Ladies, We Are Doing it the Hard Way!
Kyle Elizabeth Wood by Wayne Wood

Ladies, We Are Doing it the Hard Way!

Women Often Think In a Circle/Loop. Around and around we often worry if we checked all the factors, asked every source from gal pals to Mom and back again. STOP It! I'll tell you how.

BEST Business dealings are Usually in the masculine straight line of PROBLEM.......SOLUTION.

That is how Tillie Lewis thought. She didn't understand why other women weren't racing her to the top of the corporate ladder in 1919. Why were gals her age NOT making 4 to 5 times more $$ than the men like she was?

Tillie thought if you are POOR (like she was) become WEALTHY (as she was quickly becoming.) YES! As simple as that unbending mind-set.

I want THAT...I get it by doing THIS.

There was a commercial for ENJOLI, in the 1980's, that featured a gorgeous model and the music, "I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan and never let you forget you're a man, cause I'm a wo...MAN." Truly an exhausting idea thought of by male executives but many women tried to do it all. Corporate Countess by day: Martha Stewart at home with Victoria's Secret in the wee hours. Bodies burn out...we CAN do it ALL. Just not all at once.

Tenements to Tomato Queen is the Lesson I am Sharing Monday November 27- Wednesday November 28th in Stockton and Lodi, California about how Tillie Lewis did it ALL, at least ALL her way. Astonishing accomplishments, but she prioritized. I'll tell you how.

Tenements to Tomato Queen

Monday:Nov. 27th 3:30- 5:30: O'Conner Woods, Stockton

Tuesday: Nov. 28th 3:30- 5:30 Janet Leigh Theatre at University of Pacific, Stockton

Wednesday: Nov. 29th 3:30- 5:30 1st Methodist Church, Lodi.

Leaving Monterey, and my husband, for a week is not on my list of favorite things. Teaching history to motivate people toward success today from methodologies of the past IS on my favorites list.

Terrible things happened from 1896 - 1977, Tillie Lewis's lifetime. She looked at everything as PROBLEM...SOLUTION.

Tillie made 2 World Wars, Stock Market Crash, Korean Conflict, Arrests and Investigation by J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI WORK for her. She made more $$ every time history threw something horrible at her and the world. She didn't take it personally. She determined to find a way to help herself and her fellow man...

Terrible home life... Get OUT to a terrific home life. How? I'll tell you.

Fail at Small Business...What Do YOU Need to Do to Succeed?

What do people actually NEED? ...Provide it.

Better Opportunity Presents Itself...Take it.

That is what Tillie Lewis did. Hope to see you soon. ~ Kyle Elizabeth Wood


Brett L. Schroder

President at NexGen Consultancy, Inc.

6 年

Excellent Kyle!


