Laboratory leaks, the humanitarian spirit , officially scheduling fentanyl-related substances, and “verify first, then repatriate”
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:
Today’s quote:
The inscription of the Spring Festival on the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list shows that this is a festival unique to China and enjoyed by the world.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 27, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 今年是首个“非遗”版春节。世界各地都将举行丰富多彩的庆祝活动。?
The first Spring Festival as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage is just around the corner. Around the world, people will celebrate the festival with various events.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 27, 2025)?
The Law on Safeguarding National Security in Hong Kong and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance provide the solid footing for efforts to protect national security in Hong Kong and enable Hong Kong to foster a more stable society and a better investment environment.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 27, 2025)
Today’s quote:
China is one of the world’s toughest countries on counternarcotics both in terms of policy and its implementation. China announced back in 2019 the decision to officially schedule fentanyl-related substances as a class. We are the first country in the world to do so. China has given support to the U.S.’s response to the fentanyl issue in the spirit of humanity and goodwill, and conducted counternarcotics cooperation with the U.S. side in a broad-based and in-depth way. The achievements we have made are there for all to see. We hope the U.S. will work to continue the hard-won positive dynamics in the counternarcotics cooperation.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 27, 2025)??
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 中国是世界上禁毒政策最严格、执行最彻底的国家之一。2019年,中国就宣布正式整类列管芬太尼类物质,是全球第一个正式整类列管芬太尼类物质的国家。?
China has the strictest drug control policy in the world and enforces it in the fullest way. China scheduled all fentanyl-related substances as early as in 2019—the first country ever to do so.? Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 18, 2024?
?? 中美双方在会晤中就芬太尼问题进行了沟通,中方表明了原则立场和关切。王毅主任指出,中国是世界上禁毒态度最坚决、政策最彻底的国家,也是纪录最好的国家之一。为了照顾美方关切,从中美关系大局出发,中方在几年前作出决断,整类列管了芬太尼,到现在为止还没有第二个国家做到中国这样。美国国内整类列管的努力也受到重重阻碍。但是美方不仅没有充分肯定中方的努力,反而在芬太尼问题上对中国抹黑诋毁、甩锅推责,通过搞钓鱼执法抓捕中国公民,这完全不具建设性。?
The two sides [Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken] talked about fentanyl-related issues in the meeting, during which the Chinese side expressed our principled position and concerns. Director Wang Yi said that in terms of counter-narcotics, China has the strongest determination, most thorough policies and one of the best records in the world. To accommodate US concerns plus in the interest of the overall China-US relations, China decided several years ago to schedule fentanyl as a class. No other country has done the same. US attempt to take similar action has met with strong obstacles domestically. Instead of fully acknowledging China’s effort, the US has discredited and scapegoated China on fentanyl, and hunted Chinese citizens through “sting operations”. This is not at all constructive.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 14, 2023)?
?? 关于你提到的问题,我们此前已阐明中方立场。我们愿重申以下几点:第一,中国一直在联合国禁毒公约框架下,大力开展国际禁毒执法合作,始终严格管控易制毒化学品,也是全球第一个正式整类列管芬太尼类物质的国家。第二,非列管化学品有广泛的合法用途,任何公司均可自行生产、出口和使用,保证国际货物不用于非法目的是进口国政府的法定义务。如同钢铁可以用来制造汽车,也可以用来制造枪支,不能因为禁枪而禁止国际钢铁贸易。第三,2020年5月,美方将中国公安部物证鉴定中心、国家毒品实验室等机构列入“实体清单”制裁,严重影响和限制了中方禁毒工作的能力。美国一面损害别国利益,一面要求别国合作,天下没有这样的道理。甩锅推责不是美国内芬太尼危机的解决之道。第四,美方应尽快取消对中方有关机构制裁,停止抹黑中方禁毒努力,同时永久整类列管芬太尼类物质,以负责任态度解决国内芬太尼滥用危机。?
