Labor Day Weekend...The Longest Weekend of All
Photo Credit Azgan Mjeshtri on Unsplash

Labor Day Weekend...The Longest Weekend of All

Five years ago I was out of work...out of patience...uncertain...and just plain tired of looking for a job. I was ready to be hired and get back in the game. Has this ever happened to YOU?

I had parted ways with my previous company in the spring and was certain by September that I would be rested after a few months off and running full steam ahead with a new company. With my plan seemingly fallen"it will all come together" attitude was beginning to fade.

I remember very clearly that Labor Day weekend was the longest weekend of my life.

With corporate america taking summer holidays, this final long weekend before the kids went back to school and everyone got back on track was the most excruciating silence I could have imagined. I had a couple of positions I was chasing and the harsh, cold reality was that I was not going to hear anything for at least another 3-5 days before the "next step" was revealed. If I only knew it was all going to be ok...and that I had a start date...I could relax and enjoy the weekend...but that was not the case...UGH!

To this day I remember spending that Labor Day weekend binge watching Garage Gold on DIY Network and then emptying ours out in the Arizona heat. Unlike the TV show, we did not find any "gold" but we did manage to de-clutter and tidy up the unruly mess that had built up over time.

Why does this all come to top of mind? I'm glad you asked!

I woke up this morning, grateful as always, that I DID find a great new company shortly after that long , painful weekend. Having said that, I also pause each year to think of those who are still out of work and who are still wondering if, or when, they will start THEIR next position. This year in particular, I cannot imagine what the last few months have been like to those that have lost their jobs. me a favor...and if YOU know someone who is out of work...drop them a note of encouragement on this holiday Monday.

Checking in with them will mean more than you know. It is that little boost of energy in the deafening silence, that can lift their spirits as they "not so patiently wait" to hear back on the irons they have in the fire. In addition here are a few tips, based on my own experience, on how you can Open Doors for others as they look for work.

In Closing...

Time flies by when we are employed...even during these unusual times. Time drags on and the stress mounts daily when you are out of work. Don't be afraid to lean in, check in and keep those who need support top of mind. The people we help along the way will never forget it and we should all be focused on "paying it forward". For even though we are employed today...tomorrow it may be us and we should treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves. Take it from someone who knows!

Leadership Questions of the Week for YOU:

  • What is the longest YOU have ever been out of work?
  • Do YOU know a lot of people that are currently looking for work or do you feel that even though there is a lot of change happening, people are landing positions fairly quickly?
  • What is YOUR best advice to those that may be looking for work on how to find their next role?
  • Holidays seem to impact and slow down the response to job seekers, what can YOU do as a hiring manager to be more aware of the impact this has on candidates?

Thanks for reading and remember…..YOU make a difference!

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