Language to avoid and inclusive alternatives - A Humane Summary on Oxfam's New Guide (Article 3/4)
A few days ago,?Oxfam?presented its?#InclusiveLanguageGuide, and?Agostina Lufrano (she/her),?Humane Language Services's Project Manager, compiled a summary that concentrates on language and the expressions to be avoided, with their inclusive alternatives.
The language guide is divided into thematic sections and is based on a set of?#FeministPrinciplesForLanguageUse, namely:
????#Diversity: Avoid?making sweeping statements that categorize people or communities according to characteristics defined by others.
????#PowerSharing: Use language to challenge and shift perceptions. Avoid using language that reinforces the norms or power structures that drive poverty and suffering.
????#Safety: Ensure that our language does not put people at risk or cause harm.
????#NothingAboutUsWithoutUs: Be informed by how people wish to be referred to,?recognizing that they may not describe themselves in homogenous ways.
????#CareAndSolidarity: Use straightforward language;?avoid jargon that obscures or alienates.
????#InclusionAndBelonging:?Be inclusive through our use of language
????#PersonalIsPolitical:?Be courageous and clear in naming structural oppressions and who is affected by them.
?Readers are warned that the comfort of the status quo must be disrupted in order to dismantle oppressive structures and create pathways to equality. However,?there is a distinction between being uncomfortable and being unsafe; inequality in power is at the heart of this difference.
Today, we bring some of the language to be avoided, and its inclusive alternatives, in the third Thematic Section:?
This third section provides guidance on how to write about migration, refugees, and displacement. The language used in relation to migrants and refugees in public discourse can be a contributing factor to negative attitudes toward people migrating. It is essential that the language we use to talk about migration is technically accurate and focuses on the humanity and dignity of the people we are writing about.
Instead of
? Illegal immigrant
? Asylum seeker, person/people seeking asylum
???? In some cases it might be necessary to make clear the difference between ‘migrants’, ‘refugees’ and ‘asylum seekers.
Instead of
? Illegal migrant/migration
? Irregular migrant/migration, undocumented migrant/migration; people seeking... (safety, security, protection, asylum, refuge, to rebuild their lives etc.)
???? People are not illegal; avoid language which reinforces the concept of migration and refugees as a problem or implies criminal activity.
Instead of
? Economic migrant, expat, transit migrant
? Migrant
???? It’s not up to us to decide why people are migrating.
Instead of
? Migration crisis/surge/spike; migration crisis, refugee crisis, migration challenge, migration problem
? Migration
???? Migration is a natural phenomenon and never a crisis.
Additional resources
Global Refugee and Migration Crisis by OXFAM
Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement by UNHCR
The International Organization for Migration. Key Migration Terms
International Organization for Migration by UN Migration
Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants Urges States to End Wide-Spread Pushbacks
Guidelines on Policies and Procedures in dealing with Unaccompanied Children Seeking Asylum by UNHCR
Separated, unaccompanied, UASC: a glossary. Becoming Adult by R. Humphris
Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees by UNHCR
Ukraine Civil Society Forum/ Social Impact & Philanthropy
4 个月Thank you - a useful reminder especially the last one!
Senior Advisor and EU Representative, Kofi Annan Foundation
4 个月I would suggest that, rather than try to police language, you focus on your core humanitarian mission.