The LACK of Self-Esteem
Millions of us take our lives for granted.
Go to school, go to work, get married, and half get divorced.
Many have children and go on to be grandparents.
We buy a car, a house, and worry about A.I.
What a wonderful life!
Wait a minute!
Kids are having trouble to get to school never-mind attend.
70% of crime comes from kids living in single parent homes.
Why are so many of these children, turning to teens and later to Adults with drug and alcohol problems?
I’m not trying to paint a dismal future but reality seems to be getting the best of so many more people today.
For years kids living with a single parent, start their education on the street. Moms fight it the best they can.
The peak of our self-esteem is during our very young lives and deteriorates quickly before the teens.
We STOP believing in ourselves, and so many of the important questions go unanswered searching outside the home answers.
That’s when we turn to drugs and alcohol which are not the answer but a close 2nd, leaving to look later.
Having a parent missing in most cases is like having a bike with a broken link.
I remember living in Elizabeth, N.J., and my parents would choose some of friends for me. “I don’t know where he’s from, or who is parents are”.
It’s the degree of lacking in self-esteem that will determine our outcome later.
Hard for a Mom or Dad, if they themselves are lacking in self-esteem too.
Thank God for extended families!
If Grandparents live nearby, can be of great assistance also. So many of them sacrifice their lives to help raise the kids and help out the parent.
Hard? Oh yeah. Not impossible.
Ok, lets get you some answers.
It’s not on the street!
Step 1. Have you got religion in the house?
Get to the house of worship which ever you belong. Pray, if you haven’t done it for a while. DON’T STOP!
Step 2. If you can afford it, seek out help. ALL of us don’t have ALL the answers.
Step 3. Start communicating! Oh no, not that! And not on the cell phone. I’m not trying to be cute, but we’re in a world so many of us are LOVING from afar, even in the HOME.
Step 4. Go away for a weekend, or even just a day. Be alone together. TALK.
Step 5. Mentorship. Look for one locally. At the house of worship, you belong to. They can work. Get references.
If you know of a 6th, let me know.
The next thing to suggest is a monthly appointment with the teacher, guidance counselor, or someone at the school your kids attend. Show your kids you CARE!
I’m in a certified course now for Adults that when I finish, I’ll be in one for children.
When I finish, CALL ME!
If you’re reading this, I care what happens to you.
I’m an empath.
If you do well, so does your Soul and Mine!
I’m an Empath.