The Lack of Timely, Proactive, Thoughtful, and Effective Bio Attack Protective Measures Taken by Politicians and Other Leaders Could Destroy America a
Hon. John Norris JD, MBA
FDA Former #2; 20x Board Member; Executive Chair Safely2Prosperity; formerly managed ~14,000 EEs and ~$6B budget; ~30,000 LinkedIn followers; Former Harvard Life Sci and Mgt Faculty Member; facilitated raising $Billions
The Lack of Timely, Proactive, Thoughtful, and Effective Bio Attack Protective Measures Taken by Politicians and Other Leaders Could Destroy America and Our Allies
By Dr. John Norris
Dr. John Norris is a former FDA COO and Harvard faculty member. He is a successful entrepreneur and expert in risk management for the "spread" of bio attacks. And he has written over 120 articles and posts on this topic's different aspects and perspectives. On behalf of all people everywhere, Dr. Norris and his team have self-funded $1 million and invested over $2 million in sweat equity to create the world’s best infectious disease-spread risk-management platform: VirusVigilant. Their mission is to save up to a million lives by the end of the decade.
In this article, we will explore how and why bio attacks, whether naturally occurring or instigated and used by our enemies, have the potential to cause far more damage than nuclear or chemical (such as mustard gas) attacks and why it is crucial for America to prioritize our national security and defense strategies and resources against this threat. We will delve into the significant vulnerabilities we face and discuss the steps that politicians, government agency heads, and business executives can, and must, take to protect their workforce, families, and investors/taxpayers and mitigate the impact of infectious disease spread on the operations of the national, regional, and local economies and the enterprises that contribute dollars and other resources to them. It's the "spread" that kills millions.
We hope our leaders in the US and worldwide will "see the light" in time to prevent "avoidable" deaths and other serious harm, from physical to mental to psychological to financial, even long term, to millions of people, including children. We have sounded the alarm, have spent a million dollars of our own “self-funded” money, invested over $2 million in sweat equity, and have had our "fingers in the dike" for two years, but it is time for others to help. It will "take a village" to get the early and adequate word out—and create sufficient remedial action on time.
Our (1) most senior politicians, (2) heads of the most significant government government agencies, such as the FDA, CDC, HHS, State, DoD, and DHS, and (3) leaders of our largest businesses, such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Lockheed Martin, are most responsible for helping to create, implement, and convince others to adopt, these life-saving strategies, plans, programs, systems, tools, and other risk-management mechanisms. If they fail here, millions of people worldwide could die or otherwise be significantly harmed, and the US and world economies might collapse. Foundations and their benefactors also have a significant responsibility here. These hold much of the tax-free, and therefore dedicated to serving the public, money in the US.
We are particularly concerned that some foundations have failed to help address the most important short-term needs of the public, such as by using much of their funds to help prepare the US and our allied countries for helping prevent, mitigate, and or control our biggest risk: not surviving a bio attack. Nuclear and chemical attack risks are far smaller, because, as we have described in detail in our earlier articles, they will never be used.
Dr. Norris said: The leaders of some of our tax-free, not-for-profit foundations are particularly derelict here. Many still need to add real value to the world. They spend most, if not all, of their money on egotistical or "fady" projects that will add value to humankind in a decade, if then. At the same time, a bio attack could quickly destroy half the world’s population and economies, starting and ending in a month. In the Middle Ages, because camels and slow supply ships were the vehicle of spread instead of 747s, but hold of the world's population was indeed killed.
When we think of these foundations, we think of "Alice in Wonderland." Only their donors/benefactors and leaders primarily benefit through prestige and recipients' overwhelming thanks or acknowledgments because they fund these less valuable projects with millions of dollars, year after year. Humankind, in truth, is only a second thought, if that. It’s party after party for their leaders.
