The Landing Page Copywriting System

The Landing Page Copywriting System

Learn the exact structure, language, copywriting tactics, and sales strategy of the best-performing Landing Pages in the industry.

Recap from the latest Issue.

So far we have gone through:

  1. The Irresistible Offer Framework (Part 1 to 3):
  2. A step-by-step guide to creating irresistible offers, boost your sales and generate more revenue.
  3. The Perfect Headline Framework
  4. How to use pain points, numbers, copywriting tactics, and power words to trigger engagement and action from your audience.

With the first framework, you learn how to position your product in the marketplace, how to increase value, and create an offer so good that people feel stupid no.

The next natural problem that you encounter is grabbing the attention of your audience.

It doesn't matter how good is your product/service if no one knows about it.

That is why I developed The Perfect Headline Framework.

With this system, you learn how to grab your potential customer attention and forced them into your world.


What do you do once you grab the attention of someone?

How do you explain to them what you offer?

You can't just grab someone's attention and throw your offer in their face.

Trust me, is not gonna work.

And it is not because your product is not good or your offer was not irrestible enough.

You need to build trust and report with your potential customers.

In a few words…

You need to guide them through a process and help them to decide.

You need to show them — That THIS is the right decision.

This article will show you how to properly position your offer and create the first and most important sales asset of your business: Your Website

With this framework, you will be able to:

  • How to present a product or service in a manner that compels potential customers to buy.
  • The importance of effective presentation on a landing page
  • How to write copy, targeted specifically for your audience, addressing their Pains, Fears, and Desires.
  • How to structure your landing page in a way that removes distractions and strategically leads prospects toward conversion.

Now that being said let’s dive into (Landing Page Copywriting System)

Warning:?This is a very long framework, I recommend sitting down, getting rid of all distractions, and fully focusing on understanding the key principles of what makes a good landing page.

This is all you need to know about landing pages - the ultimate resource!

Im giving all of this information for free…

So you don't need to pay thousands of dollars for coaching, courses, or digital products.


This article is not about how to get the best-looking page or how to design your website.

This article is completely focused on product presentation, offer positioning, and copywriting.

The most important thing on your landing page or sales page is the presentation of your product.

What I see way too often is business owners sitting around and focusing on unimportant things, and just procrastinating from going out into the marketplace and getting paying clients.

If you have a really good logo, that is not going to flood your business with clients.

Instead, what you need is a really well-made, fully informed, long landing page that clearly articulates who you serve and how you serve them.

The goal of the Landing Page is to send traffic through it, to end in conversion.

The Landing is one of the most important aspects of your Sales Funnel.

The goal is to remove any distractions…

And guide your prospects through the website in a strategic way.

If you already have an existing multi-page website…

You will be able to optimize your whole website in order to achieve this goal.

All you really need is a captivating message and a well-designed landing page that speak directly to your target audience.

Section 1: Headlines

  1. Call Out Your Audience.

As obvious as this sounds, I don't see anyone actually doing It.

  • “Attention Business Owners”
  • “Attention Financial Planners”
  • “Attention New Yorkers that want to lose weight”

By calling out for what this is for, you'll attract your ideal customers—the ones most likely to buy from you.

Just by doing this, everything that follows becomes more customized as a result.

  1. Demand their Attention with a Big Promise Headline.

This Headline needs to grab a busy reader by the throat and drag them into your sales copy.

You want to lead with a big promise that they are looking for.



“Finally a way to lose weight without spending hours exercising” (Addressing the struggle)

Then you want to follow with a subheadline that backs up that claim.


“ Researchers have just discovered this fat-burning technique.”

Your Headline will be read 5 times more?than any other piece of copy.

Do not underestimate the importance of this.

If you want to learn how to develop headlines tailored specifically for your target market.

I developed an easy step-by-step process you can follow.

Click here to learn more:

The Perfect Headline Framework

After you have your big grabbing attention claim headline and your subheadline that reaffirms and supports that headline, now is the time to incorporate the intrigue in the equation.

  1. Create an Irresistible Intrigue.

On a landing page, every single line of copy asks for the reader's permission to read the next line.

This is called the Pre-frame Concept.

You need to lay down the path you want the customer to follow so he doesn’t get distracted or escape to another page.

You can't sell someone on your service if they don’t read your sales message.

Basically, when you are writing your headlines you will have multiple variations.

I recommend having around 10 to 20 different variations of those headlines.

Once you choose your winner…

You can use the remaining headlines to develop an?Irresistible Bullet Copy.

Bullet Copy is just a series of bullet points that increases the intrigue of what they are going to learn.

