Lady Gaga the spirit that is Stephanie

Lady Gaga the spirit that is Stephanie

Lady G conducted a interesting interview, that connects spiritual and spirit of business into one. Before we get into what she said in her own words lets get some context, she spoke of channeling which means a passage way,or means of access for a thing, communication or idea. She stated that she went through a period where she hated being considered a star, she felt used up and had given up. She felt this emotion not outside herself but inside, the entity spirit of Lady Gaga had essentially erased Stephanie and her thinking was her biggest enemy was LG everything had become about LG, asking why was she dressing the way she does. She talked about how she cut herself in an attempt to show people she was hurting inside and if they could see it they would help, she spoke of a sexual assualt at age 19 that she didn't talk about, and about she didn't feel she knew why she should be alive outside of family she considered dying. And how she feels she is simply an object. I'm shortening the interview responses for space but in wrapping up she stated this, I don't need LG any more I found a way to love myself Stephanie found a channel that lets her speak a channel that's mine. (The spirit of business is the psychology of using the spirit to face and solve challenges in difficult times) I used this to show she has a new book Hope Kind Love Channel Kindness. She uses two spirit principles of business Calculated Risk and Execution.


