We are what we think, and unfortunately many of us don’t think we are much - especially when it comes to health and fitness!

I want to help you take the self made limiting chains off your thinking, and in turn change your life for the better.

Do you believe you have what it takes to achieve your goals? If you don’t it will stop you from putting any real effort into achieving the goal, and this begins to feed your lack of self-confidence. This can become a real cycle that grows!

Let’s look at this from the perspective of exercise. Low confidence when mean you don’t workout, or if you do it is only half-heartedly. Maybe this is accompanied by anxiousness and worry. You then get very underwhelming results and this reinforces your lack of self-confidence. “I told you, I’m just not made to workout”, “this workout doesn’t work for me” or “I knew it, I can’t do it,” is what breeds and this will stop you from sticking with the proven workout routine.

Is this you? It’s not always obvious to yourself, but you can look for signs. If you do the following on a regularly basis there’s a good chance you have a lack of confidence that it limiting your success and negatively affecting your life:

- You are self-critical of your efforts

- You ignore or downplay your accomplishments or achievements, and are uncomfortable with compliments. 

- You often label yourself in a negative way, and describe yourself in a bad light. For example “I’m ugly”, “I’m weak”, “I’m useless”, “I’m fat”. You may not be saying this out loud, but it could be a re-occurring belief in your head!

- You rate yourself inferior to other people. 

- You blame yourself for all things that go wrong, even when you have no baring or influence on the outcome.

There is no denying that these self sabotaging thoughts are difficult to shake, especially if they are deep rooted for many years. 

However, they can be defeated and there are a number of steps you can start introducing to your life which will help you do this:

1) START THE DAY THE RIGHT WAY: Starting your day right is extremely important. Things tend to spiral, either bad or good! Start with a win and you’ll most likely start to get more wins as the day progresses! 

When you wake try focusing on what can go right in the day. Likewise, when you go to bed have a quick look-back at what went right.

2) GET A COACH: Having someone independent to your family/friends who will help, instruct, motivate, encourage and genuinely push you towards what’s best for you is off massive benefit. Research has shown that those who regularly have a coach or trainer have far greater success than those that don’t.

3) BREAK YOUR MAIN GOAL INTO SHORT-TERM ACHIEVABLE SPECIFIC GOALS:Set yourself up to win. Start small and grow! For example: start with planned and scheduled walks, jogs or following a specific exercise plan. If your lacking self confidence it might not be best to start with “I will have the body of Thor / Wonder Woman within 3 months”.

4) SPEND QUIET TIME EACH DAY: Take some time each day to engage in quiet, present, positive awareness. This may just be a few minutes, but by being fully aware of yourself, being present and not thinking ahead can have an amazing effect. Take this further with daily meditation - something I strongly recommend.

5) CHALLENGE YOUR LIMITING/NEGATIVE THINKING AS IT HAPPENS: We all have negative thoughts, but if we catch and challenge them it can really help. For example, “I can never do that,” could be combated with the question “How do I know I can’t do it as I’ve never tried?” 

Going back to exercise, prior to each workout you should picture yourself smashing the workout. See yourself doing the exercises, the certain number of reps/sets and, most importantly, imagine feeling happy and accomplished on completion. This pre-visualisation is a very powerful tool if you use and master it!

6) DON’T STEREOTYPE YOURSELF:  You may have failed before, but that doesn’t mean you will fail this time. You are not the person you were 10 years ago, 1 year ago - or even last week! Learned helplessness is very common, and if it’s in your life you need to get rid of it! Could you drive a car the first time you tried? Do we give up on a baby when it doesn’t manage to walk on its first attempt? NO - so don’t stereotype and give up on yourself. If you really want to achieve something you can make it happen! It might take you longer and more work than some other people - but it can be done!

ATTENTION: Due To The Amazing Success And High Demand Of My Free 15-Day Challenge, I Am Opening Up A Further 25 Free Spaces!!! Click the relevant link now to guarantee you place!

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As usual, any questions fire them over.

Ian David Worthington: Creator, Owner and Coach at


