War is a Racket: Memorial Day and Truth Behind the Flags
Melissa Patrick
As Memorial Day in the United States quickly approaches, I find myself reflecting on the sacrifices made by our veterans - our amazing, brave individuals who have stepped forward to defend our great country in unfathomable conditions around the globe.
This day, mostly minimized by barbecues and store sales, carries a weight far beyond a mere holiday. It's a day for us to remember, reflect -
And question.
So simple is it to wrap the narratives of war in a flag of anthems and patriotic songs, portraying every battle as a fight for freedom and every soldier as a knight wearing the armor of democracy.
However, reality is far less noble.
The cold hard truth is that many conflicts are fueled not by the desire to spread democracy or protect human rights, but by a scramble to steal resources, hide high-level corruption, gain geopolitical influence, and profit from the building of military armaments.
Oddly, our country, despite its stated ideals of freedom and justice, has too often supported regimes and dictatorships that counter these very values. We proclaim the spread of democracy while simultaneously bolstering leaders who suppress free speech, peaceful protests, and smother dissent.
Or worse.
This contradiction between our country’s projected ideals and some of its actions on the global stage leaves many veterans and regular citizens confused, disillusioned, and betrayed.
Today's global landscape feels ever more volatile, with conflicts in multiple countries grasping the most innocent and uninvolved entities within it. Though no one has dared to officially label it, the extent of the global violence hints at an entire world at war, a third one, silently taking shape in the form of proxy conflicts and unimaginable secret corruption.
Despite this great turmoil, MemorialDay is also a beacon of hope, a reminder that each of us has the power to put our world on the path to positive change.
We can honor and remember our veterans not just with parades and speeches but by engaging in meaningful public dialogue - pushing for policies that promote peace and stability, prioritizing diplomacy over destruction.
Let’s support organizations that provide real solutions and actual care for those devastated and displaced by war.
This Memorial Day, let us remember our fallen veterans and the true cost of war and create a world where conflicts are settled by dialogue and mutual respect rather than bullets and bombs.
Let’s not wait for leaders to name the turmoil of our times and create it ourselves and take action.
With hope and determination, together we can make miracles.
Navigating Work-Life Balance for Women in their 30s: A Guide to Mental Well-being
As women in our 30s, we often find ourselves at the intersection of career ambitions and personal fulfilment. Balancing work, family, and personal time can feel like a juggling act, leaving little room for self-care and mental well-being. However, prioritizing mental health is essential for maintaining equilibrium in our hectic lives.
1. Define Priorities: Take a step back and reflect on what truly matters to you. Identify your core values and priorities, whether it’s advancing in your career, nurturing #relationships, or pursuing personal passions. Understanding what’s most important to you will help you allocate your time and energy more effectively.
2. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. Create designated times for work, family, and self-care activities, and stick to them as much as possible. Communicate your boundaries with your employer, colleagues, and loved ones, and don’t be afraid to say no when necessary.
3. Practice Self-Care Regularly: Carve out time for self-care activities that nourish your #mind, #body, and #soul. Whether it’s #yoga, #meditation, #journaling, or simply taking a long bath, prioritize activities that help you relax and recharge. Remember, self-care is not selfish—it’s essential for maintaining your overall well-being.
4. Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to lean on your support network when needed. Whether it’s talking to a trusted friend, seeking guidance from a mentor, or attending therapy sessions, reaching out for support can provide valuable perspective and emotional validation.
5. Embrace Imperfection: Let go of the pressure to be perfect in every aspect of your life. Accept that there will be times when things don’t go as planned, and that’s okay. Give yourself permission to make mistakes, learn from them, and move forward with grace and resilience.
6. Prioritize Mental Health: Make your mental health a priority by incorporating practices that promote emotional well-being. This could include mindfulness exercises, therapy, or engaging in #hobbies that bring you joy. Remember, taking care of your mental health is not optional—it’s essential for living a fulfilling life.
