The lack of training for teachers in 
the use of new technologies: 
Why is our education system so slow?

The lack of training for teachers in the use of new technologies: Why is our education system so slow?

We live in the digital era. The way we live, interact, entertain, and educate each other has been managed primarily online for the past two years. This trend is likely to increase and become the norm in many societies. This brings unique technological opportunities and challenges.

The major shift we've made has affected the education system that once depended on fully analogue teaching methods. Online learning and technology in classrooms have become popularised and shown educators that they need to upgrade their skills to keep up with the times.

Though so many new technological advancements have swept the world over the past few years, the rate at which educators are learning to use tech is not at the same pace. Things are quickly changing, and it's becoming increasingly important for people to find ways to adapt technology to their teaching methods.

In this article, we'll explore the lack of training that teachers have in using technology in their classrooms and their lack of adaptation that could affect their ability to make the most of these new technological opportunities.

The cost implications of new technology

Adapting to technology means reviewing all the equipment already in place. New technologies require an investment that many schools cannot afford. However, there will be a return on investment in installing new technologies.

Pupils will be more successful; their intention will be better captured, results and motivation will be optimised. Thanks to new technologies, let's not forget that it is easier to integrate pupils with disabilities so that schools will be more inclusive.

One of the things we can notice is the lack of Internet access even today. Many schools do not have the network infrastructure to support educational technology. According to the Sprint Business survey, more than 16% of teachers say that their school department does not provide regular Internet access for students. The lack of connection is a significant barrier to adopting these new technologies. As we have seen during this pandemic, institutions need to plan for this kind of event and digitalise courses to anticipate better and adapt.

Teachers’ hesitation to use new technologies

According to this study, many teachers are hesitant to incorporate new technologies into their classrooms. This could be for a myriad of reasons. When a teacher has spent decades of their career successfully training their students and sharing valuable information without the use of technology, then they may not feel the need to change their strategies.

There is also a reluctance to use new technologies among teachers. Lack of information and training remains a significant problem. Technical knowledge is needed to make the best use of new technologies, and some teachers who are not comfortable with them refuse to change their way of working.

How Studeo fits perfectly into education with new technology


Students can learn and complete online education courses within their time frame compared to traditional learning. They can learn through their own devices at any time and anywhere.

Studeo adapts to the new generations and provides all the programs in a digitalised way; they use mathematics and new technology in their daily lives. It answers all the topics we talked about in the first part. Retention rates are higher with online learning.

This continually re-exposes you to information at spaced intervals helps your brain build memories that have high levels of storage strength, which help the improvement during your daily life. Studeo helps develop intellectual potential, succeed in school and improve math skills.




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