Kylie Jenner Calls Snapchat sad, Company loses $ plus
Pranav Koduri
Psychology Infused Growth Marketing Consultant | UX Researcher | Venture Capital Analyst | Techno-Optimist
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Kylie Jenner Calls Snapchat sad, Company loses $ plus. Yes, Reality TV star Kylie Jenner, who is active in almost all social media platforms, called photo sharing app Snapchat “Sad” in her tweet on Thursday.
Already Snapchat is facing a lot of criticism due to there change in UI & Snapchat CEO called Indian’s Poor Once followed with huge negative reviews on play store. Shares of the Snapchat parent company sank 6.1% on Thursday, causing 1.3billion loss after Kylie Jenner tweet. wall street analysts too have begun to notice, drop in user usage and followed by negative reviews due to app’s redesign.
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