“Landowners Unite” Says Vic Furman in Plea for Support to Fight Cuomo

“Landowners Unite” Says Vic Furman in Plea for Support to Fight Cuomo

Vic Furman is asking that landowners unite in support for Landowner Advocates of New York to challenge Gov. Cuomo on his taking of their mineral rights.

Landowners Unite!

Friends, fellow Landowners in the State of New York, including the Upper Delaware River Basin and all supporters of land rights who oppose the theft of our mineral rights by Governor Cuomo; our day in court could happen but getting to court is up to us.

I am Victor Furman, President of Landowner Advocates of New York (LANY) and I ask all landowners unite with me in a quest for justice.

It is possible, thanks to a decision of the Supreme Court of the Unites States or “SCOTUS,” that it is now within our power to seek compensation against the government of New York in Federal Court, for a takings claim against the state. New York State denied our rights to lease our land to access natural gas. This is a new and huge development for all gas coalitions in New York. It could allow us to bypass state court for the first time.

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