Land grab drive against the remaining 200 White Zimbabweans by Mugabe and his ministers; racist and unconstitutional.
While the nation and its people are wilting under poverty and extreme hunger, at least one Mugabe Senior Cabinet Minister has amassed no less than 19 farms for himself to include members of his immediate family. Any government that come to power or takes over after the fall of the Mugabe regime, MUST carry-out a land audit and repossess all idle land by force from political elites owning multiple farms. Before such a move, it should be made criminal for anyone who will be found to own more than one farm and the law should prosecute all those found guilty severely for reducing the country to a beggar state from the time they illegally took possession of those farms, especially from White Zimbabweans who were ruthlessly kicked out of their land. Mugabe’s recent announcement at a youth rally in Masvingo that the remaining 200 Whites owning farms in Zimbabwe, should be condemned unequivocally and in the harshest language as racist and unacceptable and the United Nations should intervene to save these poor fellows from a man well-known to be brutal and blood thirsty before we witness another senseless killing of the innocent White farm owners and their thousands of Black employees in a country whose unemployment rate ranks more than 90%.