Ladies, have you ever visualised how your dream retirement could look like?
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As the saying goes "the early bird always catches the worm" the same applies to starting early in investing in your pension fund; the earlier you begin the better.
One of the best solution towards achieving your dream retirement is to start investing towards your retirement early.
We all know that saving for retirement especially for women has always been difficult and unpredictable.
This is the main reason why Fea Money?prevails - to assist women in future investments?from a realistic viewpoint?.we?desire everyone including men and women?to be able to plan for their financial future in a way that they see fit.
We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to an informal evening of apèro, coffee networking and lots of discussion on women, money and how you can invest towards your 3rd pillar pension plan.
Thursday, October 27, 2022
6:00 PM – 7.30 PM CEST
Our speakers will be:
Incase you would prefer a personal and private advice towards your pension planing, Cynthia and Angelyne would be happy to meet you.
You can kindly book your meeting via the email address below.
Registration via the link below
Thank you
Fea Money Team