It's like a sneak peek or little nuggets of information, giving your reader a taste of what's to come.


“Little Known Secrets to achieve X that you don't Know. “

  • This is not W
  • 4 steps to Y
  • Learn how to Z

Section 2 Prospects Psychology

  1. Identify The Problem.

After the Headline and the SubHeadline, the problem is the most important copy on the page.

This section illustrates to the reader that you understand exactly what they are experiencing.

Something really powerful happens when you can describe and articulate your customers' problems better than they can.

You need to show them that they can't stay the same any longer.

Some entrepreneurs are against making negative copies.

They only want to be positive.

Unfortunately, this is not how it works.

The reason why, is that?people are more motivated to avoid pain than to gain pleasure.

Having a Negative copy produces 3 things:

  1. It agitates the problem, pours salt in the wound, and magnifies the size of the issue.
  2. Gets them motivated to take action.
  3. Illustrates that you understand their struggle better than they do themselves.

At the end of the day, comfort is the enemy of change.

Explain in vivid detail the problem to your prospect, ultimately qualifies you that you are the proven expert and the go-to authority.

For example:

For a client that is looking to generate more leads…

What are the main pain points that they experience?

Well, most businesses rely on referrals.

They don't have a proven system to generate high-quality leads and then convert them into clients.

Here's how to agitate the problem:

  • Do you wake up in the morning to look at an inbox of 1 or 2 unqualified leads?
  • Do you worry about where your next clients are going to come from?
  • Do you spend your weekend worrying about work when you can't switch and enjoy your free time with your loved ones?
  • Do you never see the results of your hard work?

By applying this concept to your landing page…

You will be agitating the problem so much that they will expect a solution from you afterward.

That brings us to the next section.

Section 3 Product & Business Presentation

5. Provide the Solution.

Now that we spend time agitating them, now it's time to introduce our solution - the magic medicine that stops all their worries and pains.

Imagine a business looking for more leads; we can say something like:

“We have a proven roadmap and system that makes clients come to you when they are ready, willing, and able. We make them desperately knock down your door to do business with you.”

"The best part? You won't be chasing after them; instead, you'll position yourself in a way that they'll be lining up to do business with you."

That's what this part is all about - presenting the magic pill solution after we've really gotten them feeling the problem, so they can go from being concerned to feeling relieved.

Now that we've got their attention, magnified their problem, and presented the solution, it's time to show our credentials.

6. Show Credentials.

At this stage, we've already stirred up their problem and presented the solution.

Now, it's natural for skepticism to kick in.

They start questioning if what they see is safe and legit.

Let's face it - people have probably tried services like yours before and ended up unsatisfied with the results.

Chances are, you're not the first they've come across.

That's why it's crucial to show that you're different and that you're the perfect solution they've been waiting for.

Credentials serve as proof that choosing you over someone else is a smart decision.

Credentials you can use:

Without Clients:

Even if you have no customers you can also use yourself as the testimonial.

You can share a story of how this product/service helped you to solve the problem.

With Clients:

You can use successful case studies from previous or former clients, showing the transformation that those clients experienced after using your offer.

You can show things like:

  1. Logos from prestigious companies
  2. Partners you have worked with.
  3. How many clients you have served.
  4. Results based on metrics and data.
  5. Any awards, recognitions, or certifications.
  6. Have you been featured on blogs, podcasts, events, videos,?news, etc?

Anything that boosts your social proof will work in this section.

Whatever credentials you have, put them into use.

7. Detail the Benefits.

“Features tell and benefits sell.”

You don't want to be focusing too much attention on explaining all the little features that your service has, but more on the benefits and the outcome that those features will bring.

What is the end outcome if they choose to work with you?

Is he gonna be stronger, faster, sexier, better, richer, healthier?

Make sure to make this section super clear to your prospect.

They need to know exactly what they are going to get by working with you.

8. Social Proof.

This is where you go a step further into showing your credentials.

If you don't have testimonials, reviews, or clients at this stage, feel free to look for statistics, claims, and quotes from authorities from your space.

Use the credibility and authority of another source to illustrate that the problem you're trying to solve is a serious one in the marketplace.

Any element of social proof works.

It could be:

  • Badges
  • Generalized Case studies
  • Quotes from important people
  • Statistics and Graphs
  • Etc

Section 4 The Offer.

9. Make your Offer Irresistible.

This is where 90% of businesses get it wrong.

They don't have an irresistible offer.

You want to make it so good that people feel stupid saying no.

Creating offers is a very extensive topic.

