La regle d'or des 3 "i" - THE RULE OF THE 3 "i" ...
The Rule of the 3 "i"
There is 3 cathegories of people in Life , all 3 cathegories start with the letter "i"
First there is "i" for INVENTORS - they show new ways , exciting things, share their dreams, set trends, and often find solutions to problems we have to face - they sometimes distrub for they might get us out of our comfort zone, but they are people with a vision most often times for bigger better things for all to enjoy. It is a rare and most precious group (not to be confused with provocators, and posers who just want to stand out).
Then comes "i" for IMITATORS, It is a much more important group, in number obviously. Now if you think about it, there is nothing better than someone who masters reproducing a good model. Some might even bring it a sort of improvements. Problem lays in the fact that often times the imitations are weak, or are confused with the original until they are uncovered which in turn leads to various forms of disapointment.
oh yes, I almost forgot
Some still may wonder what the last "i" stands for ... well it is an "i" for IDIOTS !
( sadly the largest group of all it seems like ...)
Now that is a line I have been sharing with Me Pierre Cornette de Saint Cyr my friend the flamboyant auctioneer in Paris for a good 30 years
at the time we originaly connected that rule of the 3 "i" to the Art world in reference to masters and the hords of followers reinventing cubism after Georges Braque and Picasso for example, we both later eventually would extend that line to the general world and business for it obviously works everywhere ... and now look what I find from the internet :
hummm who has been imitating who ? or is it just that some minds think alike ?