7. Flexibility and Adaptability: Recognize that achieving work-life balance is an ongoing process that requires flexibility and adaptability. Be open to adjusting your priorities and routines as needed, and don’t be too hard on yourself when things don’t go according to plan.
By defining your priorities, setting boundaries, practicing self-care, seeking support, embracing imperfection, prioritizing mental health, and staying flexible, you can cultivate a more harmonious and fulfilling life. Remember, you deserve to prioritize your well-being and #happiness.
Education is an important element in the struggle for human rights and that's what prompts the leading skill.
The capacity to use your technical #knowledge to produce results is crucial for an individual contributor.
However, once you rise into a leadership position, the tools you relied on to achieve your goals alone are rarely sufficient to help you achieve your goals through the efforts of others.
Watch out for the logical fallacy that says, "If I can perform this task successfully, I should be able to lead a team of people who do this work." This would be the case if managing people were similar to operating a more advanced version of a machine you had experience with.
However, this is not the case because unlike machines, which do not perform better or worse depending on how they perceive you, people do.
It's not the same as being in a position of leadership. Connecting with others, inspiring motivation, and creating a sense of ownership of common goals are all necessary for #leadership. Understanding how you think and behave as well as how your actions impact others will help you lead others more effectively
Continuous personal growth is necessary for effective leadership. However, those in leadership positions frequently avoid the time-consuming and difficult work of deepening self-insight in favor of pursuing management "tools"—preferably the "quick 'n' easy" variety, such as personality type assessments that reduce workers to a few simplistic behavioral tendencies, implicit bias #workshops that are used as a temporary fix for systemic discrimination, or stack ranking systems that claim to reduce discrimination in the workplace. requiring managers to compare workers to one another will help them find the greatest personnel.
This mechanistic method is frequently a dead end that misdirects leaders' attention away from the relationship between their #behavior and #employee outcomes, then being a shortcut to effective leadership.
Effective leadership can benefit from tools. However, none of them can replace fearless introspection, actively seeking feedback, and persistent efforts to improve one's conduct for higher effectiveness and a bigger beneficial impact on others.
Leaders acquired the awareness of how their preconceptions influence their actions as well as the ability to intentionally adopt attitudes and behaviors that improved leadership results.
Take the Lead!
Relationship matters in all human endeavors. Relationship is also vital for the survival of #plants and #animals in their various dwelling place. Since the inception of this world, the significance of building quality relationship is crystal clear to all and sundry as #God built and maintained quality relationship with man at the garden of Eden and gave him dominion over all things He created.
Quality relationship breeds clear vision and focus. No human #organization can grow to tremendous heights without cordial relationship existing amongst the leader and his followers. Maintaining and keeping healthy relationship helps in building a great home, great leadership #style and effective system.
In Leadership, maintaining and keeping healthy relationship is vital in building a successful team in an organization and this, a true leader must understand and apply. Maintaining and keeping healthy relationship will help a leader to understand that leadership is an act not a position and that leaders are not born but made. It will also help a leader to understand that leadership is about seeing what others are not seeing and making it a reality.
The importance of maintaining and keeping healthy relationship cannot be over-emphasized because every effective Institution needs it for their growth . In Leadership for instance, leaders do not do all the work by themselves, but share their vision with others and convince them in quest for positive change.
Maintaining and keeping healthy relationship as a leader enables one to increase productivity, effectively use available resources, encourage high team spirit, be unconditionally committed to organizational objectives and place more emphasis on goal achievement.
Maintaining and keeping healthy #relationship as a leader will also enable one to transform his/her leadership style by being more visionary, compelling, adaptable, focused, bold, highly confident, lead by example, see the wider picture and carryout tasks well and efficiently.
“An awakened species sees the unity of all life and lives into it. Humans in an unawakened state often deny it or ignore it.” Neale Donald Walch
There is no beginning or end to a body
Consider the top of your head. Is it where your body starts? Or is it at the tip of your toes? Are your toes separate from your head? Even as they are separate, they are not separated from the health impact of injury to one end or the other.
