Labels Don't Define Us;They Divide Us!

Labels Don't Define Us;They Divide Us!

When it comes to politics and the future of our Country in terms of our Democracy, we should first look back to how different labels of people and their beliefs came about. This might help us take away such labels and get to the real issues we find our Country is dealing with today.

First, let’s look at where the Left Wing and Right Wing originated. According to the history of these terms, it came from the French Revolution that was between those of privilege and those that were the lower class. Seems like as much as things try to change they stay the same.?

The privilege or wealthy certainly want to retain their wealth and power so they put labels on those that don’t fit into their space and simply want to keep the power away from those less privileged and living in poverty. What I find most compelling is the fact that the wealthiest few have so much of the wealth, they can’t possibly spend it all within their lifetime, still feel the need to want only more. To me, this could just be another form of addiction and could be considered a disease in my opinion. What can anyone possibly want so much wealth for if they can’t spend it all within their lifetime? They can’t take it with them when they die! They can certainly give their next generations an inheritance, but even they can’t possibly spend it in their lifetime either.?

The most clear issue that tends to divide this Country to me is the labeling of individuals when they express an opinion on an issue that does not agree with someone else. When we express a concern about what our government should or should not do for the citizens of these United States, we get labeled a Left Wing or Libertarian or some other label to create a means to disqualify our view on the issue. I find this completely unacceptable and challenge anyone to think otherwise.

To my point, I find that our Congress has become mostly dysfunctional when it comes to legislating laws that protect the mass majority over the few extreme wealthy that exist today. The poor remain poor and the wealthy only get more wealthy. Part of the problem is the amount of addiction to certain things like wealth, power and greed. And I want to make clear these are addictions like any other disease. It seems that the wealthy only want more of what they already have and can’t seem to get enough.?

For any government to dictate a woman’s right to an abortion is clearly wrong. If you want to bring justice to this issue, charge the law for the man that rapes a woman as the one to be put in jail as the murderer of that unborn child. No one should have the right to punish a woman for an act she did not ask for. Shame on the politicians that think otherwise regardless of their religious beliefs. We are a free nation and we need to remain that way.

I also believe we need to have a universal health care program AND a universal education program that doesn’t create a debt for individuals to learn a trade in order to earn a living just to keep them in poverty for the rest of their lives. It makes no sense except to those that benefit on their behalf. It’s clear to me that there are those in power that would prefer to keep the education of individuals suppressed simply because they would see it as a threat to their lifestyle. We live in a culture now that suppresses the average person to becoming an intelligent and inspiring leader and that is very sad to see. And don’t get me started with the pharmaceutical industry; the only thing that motivates them is greed.

Part of this problem is what we call Capitalism in that we all have the right to own a business and make a profit on this business so that we can cover our living expenses and enjoy some recreation as a reward for our hard work. Where Capitalism gets out of hand is the way we treat and compensate individuals that help with building our business. It is, in many ways, a pyramid scheme though most people will deny that.?

But I digress……Congress has systematically ignored the mass of their constituency over paying more attention to special interest groups that only benefit the few and most of the few are the very wealthy individuals that make out for what they lobby for. Our government is corrupt like most any other and perhaps worse than we care to admit. The legal system protects the wealthy more than it does the poor simply because the poor can’t afford the legal talent the wealthy can afford. That needs to change just like providing affordable healthcare for all citizens regardless of their monetary background. And this is just the right thing to do.

Too many people are getting too rich at the cost of the rest of this society and that has got to stop. Treat greed like the addiction it is, a disease. If our governments in today’s environment took better care of all citizens, we would not have as much violence and wars over wanting to control a natural resource that should be shared by all on this planet. Natural resources should be available to all at affordable costs so we can all enjoy them. There should never be an exorbitant profit made on these resources; only enough to sustain them and provide a realistic salary to those that are hired to maintain them.?

We should put a cap on how much a CEO, COO, President or executive makes from a business where it’s enough to pay their bills, go on vacations, cover health costs and the cost of living in their homes. I don’t believe an executive has the right to make millions of dollars each year especially when they don’t meet the expectations of what they were hired to do in the first place. I find that to be totally wasteful. And if the argument is that this is an incentive for them to produce in the first place, then why keep paying them more than they are really worth? It would be much more productive to share in the profits of a company with all of its employees so that they can all live a better life and have less stress which is the key cause for most of our illnesses we have today.?

By now, many of you will be calling me a Left Wing individual. I say NO to that. I’m just someone that feels we need to take better care of everyone on this planet with no exceptions. I simply believe in the cause for humanity and feel the term “mankind” is over rated and has been since the beginning of time. We are not anywhere near being kind to all. Discrimination is all around us and has been since I can remember. If someone does not look like us or think like us, they become the enemy; how childish is that?? As long at that person is open to other views and doesn’t try to force their views on someone else, we should learn how to cohabitate together respecting each other’s views while not having to agree with them and being punished or put in harms way if we don’t agree.?

I’m fed up with the rhetoric about having more government or less government in our lives. We clearly need more government, but government that represents all of us and not just the wealthy.

I found that since the American Revolution and becoming the United States, we have had 16 Democratic Presidents and 19 Republican Presidents.?That is a pretty nice balance in my opinion.

What has changed is the belief that a President is above the law when he breaks the law for his own personal gain is just okay. Two of which are now considered criminals or have broken the law and both were Republicans; makes you wonder…..And don’t get me started on the “fake news” that FOX has been spitting out these past several years and continues to do. I believe in the freedom of speech, but not when the news presented is clearly false to change the way we trust our news sources. That is a dangerous precedent to allow to continue.?

Our Education system is somewhat broken as well in that we are seeing more banning of certain information to our students that hurt or dumb down their education. I believe this is being done deliberately to keep our younger generation from make educational and rational decisions about their future and the future of our Country. Just another way for those in power to keep their power over others.?

We are all on this planet together and we need to find a way to live together in peace and harmony. Life is way too short to fight over different beliefs. The only people that benefit from any of these fights are the ones that want to stay in power and are greedy. You may disagree with some or all of the above and that is your right. Just keep an open mind or we will have a closed society with no way out but down. We are better than this! Where is the American spirit? Did it already die???

To summarize, we need to get back to a non partisan government that represents the people, not special interests, we need to respect each other’s beliefs without arguing over them or forcing someone to only respect yours. And we need to make this a better place for all people regardless of religion, color of skin, gender or physical handicap.??

Don’t let a label define you or me.?