We have made clear China’s position on this issue [fentanyl] and would like to reiterate the following points. First, China has taken an active part in international counternarcotics law enforcement cooperation under the framework of the UN conventions on drug control and always put precursor chemicals under strict control. China is the first in the world to have officially scheduled fentanyl as a class. Second, non-regulated chemicals have a wide range of legal uses. Any company can produce, export and use them. It is the legal obligation of the governments of importing countries to ensure that the goods imported are not used for illicit purposes. Take steel as an example, it can be used to make cars or guns, but no one would propose to put a ban on international steel trade simply for the sake of gun control. Third, in May 2020, the US put the Institution of Forensic Science of the Ministry of Public Security and the National Narcotics Laboratory of China on its “entity list” , which has since severely impacted and limited China’s counternarcotics capability. The US cannot expect cooperation from another country while harming the latter’s interests. Accusing others and shifting the blame simply won’t work if the US wants to remedy the fentanyl abuse at home. Fourth, the US needs to lift sanctions against Chinese institutions as soon as possible, stop discrediting China’s drug control efforts, and at the same time permanently regulate fentanyl-related substances as a class. This is how the US should get on with its responsibility of dealing with its fentanyl overdose crisis at home.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 20, 2023)?
?? 美方应当从自身查找原因,永久整类列管芬太尼类物质,采取务实有效的减少毒品需求措施,而不是一味推卸责任、转嫁矛盾,一再拿所谓非列管化学品管控问题指责其他国家。?
The US should see fault in itself, permanently schedule fentanyl-related substances as a class and take practical and effective measures to reduce the demand for drugs. The last thing it should do is to constantly shift the blame and make accusations against other countries with the control of non-scheduled chemicals.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 7, 2022)?
Today’s quote:
The Spring Festival has been inscribed on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 27, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 记者:我们注意到,昨日在巴拉圭亚松森举行的联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会第19届常会上,中国申报的“春节——中国人庆祝传统新年的社会实践”通过评审,被列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。?
We noted that at the 19th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage held yesterday in Asunción, Paraguay, UNESCO inscribed China-nominated Spring Festival, social practices of the Chinese people in celebration of the traditional new year, on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 5, 2024)?
?? “中医针灸”列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录,《黄帝内经》《本草纲目》入选世界记忆名录。?
TCM acupuncture and moxibustion have been recognized as important parts of the intangible heritage of mankind by UNESCO, and the Chinese medical classics Huangdi Neijing (Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor) and Bencao Gangmu (Compendium of Materia Medica) have been included in the UNESCO Memory of the World.? (White_Paper_Development of China's Public Health as an Essential Element of Human Rights_《中国健康事业的发展与人权进步》_2017_9_29)?
?? 中国政府重视和保护中医药的文化价值,积极推进中医药传统文化传承体系建设,已有130个中医药类项目列入国家级非物质文化遗产代表性项目名录,“中医针灸”列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录,《黄帝内经》和《本草纲目》入选世界记忆名录。?
The Chinese government treasures and protects the cultural value of TCM, and endeavors to build a system for passing on the traditional culture of TCM. In total, 130 TCM elements have been incorporated into the Representative List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage, with TCM acupuncture and moxibustion being included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, and the Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon) and Ben Cao Gang Mu (Compendium of Materia Medica) are listed in the Memory of the World Register.? (White_Paper_Traditional Chinese Medicine in China_《中国的中医药》白皮书_2016_12_06)?
?? 其中,藏戏和《格萨尔》史诗被列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录,藏族唐卡、藏族造纸技艺等75个项目被列入国家级非物质文化遗产代表作名录,68名传承人被认定为国家级非物质文化遗产项目代表性传承人,323个项目和227名传承人入选自治区级名录,158部珍贵古籍入选国家珍贵古籍名录。?
Tibetan opera and the Gesar epic have been included in UNESCO's Masterpiece of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Tibetan Thangka, Tibetan papermaking technique and 73 other cultural items have been included in China's Masterpiece of the Intangible Heritage, and 68 inheritors of such cultural items have been affirmed as representative inheritors of China's Intangible Heritage projects; 323 projects and 227 inheritors have been put on the Tibet Regional List of Intangible Heritage; and 158 books have been put on the State List of Valuable Ancient Books.? (White_Paper_Development and Progress of Tibet_《西藏的发展与进步_2013_10_22)
Today’s quote:
Let me say more broadly that the Chinese government firmly opposes any form of illegal migration. We have conducted practical cooperation with the migration and law enforcement departments of the U.S. and other countries, which has been productive. As far as repatriation is concerned, China’s principle is to receive the repatriates who are confirmed as Chinese nationals from the Chinese mainland after verification.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 27, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 据了解,日前,一名持美国政府签发的合法签证、赴美从事癌症课题研究的中国留学生遭美方拒绝入境并遣返。 。。。我们敦促美方将欢迎中国留学生的表态落到实处,撤销充满偏见歧视的10043号行政令,停止滥用国家安全概念,停止盘查、滋扰、遣返中国赴美留学人员,避免此类事件再次发生。?
