Labor Day
Already gone: Summer that is. Not too long ago I wrote about Memorial Day and 4th of July. Growing up in Rhode Island that is how I remember Summer being "framed." I've been writing about these holiday weekends for years in this forum. In another forum I wrote about them as well - from a war zone.
One line sticks out to me in that blog post: "..but because you can."
One can look at Labor Day and see in its origins in May Day celebrations and in the simple fact for a holiday between July 4th and Thanksgiving. No, we are not a complicated people!
What is interesting this is my 1st article on LinkedIn about Labor Day. With all the rushing around to get kids in school, your oldest off to college and that last vacation in before the weather turns this holiday weekend can easily be overlooked. After all after this weekend the pools close and the hours at the beach are reduced and the whole "Summer Vibe" is over for the year. Time keeps moving on.
So for the thousands working this weekend so we can feel safe at the beach, eat at restaurants, go to movies and enjoy life: Thank You.
And for the thousands in uniform standing watch and doing the things required so we can sleep safe at night: Thank You.
So keeping in with what I wrote over 14 years ago, I will celebrate this holiday weekend: Because I can.