Let us not forget: In this increasingly interconnected world, the threat of biological attacks has become a looming danger. The potential devastation caused by such attacks cannot be overstated. The lack of timely, proactive, thoughtful, and effective bio attack protective measures taken by politicians and other leaders is a grave concern that has the potential to destroy or otherwise significantly harm not only America but also our allies--and un-pledged countries throughout the world, especially those in Africa and South America..
The critical role that leaders, especially top politicians, play in the world cannot be overstated. Their votes/decisions to invest can represent life or death for thousands, if not millions, of people. Their power, including their authority to outline, set, and enforce laws, orders, regulations, funding, models, and instructions, is what allows their followers to take timely, responsive, and effective actions to establish sufficient “preparedness” for a bio attack. So far, though, the effectiveness and attention of these top politicians has been boldly insufficient.
Dr. Norris said: This is a responsibility that those of us who have been politicians, agency heads, CEOs, COOs, and department heads do not, or should not, take lightly. Our moral, ethical, and legal duty is to exercise our judgment responsibly. And with the knowledge that if we are “reckless” in our actions or inactions, the latter being the hardest to identify, we will be held accountable by society in terms of shame, firing, and financially--and criminally, if our recklessness is severe enough.
Almost everyone wants to lead. It pays better and is a glamorous role. Plus, it feeds the ego. However, only some see or understand the heavy weight of leadership roles. America’s and her allies’ lack of timely, proactive, thoughtful, and effective measures in the case of "bio attack preparedness" is glaring. Things must change. And change soon.
The Specific Role, Authority, and Duties of Politicians and Leaders in Bio Attack Preparedness
Politicians and leaders play a critical role in ensuring the safety and well-being of their countries' populations. Their decisions and actions have far-reaching consequences, particularly when it comes to bio attack preparedness. It is their responsibility to prioritize the funding, development, and full implementation of comprehensive protective measures that can prevent, mitigate, and or control the spread and the overall impact of such attacks.
Dr. Norris said: Politicians and other leaders have ignored or don't understand their vital role, authority, and duties here. If they are again caught "with their pants down," this time, there will "be hell to pay."
Wake up. Do your duty. The time for significant remedial action is now.
The Importance of Timeliness in Bio Attack Protective Measures
One of the most crucial aspects of bio attack preparedness is timeliness. The rapid spread and evolution of infectious diseases make it imperative for politicians and other leaders to act swiftly and decisively both now and adaptively during the evolving local, regional, or national--or even international--crisis created by an attack. Any delay in creating, communicating, and implementing protective measures can have catastrophic consequences, allowing the disease to spread unchecked and causing ever-increasing levels of loss of life or other significant harm to our people or to our allies' people.--as well as other innocent people around the world.
The Need for Proactive Planning and Preparedness
Effective bio attack protective measures require proactive planning and preparedness. This means identifying and anticipating potential threats and having robust protocols in place and fully operational to respond quickly, thoughtfully, and effectively. Leaders must invest significant funds in research, surveillance systems, and infrastructure that can detect and combat biological threats promptly. Proactive measures also include stockpiling essential medical supplies and developing and stockpiling vaccines, tests, and treatments (and means for quickly adapting them for use against new variants or, in some cases, new diseases) in advance to minimize the impact of an attack.
Opportunities to do these things after an attack will be vastly limited.
Thoughtful Consideration of Potential Scenarios
When it comes to bio attack preparedness, leaders must consider a wide range of potential scenarios. They should consider (1) the types of pathogens that in their geographic region could be used in an attack, (2) their transmissibility, (3) their means of transmission (are they airborne, physical-contact-borne, waterborne, insect-borne, food-borne, or a combination thereof, for example), and (4) the potential impact on enterprise, local, regional, national, and international public health.
By thoughtfully considering and adopt various scenarios, leaders can develop and implement--and make fully operational, adaptable, and trainable--comprehensive plans that address the unique challenges posed by different biological agents, which in some bio attacks might include more than one pathogen initially or consecutively.
Effective Communication and Public Awareness
Effective communication, public awareness, and "marketing" campaigns are vital components of bio attack preparedness. But they could take months to create, implement, and adapt. This must be done in advance of an attack. Doing it during a post-attack crisis is far more difficult.
