, “since he is the supernatural artificer, he will construct supernaturally in each soul the edifice he desires.”[4]
"Consecrated persons, especially those who have the institutional charism of working in this field, have a duty to learn the language of the media, in order to speak effectively of Christ to our contemporaries," POST-SYNODALAPOSTOLIC EXHORTATION VITA CONSECRATA
Thursday, March 12, 2009
A Taste of It
In language, It points. It points like a child. It points, with its finger outstretched saying 'this', 'here', 'now'. It always points to this, here and now. It wants us to see this. It wants us to do this. It wants us to feel this. It wants to make us see and do and feel.
When It is pointing, we attend. It says "ehh" and we look. It becomes what we see and feel and hear. When Its meaning reaches us, we see It, hear It and feel It. When It points, it points to real things. Things It knows. Things It has experienced before. Organic things. Things of this earth.
Like a child, It wants our attention. It makes us look. It points to things out there. To what is beyond us. To what at this point in time we are not. To what we become. It identifies what is out there before us with what is in us. With what was in us before It pointed. With what is similar in us to It. With what It is here and now. It captures us, and by doing so, changes us. A name for It comes. A name comes to us for that which It is pointing to. What It is about.
It wants us to understand. It wants to be named. It wants to be named, so It can be spoken about. So It can be shared with others, in language. It wants life. To become alive. To have a life of Its own. To grow and grow and grow. If we let It. Once It has us, It changes and becomes another It. And It does so again and again and again. It repeats.
With It, what we hear and see and feel changes. It becomes what we see and hear and feel again. And we see It again, differently. It makes us look again and takes our attention again. It does this again and again and again. It goes away and comes back to us. It flows. It flows out there and points back. In this way, It makes sense. In this way, It gives meaning. In this way, It tells us what It is about. It speaks of what It is pointing to. It speaks of what is being pointed to by ‘It’.
Like a child points with a hand to what It wants. To what becomes for us when we see what It is pointing to. To what when, we see It, becomes It for us. To what becomes our It. Here It points in language again and again and again. To things It knows. It does this until It makes sense. Until we understand what It wants. Until we can feel what It is about. It points. Again and again and again. Here It comes again. It looks like the first and yet It is different. It wants to say something. It repeats what is being talked about. It describes what is happening and remembers. It calls us to listen. It wants our attention. It wants to make sense. It wants to mean something. It wants to speak. Can you hear it speaking to us?
Some time passes, some things change and It speaks again. Did you hear It? It was said. A speaker spoke It. A speaker named It. We were given It. It was given to us. It came to us from out there, from beyond us to us. We are part of It. We were born of It. All things known to us were born of It. It remains part of all things known to us. This It which points and which all things point to. This it we see and hear. This It which is now and not yet and again and already. It was always there. Waiting to be called. “It”. Did you hear It again? This second time? The same as the first and different. The same and different, like leaves on a tree.
What does It want? It wants to repeat. It wants to happen. It wants to be. It wants to become real, organic. It wants words and actions. It wants a place. It wants to be here and now. It wants to communicate. It speaks of things beyond words. It changes things and with It things change. It comes and goes and changes. It comes to us now just as It came to us before. When It came to us for the first time. And It will come to us again, when we are ready. If we let It. If we open our Self to It. If we have the heart for It. If we can recognise It.
Can you feel It coming? Come. Here It comes! Feel It. It gives energy. It gives life. It gave to us then just at It gives to us now. It continues. It is all things and all things are part of It. It warms us. It made us then and continues to give. It warms us when we feel It’s strength. Like our sun. It continues to give now just as It did before.
We are of It, It is not of us. Whether we like It or not, It was before we were. It was when we were not yet. It is greater than us. It gives, we receive. It does us, not we It. We react, afterwards. We like It or not. This It we see and feel. If we like It, we want It to stay. We want It to always be with us. We want It to be with us again and again and again. We want It to repeat. When we think we have It, It goes away. It must. It must go away, to come back. It must remain out there.
It happens before us and It happens within us and yet we, who know, know It comes from beyond us, from out there. It changes in a rhythm. It moves in a flow. It sings and dances. Up and down, up and down, around and around and again and again. When It changes, we change. It happens not of us. It just happens. And we know that if It were to change, everything would change.
We know our place, our place in our world, by knowing It. We know our place, here and now, in relation to It. It was born with us, then and there. It made a place in us then and continues to make its place. Where It touches us, we and It are connected. It becomes for us our here and now.
When we understand It without words, we speak Its language. When we understand It as a feeling, as this warmth, as an It, as that which It points to in us, It sometimes stays. It stays with us as something in here, as something organic and beyond us and allows Itself to be related to. And if we remain still, It will show us what It is pointing to, what It is about. We may then, if we listen carefully be able to hear It speak to us. We may, if we listen carefully hear It call us. And we may, if we speak softly be able to call It. To give It a name.
Only then does It come back to us again. It must come to us, this It being pointed to, this It we experience without words. It remains for us to feel. It becomes alive for us as feelings. It starts to have a life within us. With time, It begins to grow and grow. It begins a life. It becomes organic and of this earth. We begin to notice It more and more. It begins to become real for us. It becomes created.
We give It a meaning. We relate to It with our 'yes' and our 'no'. We bless It or curse It. It finds a place in us, to receive It again. Oh and if we learn to love It, does It make us more open! It makes us want for Its return. We wait and hope for our It. For the It we love, to return. We wait and hope for the It that makes us happy to return. And It comes to us, if we learn to let It in. If we learn to be open to It.
It comes like a gift from out there. And when we learn to recognise It, when It becomes strong enough in us, we feel safe. We feel we can find our way back to It if we need It. We feel we know It and can recognise It again if we need It. Where It is, in relation to us. When It is this strong for us, It may even let us speak of It. It may let Itself be spoken about with others.
When It becomes for others, It becomes shared. It becomes of us and out there. When others come to see It, feel It, It becomes for them also. It makes Itself known to others. We know It when we see It in them. We know It when It makes itself known in others, because It feels familiar, like we have met before. We recognise It. When we recognise It, we feel good. It gives us an energy. It makes us feel good, this It we recognise. Like we have known It all along.
It feels the same and new, again. It feels the same and different. We feel It as It is now, and It connects with how It was. It returns, like an old friend has returned to us. It returns again like after being lost. It comes from out there and connects with Itself in here. It connects with what It was before in us. It makes sense and connects. To what It was before, when we were not yet. To what It has been before. To Itself.
And when It does, It gives. It gives of Itself and makes us feel good. It finds a home in us, if we let It in. Knock, knock. It wants to come visit. It comes to us again before It has to go again. It comes and goes. It comes and goes and some part of It stays in us. The part which will recognise It again, when It comes. When It comes to us again. When It repeats. Anybody home?
1 个月thanks for the support.... ?? ?? ??
1 个月2. In the revealed Word, there is everything necessary for the Christian life. St. John of the Cross affirms that “in giving us his Son, his only Word (for he possesses no other), [the Father] spoke everything to us at once in this sole Word—and he has no more to say […] because what he spoke before to the prophets in parts, he has now spoken all at once by giving us the All, who is his Son. Those who now desire to question God or receive some vision or revelation are guilty not only of foolish behavior but also of offending him by not fixing their eyes entirely on Christ and by living with the desire for some other novelty.”[8]