KW Health Wellness Hacks
Welcome Sunshine!
I wanted to discuss 5 wellness hacks that everyone should be aware of.
There is basically a hack for everything, from beauty and skincare secrets to amazing ways to be productive.
We all want to simplify our lives by being really smart and savvy with our time. Today I want to focus on wellness and how you can incorporate certain tips and tricks into your daily life to live a more balanced and overall healthier lifestyle, not only for your body but for your mind too.
1. Before checking your phone in the morning right away when you wake up, why not think of 3-4 things you want to accomplish and complete that day and tell yourself that you will complete these tasks.
2. Practice the art of 'future journaling' so basically practice the rule of changing your mindset to - if it is not going to matter in 5 years, rather don't spend more than 5 minutes being upset over it. That is basically a gentle reminder to not over think situations or spend all of your time being consumed by thoughts that serve no purpose.
3. Before dinner, ask your family or partner what their high and low point was for that day and if you live alone- just ask yourself and don't be afraid to say them out loud to yourself. This is an awesome way to reflect on good and bad experiences from your day and understand how to learn from each experience you go through. This helps develop inner wisdom and strength.
4. This is something I personally like to do, which is keeping positive mantras, reminders or motivational quotes at the top section of my notes on my phone because when I need a pick me up - I can find something that inspires me and motivates me to keep moving forward.
5. Ensure you set out 10 minutes at the start and end of your day because that sets the tone for everything in your life. When you schedule that much needed 'me time' when your day is starting and ending- it allows you to connect to yourself and it also creates a healthy habit in your life where you practice self care and that leads to inner happiness.
Full article available on Happy Days blog.
The true 'glow up' is internal and not only external. When you are stronger and happier from within, you do things from a place of love, happiness and inner peace and that will change your life. Nothing will be unattainable.