It has been learned that a Chinese student, who held a lawful visa issued by the US government and planned to do cancer research in the US, was refused entry and repatriated by the US side.? ... We urge the US to genuinely welcome Chinese students as it has said, withdraw the biased and discriminatory Proclamation 10043, stop overstretching the concept of national security, stop interrogating, harassing or repatriating Chinese students in the US, and avoid similar incidents from happening again.? Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 22, 2023)?
?? 美国对7名中国公民强制遣返一名中国人的行为提起指控。?
(The US charged seven Chinese nationals accused of trying to forcibly repatriate a Chinese.? Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 21, 2022? 被关押在沙特的一名维吾尔族女子对法新社表示,她担心被遣返回中国。? A Uyghur woman held in Saudi Arabia told AFP she feared being deported to China.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 14, 2022)?
?? 近期,澳大利亚边境执法人员数次针对中国赴澳留学人员入境悉尼进行无端盘查,检查手机及个人物品,并将中国高校组织军训认定为所谓的“军事训练”,以隐瞒所谓“军事训练”经历为由取消签证并遣返。?
Recently, there are multiple incidents where the Australian border law enforcement officers in Sydney interrogated Chinese students, and examine their cellphones and personal belongings for no reason when they tried to enter the country to pursue their studies. The Australian side designated the Chinese students’ university military training courses as “military training” and repatriated them after canceling their visas on the grounds that they concealed the experience of accepting “military training”.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 29, 2022)?
Today’s quote:
China has given support to the U.S.’s response to the fentanyl issue in the spirit of humanity and goodwill, and conducted counternarcotics cooperation with the U.S. side in a broad-based and in-depth way. The achievements we have made are there for all to see.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 27, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 作为联合国《关于难民地位的公约》及其议定书缔约国,中方一直以来秉持人道主义精神,认真履行国际义务,积极参与难民领域国际合作。?
As a contracting party to the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its Protocol, China has always earnestly implemented international duties and actively participated in international cooperation on refugees in a humanitarian spirit.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 20, 2024)?
?? 2019年5月,中国政府本着人道主义精神,整类列管芬太尼类物质,为防范其非法制贩及滥用发挥了重要作用,美国也是重要受益国之一。但美国政府为什么忘恩负义,无理制裁中国公安部物证鉴定中心和国家毒品实验室等机构,并多次起诉、制裁中国企业和个人,严重破坏双方的禁毒合作基础呢??
In May 2019, in a humanitarian spirit, China scheduled fentanyl-related substances as a class, which played an important role in preventing the illicit manufacturing, trafficking and abuse of the substance. The US has been a major beneficiary of this. This is how the US reciprocates—by sanctioning China’s Institution of Forensic Science of the Ministry of Public Security and National Narcotics Laboratory and indicting and sanctioning Chinese companies and individuals. This is seriously damaging to the foundation for China-US counternarcotics cooperation.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 8, 2023)
?? 多年来,中方一直秉持人道主义精神,协助查找美军在华失踪人员遗骸并取得务实进展。?
Following a humanitarian spirit, the Chinese side has been assisting the US side to search for the remains of missing US military personnel in China for many years and solid progress has been made.? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on February 29, 2024)?
?? 这一年,各国人民以巨大的决心和勇气,同病魔展开殊死搏斗,依靠科学理性的力量,弘扬人道主义精神,全球抗疫取得初步成效。?
The past year also bore witness to the enormous resolve and courage of people around the world in battling the deadly coronavirus. Guided by science, reason and a humanitarian spirit, the world has achieved initial progress in fighting COVID-19. That said, the pandemic is far from over.? (Xi_Jinping_Address at the World Economic Forum Virtual Event of the Davos Agenda_ 习近平在世界经济论坛“达沃斯议程”对话会上的特别致辞? [2021.1.25])
Today’s quote:
It is “extremely unlikely” that the pandemic was caused by a lab leak—this is the authoritative conclusion reached by the experts of the WHO-China joint mission based on science following their field trips to the lab in Wuhan and in-depth communication with researchers. The conclusion has been widely acknowledged by the international community, including the science community.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 27, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 中国—世卫组织联合专家组在走访武汉当地实验室并同相关科研人员深入交流基础上得出“实验室泄漏极不可能”的结论,也提出在全球“多国多地”开展溯源研究的建议。?
