Laid Off? 5 Things to Do to Own Your Future

Laid Off? 5 Things to Do to Own Your Future

Original article posted by Bethany Mascena Tracy .

During an economic downturn, many companies turn to their most precious resource – their people – and start reducing headcount for a quick boost to their bottom line. This leaves talented, laid-off employees wondering, “What’s next?”

Throughout my career, I’ve asked myself many times, “What’s next?” Whether we start to ponder our next step because of an unexpected layoff or an intentional life shift, here are five things we can do to own our future:

  1. Take a Breath.?Walking out of a meeting with a former employer, I immediately had new business cards printed to start my job search. At a business breakfast the next morning, I handed out cards under “My Own Company, Inc.” I didn’t miss a beat. But I also didn’t take a breath. I hadn’t stopped to figure out what I wanted to do next. Here’s what I now know I should’ve done:?Breathe In. Breath Out.?According to the American Institute of Stress, “Deep breathing increases the supply of oxygen to your brain… which promotes a state of calmness. Breathing techniques help you feel connected to your body – it brings your awareness away from the worries in your head and quiets your mind.” Without a quiet, calm mind, it’s difficult to think clearly, which is necessary for anyone looking to own their future after a life-changing event.
  2. Reframe Your Thinking.?How is this situation a gift? I had to ask myself this question when I wasn’t promoted to a role that I believed I deserved. Being passed over for a promotion or being laid off can often feel the same. Disappointment. Failure. All the emotions. By reframing the situation, we take the negative and find the positive. By reframing my thinking, I turned that time in my life into one of the most memorable with my family and friends. Instead of that promotion, I was able to take 12 vacations that year traveling to Alaska, Costa Rica, Cape Cod, Florida, and many places in between. Somehow that other job didn’t feel as good as my toes in the sand.
  3. Find What Gets You Excited.?A business coach once asked, “Is this a hobby or a business?” I excitedly answered, “a business.” To which she replied, “Then let’s figure out how to make money doing what you love.” What do?you?love? Whether it’s cooking or coaching, writing or working with people, figure out what gets you excited and then figure out how to make money doing it. In other words, start with your why, then find the how.
  4. Be Humble.??Ego can stop us from doing work that we really enjoy and that really matters. Humility may seem like the opposite of what we need right now.?Don’t we need to be confident? Walk into that job interview with swagger??Humility, when practiced regularly, reminds us that we are no more important than anyone else. But here’s the key: Humility also reminds us that we are no?less?important, either. Humility allows us to respect the space between where we are today and where we want to be.
  5. Look for Growth Opportunities.?If COVID-19 lockdowns taught us anything about business, it’s that there is opportunity if we just look for it. Seek business opportunities that match your skill set. Sales or marketing professionals could launch an?N2 Company magazine. Great cooks may start a meal delivery business. A teacher might decide to dive into online teaching. The opportunities are everywhere… if we look.?

Eight years ago, my business partner decided to leave the business we built for a full-time job opportunity. Without a realistic plan for me to run the business without her expertise, I was left to ask myself…“What’s next?” I took a breath, determined I could reframe my thinking about what this meant to my job prospects, started to get excited about a business opportunity to start a?Stroll magazine?in my community, humbled myself to learn the blueprint to launch a magazine, and saw the unlimited income and growth potential offered by?The N2 Company. Today, I own my future…and you can too.

Written by Bethany Mascena Tracy, Director of Recruitment, The N2 Company


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