Kyle Reyes/Jim Patrick: Two identities, one person. Why?
Law Enforcement Today's coward-in-residence, "Jim Patrick" is outed and it was a convoluted path to the revelation.
Law Enforcement Today, where Lies Eclipse Truth.
Since LET published that hit piece on me several days ago, I've been selectively engaging with some of LET's and Kyle Reyes's Facebook followers. Just this week, there were two items pushed on Law Enforcement Today which were filled with half-truths, cherry-picked words, and other techniques used to tailor facts into sensationalized fiction, the currency of choice in LET's marketplace.
The first was titled, "If 87k new IRS agents are “only” debt collectors, why does a job requirement require “willing(ness) to use deadly force?" It was written by "Jim Patrick."
I placed a comment after that article and called it out for the BS it contained. That caused one of Reyes's followers to ask me to explain. So I did--in great detail.
I pointed out that the specific legislation, H.R. 5376, makes no reference whatsoever to "87,000 IRS agents" and I provided the actual text of the specific section within that statute and a link to it, that relates to the IRS for him to visit for himself.
Moreover, I explained the difference between an IRS CID agent and all other non-1811 criminal investigator IRS employees, describing the kinds of cases they work and that they are very often part of lager federal crime task forces.
The next morning I had a response form that individual thanking me for that information. I replied that any time he had a question about law enforcement or the FBI, I'd be happy to chat with him.
This individual was the third person who contacted me seeking additional information based on how I challenged LET/Reyes's nonsense.
That day, Kyle Reyes blocked me from his Facebook page. How "manly" of him.
This is the guy, don't forget, who kept asking about my manhood--a lot--because I refused to debate him on his silly social media platform.
In the last exchange I had with him, I asked why he was so interested in my manhood explaining that those who obsess about that in others are usually filled with self-doubt about their own. And I suggested that he get professional help dealing with it. I hope it works out for him.
The second article was written by Pat Droney. It was titled, "Marco Rubio opponent Demings tries to 'forget' her past statements advocating for dismantling Minneapolis PD"
Droney is listed on LET's website as the person who, "oversees our editorial team."
He opens his article with this, "For police officers in Florida, Democratic Senate candidate Val Demings is a trojan [sic] horse. Only two years after supporting a call to abolish the Minneapolis Police Department, the former chief of the Orlando Police Department and current member of the House is now claiming she would “never” support abolishing the police according to The Washington Free Beacon."
Now watch the referenced Demings interview for yourself.
There is no way that a rational, functioning human being could have watched the CBS interview of Val Demings (which is in the linked Washington Free Beacon article) and come away with what Droney described. Either he didn't even look at it, or if he did, he slept through it.
And that might explain how a lot of garbage lands on the LET website bylined with phony names.
In comments after Droney's article I called out the discrepancy as a complete misrepresentation of what Demings said among other things. I did, however, compliment him on using his real name and encouraged him to convince the other cowards at LET to do the same. I'm not holding my breath.
Droney's bio reads, "Patrick Droney is a 31-year veteran of law enforcement and former chief of police. He is a God-fearing, constitutional conservative and loves his country. Let's Go Brandon."
"Jim Patrick" is Kyle Reyes
I still have access to LET's website so this morning I went on a search for some examples of other "colorful" articles.
I found a most revealing item written by Kyle Reyes and published on LET on October 12, 2020. It is titled, "America’s largest police-owned media company endorsed Trump. We’re now ‘unbanned’ on Twitter – but down for life on LinkedIn."
In it Reyes whines about being cut off from LinkedIn for life and temporarily from Twitter due to LET's endorsement of Donald Trump. In this article, Reyes lists all of the items published on LET that he claims LinkedIn labeled as false or misleading.
One of those items is an article published on January 15, 2020. That article was written by "Jim Patrick" according to its byline. But in the very next paragraph, this appears, "Full disclosure—I wrote that piece."
Deeper in that October 12, 2020 piece another article is linked, also bylined by "Jim Patrick." As above, in the next paragraph this appears, "Once again, this is an article I authored."
On two separate occasions, Kyle Reyes admits that he is writing using the phony name of "Jim Patrick."
His admission make sense because the style, tone and language used by "Jim Patrick" is very similar to that which was used in the hit piece that "Sgt. A. Merica" wrote about me.
It's very likely that Reyes is a one-man act who writes all the junk that carries a pseudonym because they all have striking similarities--a signature, if you will. And it explains better than anything else why Reyes would never identify "Jim Patrick."
I'm done with this duel. Reyes has been revealed as a phony and LET's followers should take note and read his material with great skepticism. Until I am blocked from LET's Facebook page, every time there is some garbage posted there, especially from those using pseudonyms, I'll challenge it and perhaps one at a time, some of its followers will learn to fact check.
Finally, it's worth noting that the bio that appears after every article written by Kyle Reyes as "Jim Patrick" reads, "Jim Patrick is a pseudonym for a retired police chief, who asks to remain anonymous due to employment and safety concerns. Jim is a long-time law enforcement professional who is passionate about law enforcement and politics. He is a proud Trump conservative and loves America and our Founding Fathers."
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
1 年I've had a similar -- though perhaps tamer -- experience with Reyes/Patrick on LI. He does not appreciate having facts added to his propaganda posts and called me a cheesy name or two in his combative follow-ups. One thing I've noticed: Fascists just do not appreciate a genuine, thoughtful sense of humor. ??
Materials and Semiconductor Strategist | Technical Leader+People Person | Product Evangelist | Relationship Management
1 年I questioned his sources on a recent LinkedIn posting about socialism in America, and he spent 30 minutes personally attacking my pronouns. What's joke this guy is.
Cognitive Neuroscientist at PJP Select Enterprises- Current
1 年He is on LinkedIn now under the name Kyle Reyes & was recently very nasty in his personal attacks on others & on me. He promotes his own hiring interview questions to “break” those being interviewed. If you question one of his questions, you are told you are a mentally deficient liberal. He assumes all posting want to work for him. ??
Supervisory Special Agent at Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Training Division (Retired)
2 年So, is he even in law enforcement at all or was that false also?