Experts of the WHO-China joint mission, after field trips to the lab in Wuhan and in-depth communication with researchers, reached the conclusion that “a laboratory origin of the pandemic was considered to be extremely unlikely”, and recommended that “related traceability research” should be conducted in “countries and regions” worldwide.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 3, 2023)?
?? 。。。中国始终支持和参与全球新冠病毒科学溯源。病毒溯源是复杂的科学问题,应该也只能由全球科学家合作开展研究。“实验室泄漏极不可能”是中国—世卫组织联合专家组实地走访武汉相关实验室并同科研人员深入交流后得出的权威科学结论,准确反映在有关联合研究报告中,得到了国际社会和科学界的广泛认可。当前,国际科学界有越来越多线索将病毒源头指向全球范围,包括对美国在德特里克堡和世界各地的军事生物基地提出疑问和关切。美方应尽快同世界卫生组织合作,邀请国际专家到本国进行溯源研究,及时、公开、透明同国际社会分享研究成果。?
... China always supports and participates in science-based global origins-tracing of SARS-CoV-2. The origins-tracing is a complex matter of science. This study should be and can only be conducted jointly by scientists around the world.? “A laboratory origin of the pandemic was considered to be extremely unlikely” is a science-based, authoritative conclusion reached by the experts of the WHO-China joint mission after field trips to the lab in Wuhan and in-depth communication with researchers. It was accurately recorded in the mission’s report and has received extensive recognition from the international community and the science community. At present, more and more clues from the international science community are pointing the origins of virus to sources around the world. Many have raised questions and concerns about US bio-military bases at Fort Detrick and around the world. The US should work with the WHO to invite experts from the world to the US for origins-tracing study as soon as possible, and share the research result with the international community in a timely, open and transparent manner.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 1, 2023)?
?? 新冠病毒溯源是科学问题,不应当被政治化。中方始终积极支持和参与全球科学溯源。“实验室泄漏极不可能”是中国—世卫组织联合专家在实地走访武汉相关实验室并同相关科研人员深入交流的基础上得出的权威科学结论,准确反映在中国—世卫组织溯源联合研究报告中,也得到了国际社会和科学界的广泛认可。?
The origins-tracing of SARS-CoV-2 is about science and should not be politicized. China has always supported and participated in global science-based origins-tracing. “ A laboratory origin of the pandemic was considered to be extremely unlikely” is a science-based, authoritative conclusion reached by the experts of the WHO-China joint mission after field trips to the lab in Wuhan and in-depth communication with researchers. It was accurately recorded in the mission’s report and has received extensive recognition from the international community.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 27, 2023)?
?? 关于“实验室泄漏”假设问题,中方已多次阐述有关立场。“实验室泄漏”完全是反华势力出于政治目的炮制的谎言,毫无科学可言。中方已经邀请世卫组织国际专家组赴武汉相关实验室考察,联合研究报告也明确得出了“实验室泄漏极不可能”的结论。有关媒体以匿名放风的形式翻炒“实验室泄漏”,罔顾事实,用心险恶,也再次证明“实验室泄漏”完全是有关方面企图抹黑中国、阻碍科学溯源、破坏国际抗疫合作大局的政治操弄。?
China has stated its position on the “lab leak” hypothesis on multiple occasions. The so-called “lab leak” is a lie created by forces against China. It is politically motivated and has no scientific basis. WHO international experts have visited the lab in Wuhan upon China’s invitation. The report of the joint WHO-China study concluded that “lab leak” is “extremely unlikely”. It is quite irresponsible and ill-motivated for certain media outlets to rehash the “lab leak” rumor by citing anonymous sources that do not exist. It only adds to the evidence that the “lab leak” assertion is part of the political manipulation of certain parties to smear China, obstruct science-based origins-tracing and undermine international cooperation against COVID.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 22, 2022)
Let me say more broadly that the Chinese government firmly opposes any form of illegal migration. We have conducted practical cooperation with the migration and law enforcement departments of the U.S. and other countries, which has been productive. As far as repatriation is concerned, China’s principle is to receive the repatriates who are confirmed as Chinese nationals from the Chinese mainland after verification.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 27, 2025)
Today’s quote:
China has given support to the U.S.’s response to the fentanyl issue in the spirit of humanity and goodwill, and conducted counternarcotics cooperation with the U.S. side in a broad-based and in-depth way. The achievements we have made are there for all to see.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 27, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 中方一直致力于维护地区和平稳定,地区国家对此有目共睹。?