Leaders must ensure that accurate information regarding the risks and protective measures is disseminated to the public in a timely, thoughtful, and effective manner. This not only helps in preventing the spread of panic and pathogens but also encourages individuals to take necessary precautions to protect themselves, their, families, and their enterprises--as well as their communities.
International Collaboration and Coordination
Given the global nature of bio attack threats, international collaboration and coordination are crucial in combating such risks both pre- and post-attack.
Politicians and other leaders must foster strong relationships with international partners and engage in thoughtful and truthful information sharing and joint response efforts. This collaborative approach can help in detecting and responding to bio attacks around the world more effectively, minimizing the potential impact on global health security and defense--and poor healthcare resource utilization.
The Potential Consequences of Inaction
Failure to take action is an action. Every grammar school student knows this. But politicians and other leaders either forget this or pretend to forget this if they do not see risks as they really are or pretend to do so.
The lack of timely, proactive, thoughtful, and effective bio attack protective measures can have devastating consequences. If politicians and leaders fail to prioritize bio attack preparedness now, the consequences can be catastrophic in terms of loss of (1) life, (2) bodily functions, (3) societal disruption, (4) economic damage, and also of great importance, (5) erosion of trust in leadership. Once "trust" is lost, it is hard to regain. Politicians and other leaders who lose the trust of their constituents are almost certain to be replaced, or worse.
Moreover, the failure to take appropriate measures can also compromise ongoing national security and weaken alliances with our allies. No one wants to be allied with leaders who are so incompetent or reckless.
The lack of timely, proactive, thoughtful, and effective bio attack protective measures taken by politicians and other leaders is a grave concern that must be addressed urgently. The potential destruction, or other level of significant harm, of America and our allies due to the negligence of leadership cannot be underestimated. It is imperative for politicians and leaders to prioritize "bio attack preparedness" and take decisive action to prevent, mitigate, and or control the spread and other risks, such as financial harm, posed by such attacks.
Only through proactive planning, effective communication, international collaboration, and thoughtful consideration, for example, of potential scenarios can we adequately protect our nations and ensure the security and well-being of our people. It is time for our leaders to wake up and do their jobs before thousands if not millions, of people, are “avoidably” killed or otherwise significantly harmed. This includes our strongest political and other leaders, but also the leaders of our not-for-profit foundations, who are derelict here. These sets of leaders are the key sources of money needed to initiate the required change.
Do your job in protecting our people. And do it now. The level of responsibility to minimize avoidable deaths and harm is enormous. Be responsible. The only way to do this is to help prepare our people now. After a bio attack, which is inevitable, many people will already have avoidably been killed or otherwise significantly harmed before appropriate responses can be built and executed. Without preparedness now, we are doomed.
Doing this correctly will be especially difficult in a crisis. Prepare now. When an attack occurs, don't find yourself in a position where you regret not doing more. We saw what happened when one hundred people were avoidably killed in the recent Hawaiian fire. The lives of their families—and the families of the failed leaders—were significantly damaged, if not permanently destroyed.
A Public Service Announcement by Safely2Prosperity and Its Executive Chairman, Dr. John Norris
We are pleased to cover this well-hidden story of bio attack reckless unpreparedness as a public service for the sake of our readers and all the people of the US and the world. We aim to have informed, educated, and committed leaders in the US and worldwide at all levels of society. We hope they buy our solution because it is the best. But if not, they must purchase "a" solution. Three alternative solutions are almost as good as S2P's VirusVigilant.
Safely2Prosperity (S2P) provides a "comprehensive infectious-disease spread risk-management solution," VirusVigilant, for politicians, business executives, government-agency heads, and other nation leaders to protect their employees, families, investors/taxpayers, and others. S2P's VirusVigilant "Infectious Disease Safety Program" (like a now ubiquitous Fire Safety Program but much more sophisticated and complex) combines a SaaS platform with customized risk management tools for overseeing add-on packages of vaccinations, testing, therapeutics, isolation (if infected), quarantining (if exposed), and tracking technologies, among many others, for up to 24 infectious diseases and their significant variants.
