Labour Market and Education in Senegal
Brigitta Liliom Bihari
Business, Marketing & Social Media Manager, Magazine Producer, Researcher, Managing Editor
Labour market
After Worldbank data about 4.8 million people were in labor in Senegal in 2016, which creates an employ‐ment rate of 57% (15 years and older). (Source: https://datatopic‐
Even we have not been able to re‐trieve exact data on employment inthe ICT sector in Senegal, taking different information and sourcesinto account we estimate the labor force for both IT and BPO jobs with anumber of about 70,000 – 90,000 people.
Labour cost
The average monthly salary
IT services
For the Information technology sector in Senegal, the monthly average salaries are between 182,000 XOF(lowest average) and 573,000 XOF(highest average).
On average the increase of the salary in the ICT sector in Senegal over a period of 10 years is about 100%. The salary increment rate
The gender pay gap
Customer Care
The average monthly salary for customer care related jobs is 240,000XOF or about 360 EUR. The salaries range from 93,000 XOF (lowest average) to 521,000 XOF (highest average).
On average the salary for an employee in the Customer Care Services sector in Senegal doubles over a 10 year’s period of employment.The salary increment rate for the sector is about 9% every 12 months. The difference in salary between having a Bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree is 29%, while a PhD degree adds another 23%. (
Senegal’s tertiary education system
? Faculty of Medicine Pharmacy of Odonto-Stomatology (FMPOS)
? Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences (FLSH)
? Faculty of Economics and Management (FASEG)
? Faculty of Science and Technology, Education and Training (ex E N S)
? Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences (FSJP)
The Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) has 6,283 students that can access 27laboratories. (Source: The Faculty of Science and Technology, Education and Training also houses a German department, even though no further information was avail‐able at the time of writing.(Source: