Landlord Mandatory Electrical Safety Inspections
New legislation affecting landlords has come into force this month and at Diamond Services we are on hand to help ensure you remain compliant. It is now mandatory for private landlords to ensure they have a valid Electrical Condition Installation Report (ECIR) for their properties.
Private landlords are now required to have an electrical testing and inspection carried out before a new tenancy commences from 1st July, and for all existing tenanted properties, by 1st April 2021. After this inspection, landlords must arrange for testing of their electrical installations every five years.
This new legal requirement is to ensure that all electrical safety standards are met and covers four core areas. To identify any potential fire hazards or electrical shock risks, to find any defective electrical workmanship, to detect lack of earthing or bonding, and to pinpoint any overloading of electrical circuits or equipment.
Following the ECIR, where a fully documented report will be provided, landlords must submit a copy to their tenant and, on request, to the local authority, and also any new or prospective tenants who wish to view it.
Working with many landlords across Norwich and Norfolk to provide this vital service, our fully qualified electrical engineers will determine if the system is satisfactory for continued service. Our report provides a full summary of the condition of electrics and whether it complies to current British Standards (BS 7671). We also make recommendations on necessary or beneficial improvements for safety and efficiency. The certificate contains classification codes that will determine the priority and degree of severity in any defects found and we work with you to rectify any urgent remedial work required.
Diamond Services is part of the Diamond Controls Group and holds many industry accreditations including approved NIC EIC contractor status, and two ISO awards. To find out more about the new legislation please read the government's guidance here.
To book in your ECIR please give Diamond Services a call on 01603 745000.