Lands End and Woods Begin
S Ainavolu
| Teacher of Management | Certified Ind. Director | Power, Infra, and Education | SDGs Believer | Tradition & Culture Educator |
Where Lands End and Woods Begin
B.Land and Woods ? The land is often inhabited by people, and the woods are ‘owned’ by animals and won’t tolerate the ‘infringements’
C.The “stretch” The interests clash, humans have been increasing on the planet and their needs have multiplied, thus encroaching
D.Animals are “forced out” Animals have been left without their needs due to the stretch of the humans, and forests “thinning” . New concrete jungles are coming up
E.‘Conflict’ Between people and animals is on the increase as ‘interests’ clash
The Wild Be Allowed To Rule
1.Tigers Tigers that are localized attack humans as these have been short of food. People move with masks put on their faces. Cattle are also potential victims.
2.Elephants Sugar cane and other edible vegetable crops are big pull for elephants. These venture out.
3.Wild boar These come out of the forests at the crops’ harvesting time and eat while damaging the crops. Ripened and ready crop gets damaged
4.Fencing Whether fencing helps is one questions, whether the animal’s rightful place is taken by humans?