Laiela Dorasamy - What Is Love?
Grant Adlam
As an influencer, my team and I create or co-create content to support brands, endorse products and services, with the goal of boosting brand awareness and driving sales.
Ahavah means to love and to give, which is exactly what we do, and what we love to help our clients to do, by sourcing the most relevant,impactful and outstanding gifts and promotional items, according to their specific requirements. So that is the giving part covered! What about the love?
With February being Valentine's month, we are surrounded by hearts and flowers almost everywhere we turn, it's the month of Love! And, of course we love our clients, and want to develop those relationships by showering them with gifts and warm wishes, and that is wonderful. The world needs love, and perhaps we need to look at spreading love more frequently and in a more sustainable way.
Love is... this statement can be completed with innumerable endings. Love is an adjective, a noun and a verb. The word Ahavah, is defined as Love in the sense of a verb. It speaks of action, of showing, acting on and making an effort to do.
When a group of fifteen people were tasked with completing the sentence "Love is..." the fact that no two answers were the same, and were actually vastly different, prompted for the first time in my mind, the realisation that Love is what each of us need, on a personal level. This awakening developed as I have spent time involved with two amazing charity organisations over the years, both of which spread love in different ways, meeting very specific needs.
The Robin Hood Foundation is a name that would most likely be very familiar to most, as they are very active in the Durban area. Running various initiatives that care for a wide spectrum of needs, from their "Love the Babies" campaign, all the way through to their heartwarming "Bless a Granny & Grandpa" initiatives (and many others in between). The Robin Hood Foundation's carefully structured programmes, meet a vast array of needs, spreading a massive amount of love in every life they touch.
Sinosizo Siyaphambili is another inspiring organisation that I am privileged to be involved in, catering to a very specific need in our society. Their programmes are focused on assisting vulnerable children and youth, caring for them daily, helping them to meet their physical, emotional and educational needs, and realise their goals. This is done through four project sites in eThekwini and KwaDukuza municipalities which offer services to children by way of Early Childhood Development programmes (ECD), after school care services, reading clubs, kids clubs, camps and holiday programmes. Youth services include youth clubs, mentoring, personal development and leadership workshops, youth camps, career guidance activities and skills training opportunities.
I have personally seen the impact of these various initiatives in the recipients, and the realisation that, beyond the physical and material needs, there is a hunger to be acknowledged, embraced and simply loved. In fulfilling this, there is a light that is sparked within these individuals, a light of hope. I say all of this with one key message, BE THE CHANGE, SPREAD THE LOVE. Let's stop waiting for someone else to do something. If each of us go out and impact a life, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem, we will contribute to a far greater change than we can imagine. The famous quote by Lily Tomlin comes to mind: "I always wondered why somebody didn't do something about that, then I realised I am somebody"
The greatest part about sharing love, is that the returns are priceless. It fills a part of our souls that simply cannot be filled by anything else in this world. As humans, we are created to love, and be loved in return, which is explained so simply in the way that a smile can make someone's day, a sincere compliment alter a person's self-esteem and an embrace can warm a heart.
With all the money and possessions in the world, isn't it ironic that what is most needed, is completely free, yet seemingly so difficult to obtain, the pure and sincere act of Love.
C: 0722980148