Roslyn Ellerbee
2024 Enterprising Woman of the Year ★ Logistics & Business Development Expert ★ Empowering Entrepreneurs to Succeed ★ History-Making Entrepreneur ★ Mentor & Innovator ? Certified WBE ? MBE ? Tuck Capstone Graduate
One of the most important marketing tools is a Landing page. It has evolved over time to be the backbone of marketing: especially online marketing. Given the benefits accruable from marketing in and of its strategies, it is imperative to know what landing pages are. What they entail and the best ways to have one. In simple and concise terms, landing pages are not the general page of any website or blog: they are the targeted and clickable pages for viewers or visitors to make them land on a page, targets at driving public views, traffics or awareness to one’s products. Thus, for any click, you get something in return; traffic!. They are designed particularly to drive visitors to actions. In other words, it is a result-oriented strategy, directed to market a product, service or event.
Many of the extraordinarily large “Login”, “clock” or “sign up” buttons we see on a webpage are designed to lead us to landing pages. They are normally found with a click-to-get contact form and promotional texts along them.
Therefore, for business owners, virtual assistants or bloggers, who have different PPC (pay per click) posters, or campaign ads, the question is how best to design a landing page? If directed, where are your traffic directed to? And for others, who might be thinking of investing on landing pages, just redirecting people to your homepage won’t do the work but if done properly, a well-designed landing page will surely give 100% ROI. As marketing strategies, they are designed to convince visitors to be part of something or to buy a particular product. Additionally, they are considered to be the perfect medium of getting personal information like phone number, address, name, and physical location. This, business owners benefit from this as they don’t only sell their products but also stand to get valuable information from the public, thereby increasing their customer’s database. For those reasons, landing pages must be professionally design. Let’s move on!
What does a landing page entail?
On the whole, the contents of landing page differ from one to the other, depends on what and who they are targeted at. Landing pages have to be brief, simple, and straightforward. It has to be explanatory as to what you expect the visitors to do. Are they going to serve as referrals, recommending your products, or better still, buy from you? Do you want them to join a campaign? Or to sign up for a newsletter? Once the action has been decided, it should and must only focus on that.
Also, your landing pages should be consistent with the products or services you render. You wouldn’t risk confusing your visitors. Would you?
To sum it up, below is a list of what must be taken into consideration in designing landing pages:
- It must be simple and the key points highlighted so as to make it easy for visitors what is/are expected of them. Displaying URL seems to work great.
- Unique and outstanding search items or URL must be used. This will enhance quick interaction with your viewers
- Unique campaign ads or names should be used. Catchy campaign names are easy to remember than difficult ones.
- For efficient feedback mechanisms, your landing page must have various feedback options. Live chat/ telephone/shar buttons are some of those options.
As important as Landing pages are, results are guaranteed once they used wisely. Hire a virtual assistant today to help build your landing pages.
Are you looking for results?
We invite you to a complimentary Business Success Session, where we can go over the needs of your business and show you ways to increase your lists by using landing pages, sales funnels and opt in's. Hire use to design and set everything up for you and give you the desired results for your business and launch your new product/program.
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