Landlord Long Gone
For the last few years there has been a conscious effort to stop using the term landlord.
There are arguments made by some people that the term “landlord” carries with it connotations of power and ownership that can be seen as oppressive and unjust.
Who are the owners?
Most homeowners who enter the rental industry do so because they are moving to a different type of home, location or as an investment alternative. Most of our homeowners are situational. Meaning they fell into it. They are kids who inherited their family home, military service members who deployed or got re-stationed outside of California. We represent owners who worked hard, saved their money, and bought a starter condo. They are renting it out until they downsize and maybe move back in. These owners kept their home instead of selling to give someone else the opportunity to live here who can’t afford to buy. That should be celebrated not regulated.
Some people suggest changing the name to something that is more neutral or less loaded, such as “property manager” or “housing provider”. This could help to change often false perceptions of landlords as powerful figures who are only focused on profit. Instead present them as service providers who are responsible for delivering safe housing to their tenants. The people we know and work with are dedicated to being fair to both the homeowner and the tenant. Property Managers are those who work tirelessly every day to serve and protect the rental housing industry. The term “landlord” should stay back in medieval times. Property Managers do not view ourselves as landlords. We are housing providers.
There is bad
Don’t get us wrong, there are bad actors. But they are few and far between. We do better when we know better. Property Managers are often highly and routinely educated and involved in the industry. Invest in owners wanting a property manager to represent them. To manage the home fairly. That will go a lot further in solving the housing crisis.