Lack of focus? or a lack of results?

Lack of focus? or a lack of results?

If we are all honest, we all suffer from a lack of focus from time to time, and for many people, it is a problem a lot of the time.

Generally speaking, a lack of focus is due to one of the following things:-

Number 1 - Poor sleep - when we are tired we are unable to work at our best. This is why I advocate sleeping for a minimum of 8 hours and I am against there 5AM workgroups. It is far better to work effectively and dynamically when fresh as opposed to working mega long hours, often with worse results.

Imagine for example that you wanted to become a top athlete; do you really think getting up at 5 am and training until late in the day will produce the best results? Sleep is so important to how we are able to function. An entrepreneur needs to feel great and refreshed and will produce better results in the long run than their tired, work harder counterparts.

So remember, work smart not harder!

Number 2 - Poor hydration - Did you know that if you are not sufficiently hydrated it will affect how you perform when you are working. Therefore, you need to ensure you drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, especially if you have been drinking alcohol the night before or doing sport.

So remember, drink at least 2.5 litres of 'water' per day

Number 3 - Too much Sugar - This is probably one of the most underestimated reasons for a lack of focus in the workplace. From biscuits and cakes to sugary drinks we are nearly all guilty of using sugar to provide us with an 'energy spike'.

The reality is of course that as soon as the spike wears off we reach for another sugary fix or we start to lose focus.

There is no easy solution to this problem and everyone has there own solutions. Personally, I like to make a large, homemade shake with a couple of scoops of good quality protein powder and maybe a couple of spoonfuls of coffee.

I will then sip this throughout the day whenever I am feeling that my energy levels are getting low or if I am craving anything sweet. As a result instead of having a sugar spike and consuming all the calories and fat that go with it, I am taking in quality protein and vitamins/minerals.

So remember, think about making an alternative to sugar in order to get your energy.

Number 4 - Inactivity - The less you are active the less energy you will have 'FACT'.

This doesn't necessarily mean you need to be super sporty like me ??; it simply means getting out for a walk more often or going for a swim or jog or the gym or bike or whatever it is that will get your blood circulating! When I look back at my most productive and dynamic years of being in business so far in my life I recognise the direct link between being physically fit and being successful.

Last year, for example, was a very disappointing year for me, but when I look back I was overweight, eating way too much sugary crap, was nowhere near enough active and was not being as productive as I normally am.

This year I have insisted on being active in some way (even if it is just walking the dog) or running or going to the gym and guess what, I am more focused than ever!

So remember, get active every day!

Number 5 - Lack of planning

No real plan for the next working day, month or year. We can all get caught up with the work harder and no smarter trap. Personally, I analyse my results once a week and change/amend things as necessary, so if I am having a less productive week I will look at the things that caused that to be the case and I then ensure I do not repeat the same the following week. I also use a management tool (Basecamp) which holds me accountable every day.

Of course, planning your work life is vital and there is no way I could begin to cover all the things we need to be doing in this short post as planning is such a huge topic. I simply wish to raise it as one of the reasons we can lack focus.

So remember, planning hard not working hard = smarter way of working!

The above are of course only akin to my personal experiences and I am always looking at ways of further self-development and therefore welcome your thoughts?


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