

This note of mine is part of my research for the book I.

As I have said several times, I took Red Book, C.C. JUNG, as the basis of my research. Jung. In this book, Jung researched the processes that take place in him and thereby researched what personalities or different processes take place in us and thus tried to tell all future psychotherapists that they must first understand themselves in order to be able to help others.

And anyone who is serious about psychotherapy should read this book to understand what is going on.

I myself read this book several times and took it as a basis for my research. I myself research the life of our ancestors on us, my claim is that our personality is made up, that is, that the real us is written in our DNA and only by learning about our past do we find out who we really are, ourselves.

That's why I had a genealogy made for a large part of my family up to the year 1700 with a description of what happened during that period, so that I can see what all influenced me to be the way I am.

Namely, my claim is: That our personality is formed 7 generations ago, i.e. 6 generations, because we have to exclude our parents, as the seventh generation. Our parents are just our coaches who show us whether to live with ourselves properly or not.

And, since they don't show us this in most cases, we must first clean ourselves of all psychological garbage.

And this psychological garbage is the information in our subconscious that inhibits the life of our potential.

In fact, I am convinced that when we clean out all the psychological garbage, other senses begin to work in us.

These are just my guesses, but I read all this knowledge in ancient books. Namely, my hobby from early childhood was Astronomy and by researching records from space, I read many different records dating back thousands of years. And there they describe it. However, since I am basically a technician and a physicist, I would like to prove all this with today's methods, so that my model will also gain confidence. I named this part of psychology Blue Psychology, I wanted to make some upgrade of the existing psychology, but at the same time not to destroy the foundations of psychology as a science.

As I wrote in the past, I personally, i.e. us, divided somehow into 4 types of bodies that make up the whole:

- physical body

- the intellectual body

- the emotional body

- energy body

And if we look at the physical body itself, we see that we have 5 senses:

- eyes (seeing)

- ears (listening)

- skin (touching)

- nose (smell)

- tongue/mouth (taste)

But these are only the senses of the physical body, what about the rest?

Let's look at the first Intellectual Body:

The "senses" of the intellectual body are related to the perception of information and thought processes:

- Logic and reason: the ability to analyze, connect, conclude causes and consequences.

- Intuition (on an intellectual level): sensing sudden insights and solutions without conscious reasoning.

- Learning: the ability to recognize patterns and remember.

- Imagination: the ability to imagine something that is not directly perceived.

Emotional body

The emotional body perceives our feelings and reactions to what is happening around us. His "senses" are:

- Empathy: the ability to feel the emotions of others.

- Self-awareness of emotions: the ability to recognize one's own emotions and their causes.

- Compassion: feeling concern for others and responding to suffering.

- Jealousy, joy, sadness, fear, anger: specific emotional responses that are like "sensors" as they guide us to understand our internal and external interactions.

Energy body

The energy body perceives subtle energies and life force dynamics. His "senses" are a little more difficult to define, but could include:

- Energy Perception: the ability to feel the vitality, energy of a space or people (often described as the "vibe" or energy of a space).

- Intuition (on an energetic level): a sense of connection with something greater or behavior without a logical basis.

- Connectedness: the feeling of being connected to nature, other beings or the universe.

- Ability to self-heal: sensing and channeling energy for internal balance and health.

And when I think like that, I stop exactly at the latter, self-medicated. So people can heal themselves with their thoughts, but not by only thinking positively, but by our body or energy field, detects what is good for us nearby.

What I wanted to say in this note is that by getting to know yourself, according to the Sirius Personal Transformation method that I developed 20 years ago, we can actually end up feeling and predicting the future.

OK Bo?tjan Dolin?ek



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