LandScale declared of regional interest to measure and communicate sustainability in the San Martín region of Peru

LandScale declared of regional interest to measure and communicate sustainability in the San Martín region of Peru

On Thursday, 11 May, the regional government in San Martin, Peru formalized a regional ordinance to improve landscape-level management and planning and to adopt LandScale as a tool to measure and communicate the sustainability performance of landscapes across the region.

Its adoption and publication is a significant milestone for the Rainforest Alliance Peru team. Between 2019 and 2021, Rainforest Alliance carried out a LandScale assessment of the Lamas landscape to build a better understanding of the relationship between the landscape’s ecosystems, production, governance and human well-being. Using the LandScale assessment results, Rainforest Alliance has worked with the government and local community to understand their needs, and from there develop and implement an integrated, multisectoral action-plan at the landscape level.

This regional ordinance provides the opportunity to continue building awareness among district and provincial authorities about the importance of monitoring environmental, social and economic sustainability indicators within their jurisdictions.

The publication of the ordinance has been part of an ongoing effort by Rainforest Alliance to promote an integrated landscape management approach and the adoption of LandScale to monitor and report on sustainability in the region. It has received support from the BHP Foundation, IKI and the Business Case for Collective Landscape Action initiative, a public-private initiative supported by USAID implemented by the Rainforest Alliance, CDP, Clarmondial and Conservation International.?To learn more about the Business Case for Collective Landscape Action initiative, click here.