One could argue that the beginning of a body is at the cellular level, or the nutrients that feed that body. Another may state that the brain is most important, or the heart, or the blood. Still, theirs may believe that the beginning of a body is the soul.
Now consider if one of those parts becomes unhealthy. The rest of the parts can function, correct? If the one becomes unhealthy and remains in a state of unhealth, the rest of the body ceases to thrive. A soul that is sickened will affect the entire body. An infection of the heart, brain, or blood will do the same, and a lack of nutrition or disease at the cellular level is devastating to a body. Even a papercut or hangnail can cause long term illness to a body or even death, if allowed to become infected and not cleaned.
Life on Earth
Now consider the position of humanity on planet Earth. We are the top of the food chain, right? Perhaps we are stewards. Or are we simply the smartest things around, able to use resources willy-nilly at our disposal?
Those resources still require renewal and upkeep or somehow an infinite supply. And there’s competition for those resources, including from the environment itself. Societies, governments, and corporations, among other entities, all work to contain a system of ebb and flow on planet Earth.
Why do we need to control the ebb and flow of life and resources? Well, for one thing, we suffer if the health of any of these parts becomes unwell. No part is truly separate from another part.
Sure, we may not see the impact of the death of a species, the illness of an ecosystem, or the suffering of part of society when it’s first at peril. However, eventually we do, and profoundly so.
We Are One
Humanity, life on Earth, even air and water are all one interconnected life form. Just as our nose does not feel the destruction of cells from an illness or an infection on our knee, eventually it will fall ill if other parts of the body are not managed for health. When we realize this, we view ourselves in a more holistic way, one part not doing harm to the other and doing harm to ourselves.
Likewise, we become acutely unable to do harm to another human, species, or ecosystem when we realize that is one whole. To harm doesn’t even occur to us because it makes no sense. We begin to realize that each has come to its own understanding of the divine based on where we have been placed on the earth. These understandings are neither wrong nor right anymore then the shoulder’s understanding of its connection to the toe is incorrect or negates the connection. That part of us that does feel the connection will neither harm nor fault one part or the other.
Peace is Natural
War is futile. Nothing in a logical species, an aware species, or an awakened species can justify doing harm to the energy which is itself. To deny our connection to another living being is akin to denying the existence of our own hipbone. It makes no sense.
Still, regardless of whether we acknowledge our own hipbone, it is still there and if we break it, we will suffer. This is the way with war. Whether or not we justify it, it still does harm to ourselves and the ecosystem and society in which we live. Whether that harm is irreparable has to do with the extent of the damage wrought.
Before justifying a conflict based on a sense of what is right or a feeling that ownership belongs to one side or the other, it is our duty as an interconnected species to consider that each side is connected by care and by life and to that end, so are we. You are divine because you are connected to everything ever born, created, or in existence.
Allow your divinity to guide your heart, mind, and soul.
Great Women of my Life: My grandmother Amalia
One summer morning, I thought I was dreaming. I heard my grandmother talking to another woman; The sound of his voice was so magical, it resonated on the walls of the house like a song of dawn, a special tone that I discovered that voices had in the early mornings, like a certain whispering dysphonia. I got up, left the bedroom and looked towards the kitchen. There was my grandmother sitting around the brazier, drinking mate with her neighbor, a younger woman who liked to visit and talk to my grandmother to ask her for advice.
My grandmother Amalia was illiterate, she married as a child, at 15 years old, she did not even have the option of choosing her husband; My grandfather was an older man, a widower with children, whom my grandmother ended up raising, at a time when going to the doctor was a luxury. That is why he knew so much about how to heal ailments, including those of the heart. She had to raise 5 children alone, since my grandfather died after 11 years of marriage.
That morning was brilliant, the aroma of summer that emanates from the garden and the orchard when the sun rises and the heat that makes perfumes of freshness and orange blossom emerge, plus that brazier where sugar was burning and bread was toasted, intoxicated my mind with girl and felt so much tranquility and joy for no reason, or at least that's what I thought, today I say that that was happiness.
