The Labyrinth
Dorit Perry
Career Transition Coach @ Transition2Tech | Empowering Career Changers from Education into Tech | Creating Community
Please click here to apply to this job.
Are you a new or returning user? Please log-in or create a new profile.
Please choose a log-in name and password. Your password should be minimum 6 characters and maximum 128 characters. Please include at least one letter, number, and symbol such as *^&#%(@) or !. One letter minimum should be capitalized.
Please re-enter your password for confirmation:
Congratulations! You have successfully created a new account. You will now need to create a profile and enter all your personal information before you even think about applying for one of our vague job positions that might not really be open because we have an internal candidate we are considering and are just posting open positions as a technicality. Please click here to continue.
Please enter your first name:
Enter any additional first names you might have:
Please enter your middle initial.
Please enter your last name:
Please answer five of the following security questions from the drop-down menu in the event you lose your password or cannot access your account.
What was the name of your first pet?
What was your mother’s maiden name?
What was the make of your first car?
What was the name of the street you grew up on?
What was the name of your childhood best friend?
What was the year your father was born?
What was the make of your mother’s first car?
What was the name of your childhood best friend’s first pet?
Blink twice if you are an alien.
What was the name of your high school’s mascot?
What was the name of your elementary school?
Congratulations, you have successfully recorded your security responses! Please make a note of your answers and their formatting — capitalization counts! Now get ready to provide us with a s**t-load of personal information like your address, social security number, previous employers, education, and desired salary even though you are already uploading a resume with your professional and educational experience outlined. We also require you to write a cover letter which no one will ever read!
Say goodbye to two hours of your life and welcome to the Labyrinth.