Fortunately, I already developed a step-by-step process you can follow:

Click here to learn more:?The Irrestible Offer Framework (Part 1)

10. The Offer Boosters.

Think of anything that you can add on top of that core offer.

Imagine that person just on the edge of buying…

And then you throw him even more reasons why to buy.

It's like giving that extra push, that extra reason, that extra service that finally breaks any doubt about buying.

To learn how to use the offer bonus click here:?

The Irrestible Offer Framework (Part 2)

11. Stack The Value.

Gather all the fantastic benefits, the irresistible offer, and special bonuses you've created.

Showcase them like an invoice, indicating which ones are included for free or at a discount, bundling them up as a package.

The idea is that the prospect realizes that they will save significantly compared to getting these services separately in the marketplace.

List every service with its price, then reveal the final amazing price they'll pay today.

Summarize everything in this section, consolidating all the fantastic points we've discussed throughout the page.

12. Reveal the Price

This step goes hand in hand with the previous section.

Now, recall the final price to the customer.

Make sure the value exceeds the price.

Your prospects will estimate a certain amount, and when you reveal the price, it'll be way less than they expected.

For example:

"You'll get all of this, which usually costs this much, but today, you won't pay any of that. Instead, here's the price you're paying."

Don't forget to schedule a free consultation (with a price tag beside it).

In service-based businesses, getting prospects on a phone or Zoom call is crucial for selling.

Remember, the other goal of all this is to pitch the first part of the sale with the landing page.

So when you get on the call with them, they already know what they're getting, why, how, and when.

13. Inject Scarcity & Urgency

Scarcity & Urgency are proven techniques to get people to act, when things are limited, that is when people really are going to take action.

To learn how to use this framework, click here:

The Irrestible Offer Framework (Part 2)

14. Give a Powerful Guarantee

A good guarantee removes the resistance from the customer’s mind before purchasing and gives peace of mind.

To learn how to use and develop guarantees click here:

The Irrestible Offer Framework (Part 3)

Section 5 The Close.

15. Call To Action.

This part is incredibly important, so you definitely don't want to mess it up.

Instead of asking them to take action, you need to confidently tell them what to do next.

For instance, say something like,?“Go ahead and book your 60-minute free consultation, and I'll be in touch shortly.”

Make it bold and assertive.

Include your call to action multiple times throughout the website.

Remember, don't ask; tell them what to do.

Assume the close and lead them to the next step with confidence.

16. The Warning.

A warning is powerful because after you've made your call to action, your prospect will likely sit there, pondering everything they've just read.

This is the moment when they make their decision.

Now, it's essential to warn them about the consequences of not taking action.

Throughout this process, always position yourself on the side of the customer, expressing that you'll be happy with whatever decision they make.

However, remind them of what could happen if they say no.

Show them the two scenarios of their decision, almost like delivering the finishing blow before they finalize their choice - ending with a powerful warning.

17. Close with a Reminder.

This is the third most readed part of your funnel, this is where you grab everything on the landing page and concentrate it on a single paragraph in order to remind again everything they went through.

You will structure this paragraph in the same manner as the whole landing page — closing with the warning we discussed above.

Ultimate Action List

Now that you know exactly the essential components that you need to develop a high-converting landing page

Here is a quick action list you can use every time you are building websites:

Landing Page Structure:

Section 1: Headlines

  1. Call Out Your Audience
  2. Demand Their Attention with a Big Promise
  3. Create an Irresistible Intrigue

Section 2:?Prospects Psychology

  1. Identify The Problem

Section 3: Product and Business Presentation

  1. Provide the Solution
  2. Show Credentials
  3. Detail the Benefits
  4. Social Proof

Section 4: The Offer

  1. Make your Offer Irresistible
  2. Offer Boosters
  3. Stack the Value
  4. Reveal the Price
  5. Inject Scarcity & Urgency
  6. Give a Powerful Guarantee

Section 5: The Close

  1. The Call to Action
  2. The Warning
  3. Close with a Reminder

There you have it, the Landing Page Copywriting System.

I hope you found these helpful.

Take some time this Monday to begin implementing what I've shared here today, and then?hit me up on?Linkedin?in a few weeks with an update.

Let’s build together!

Sebastian Morino

P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1: Build your clarity, systems, and growth with?1:1 consultations here.

2:?Follow me on Twitter,?LinkedIn,?and?Threads?for more operating systems, marketing tips, sales funnels, and automation systems.

If you find this helpful, and you think It can help someone else…

Share this post with another entrepreneur!

See you again next week!

Sebastian Morino

Founder & CEO of Wealth Scaling I Helping entrepenuers grow their businesses with Sales Funnels & Proven Systems.

1 年

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