These tools help these leaders meet their moral, ethical, and legal responsibilities while protecting and enhancing workforce, family, and investor/taxpayer safety and productivity. Thereby, VirusVigilant helps assure (it's not "insurance," but "assurance," for leaders, so "they can sleep at night,") at 1,000 times less the cost (Yes, 1,000 times less) than health insurance, (1) business continuity, (2) revenue, (3) profits, (4) investor and insurer financial protection, and (5) the overall effectiveness and survival of the enterprise and its workers, families, and investors/taxpayers. With a focus on proactive measures, S2P offers a cost-effective, low-cost (as low as pennies per employee per month), intuitive solution for risk-managing infectious disease spread. "It's the spread that kills millions."
Dr. John Norris is a former FDA COO and Harvard faculty member. He is also a successful entrepreneur recognized as an expert in preventing, mitigating, controlling, and otherwise risk-managing the "spread" of infectious diseases. He has often published on this or related topics in a wide variety of publications, including as editor-in-chief of two academic publications, one at Harvard (the most successful publication of its kind, worldwide, which he founded some 50 years ago) and the other at Cornell. And gave many presentations on the need for change in health and healthcare systems, including some 300 presentations worldwide. Also, he helped reform the "regulatory procedures" used by the Joint Commission (which "regulates" hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes) and the US FDA (which regulates drug and medical device developers and the products they develop). Finally, he is a successful businessperson and entrepreneur. He and his former teammates sold one of their last start-ups for almost $2B in today's dollars.
As the historically world-renowned diplomat Benjamin Franklin said as he signed the US Declaration of Independence from England (the first, most costly, and most dangerous step in forming the United States as a country, but a critical step): "Gentlemen [and Ladies], we must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Thoughtful and aggressive "preparedness" is the first and most essential step in protecting our people and those of our allies from the devastation of a bio attack by a terrorist group, such as Hamas, or a hostile nation, such as Iran. Preparedness costs as little as 60 cents per employee per month (again, 1,000th the cost of health insurance). Yet bio attack risk management might prove to be far more valuable to workers and families, and eventually in far more demand and therefore politicians and other leaders who desire to retain their jobs.
If you want to learn more about VirusVigilant, please get in touch with Dr. John Norris by text at 617-680-3127 or by email at [email protected] (mailto: [email protected]). S2P's website is (
? 2024 Safely2Prosperity LLC and Dr. John Norris, Executive Chairman. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
FDA Former #2; 20x Board Member; Executive Chair Safely2Prosperity; formerly managed ~14,000 EEs and ~$6B budget; ~30,000 LinkedIn followers; Former Harvard Life Sci and Mgt Faculty Member; facilitated raising $Billions
8 个月Thanks, Robert. Very thoughtful and insightful. Best, John
CSO of MaaS Health Systems LLC dba MaaS Nanofilms and Trillium Ferroics
8 个月Professor Norris raises an interesting legal question. If an emplyer had the capacity to keep workers and the public safe but refused to use it, would he be liable for damages? I think the $90 million lifeline the Bush Administration handed the corporate owners of the four hijacked airliners used as suicide weapons on 9-11-2001, showed that nether United nor American wanted to find out. They paid families of the dead not to sue, using the federal funds for the purpose, and assented to increased airport security measures to protect the public, to get flights back in operation. And SCOTUS' ruling in DC v Heller, finding that the Second Amendment recognizes an individual right to self defense and not a collective one, can be used to imply an individual duty to respond to a threat. Yes it would be nice if elected officials and career civil servants predicted the next bioattack and stopped it from happening. If the attack arrives unannounced as 9-11 did, and public officials are asleep at the switch as they were then, businesses will need to respond on their own. Staying ignorant is not an optjon.