China has always been committed to maintaining regional peace and stability, to which countries in this region bear witness.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 14, 2024)?
?? 在乌克兰问题上,中方始终坚持劝和促谈,一贯严控军民两用物项出口。反而是七国集团不停地拱火递刀、激化升级矛盾,还妄图向中方甩锅、转嫁责任,国际社会对此有目共睹。?
On the Ukraine issue, China remains committed to promoting peace talks and strictly managing the export of dual-use materials. By contrast, it is the G7 that has been constantly fanning the flame, escalating tensions, and attempting to shift blame on China and deflect responsibility. It is evident to the international community.? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on October 31, 2024)?
?? 中国政府在知识产权保护方面取得的成效有目共睹。世界知识产权组织发布的《2022年全球创新指数报告》显示,中国名列第11位,整体排名连续7年保持上升势头。?
China’s achievements in IPR protection are obvious to all. According to the Global Innovation Index 2022 Report released by the World Intellectual Property Organization, China ranked the 11th, and its overall ranking continued to move up for seven consecutive years.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 9, 2023)?
?? 凭借其超强军事实力,美方经常无视国际法和国际关系基本准则,频繁发动战争,制造分裂对抗,其霸权、霸道、霸凌行径世人有目共睹。?
Backed by its superior military power, the US started wars and caused confrontation and separation many times in disregard of the international law and the basic norms governing international relations. Its hegemonic and bullying acts are evident to the international community.? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on October 28, 2021)
Today’s quote:
China is one of the world’s toughest countries on counternarcotics both in terms of policy and its implementation. China announced back in 2019 the decision to officially schedule fentanyl-related substances as a class. We are the first country in the world to do so. China has given support to the U.S.’s response to the fentanyl issue in the spirit of humanity and goodwill, and conducted counternarcotics cooperation with the U.S. side in a broad-based and in-depth way. The achievements we have made are there for all to see. We hope the U.S. will work to continue the hard-won positive dynamics in the counternarcotics cooperation.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 27, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 2019年,中国宣布正式整类列管芬太尼类物质,是全球第一个正式整类列管芬太尼类物质的国家。?
China announced back in 2019 the decision to officially schedule fentanyl-related substances as a class. We are the first country in the world to do so.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 19, 2024)? ?? 2019年,中国就宣布正式整类列管芬太尼类物质,是全球第一个正式整类列管芬太尼类物质的国家。? China scheduled all fentanyl-related substances as early as in 2019—the first country ever to do so.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 18, 2024)?
?? 为了照顾美方关切,从中美关系大局出发,中方在几年前作出决断,整类列管了芬太尼,到现在为止还没有第二个国家做到中国这样。美国国内整类列管的努力也受到重重阻碍。?
To accommodate US concerns plus in the interest of the overall China-US relations, China decided several years ago to schedule fentanyl as a class. No other country has done the same. US attempt to take similar action has met with strong obstacles domestically.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 14, 2023)?
?? 2019年5月,中国政府本着人道主义精神,整类列管芬太尼类物质,为防范其非法制贩及滥用发挥了重要作用,美国也是重要受益国之一。
In May 2019, in a humanitarian spirit, China scheduled fentanyl-related substances as a class, which played an important role in preventing the illicit manufacturing, trafficking and abuse of the substance. The US has been a major beneficiary of this.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 8, 2023)
On January 20 [2025], President Xi Jinping’s special representative, Vice President Han Zheng attended the inauguration ceremony of President Donald Trump at U.S. invitation. He was seated on the dais of Capitol Rotunda, the main venue of the inauguration ceremony, and exchanged greetings and spoke with leaders of relevant countries and U.S. political dignitaries there. China is firmly opposed to any form of official interactions between the U.S. and the Taiwan region. As for the so-called “high-level reception” relevant person of the Taiwan authorities got from the U.S., it is apparently disinformation self-bestowed by Taiwan authorities for self-consumption.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 27, 2025)
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