This early morning conversation was always about how to cure certain diseases of children, adults and the elderly. My grandmother said that God gave us everything in nature, including “remedies,” that's why she took care of the plants and trees. In the orchard it was easy to find: mint, fennel, rue, lemon balm, good herb, chamomile, peach trees, sour cherries, cherries, apricots and endless vegetables and flowers.
The neighbor was telling my grandmother about how bad she had been at night, because she couldn't fall asleep and had better get up and since she knew that my grandmother got up at dawn, she had decided to go ask her for advice.
After drinking several mates, my grandmother asked the neighbor to accompany her to the garden, I stealthily followed them and listened to her tell the story of how each tree, each plant and each flower had arrived in her garden; He smiled at me and I thought, I don't know the stories, because being his most faithful company, I had already heard many of those stories.
“I recommend the good Lady Mint,” my grandmother told her, bringing a leaf to her nose and inhaling its fresh aroma, she continued…” this is a wise herb that is used to relax, you should take it at night, soaked in hot water; Not only will it help you sleep relaxed, it will also help with your stomach, headaches and since it has menthol, it will also clear your nose and if you have any pain, add Mr. Lemon balm... and bring a little aloe vera, it helps with wounds and bruises, in case one of their children falls and gets hit.”
My magical grandmother knew the properties of each plant, tree and flower in her garden. In my childhood she cured me of colds, headaches, stomach aches, wounds, bruises and even fever. This would not be possible today, because medicine has advanced. a lot and it is more accessible.
My grandmother would then accompany her neighbor to the door outside, but not before going through the kitchen and placing in a paper bag some kneaded bread that she had baked in a tin oven in the patio, apricot jam, fruit abundant in the garden of my house; some tomatoes that I had collected and some potatoes that our land kindly produced.
My good grandmother; She didn't have to ask much to understand the neighbor's sufferings, rather she gave her some lessons while she walked through her garden and thus calmed the hunger of a wounded heart and an empty stomach.
When saying goodbye, the neighbor hugged my grandmother and with tears in her eyes, she told her as soon as my garden has flowers I will bring you a bouquet of them, they are very pretty, my grandmother said...I will be waiting for you, thank you very much...; I thought “why would my grandmother want flowers if we have so many…”
All that time I was attached to my grandmother's skirts and my child's mind, I couldn't understand many things and I asked her: "Why was the neighbor crying?" She told me... "because there are emotions that are as great as grief or joy, that come out of your eyes like water" and I asked her again, why do you give her bread and food? ... “because when one has in abundance one must give, it is not good to accumulate because things can be eaten by mice.” and finally I asked her... grandma, she said she would bring you flowers, but we have many, why else, my grandma said... "because everyone gives of their wealth and the flowers are for her and I thanked her because I also understand that She wants to repay what she has received today and so if she needs me again she won't be ashamed to return.
At the time I was to learn that the neighbor did not have a good life, her husband was an alcoholic and he spent all the little money he managed to collect by working occasionally at whatever it was, he also beat her and her children and they suffered a lot of pain, which my Granny helped mitigate.
In those years, domestic violence was normal and accepted; The woman had no voice, so there was no complaint; Poverty was also extreme, but it was not measured, less combated, and illiteracy was the protagonist of that time. However, at all times women were always in charge of the family, fighting for their children and setting an example of courage and resilience.
That morning was recorded in my mind, I still remember the shine of the sun on my grandmother's slow walk and her smile with so much peace, I can feel the caress of her quality hand on my head, she took me by the hand and we walked back to the garden and I felt so safe.
That wonderful woman made me always think that it was easy to be happy with the simple things I had around me, that Faith moves mountains and that helping makes you great. I reaffirmed that she was the greatest treasure of my early childhood.
Way back before I learnt that everything in life has a purpose I was addicted but not to drugs but to comparing myself to others. At school, I could find myself constantly comparing myself to others trying to measure my intelligence against another. At church, I could compare myself to my friends who were bold enough to quote a verse in front of people. Little did I know that the constant act of comparing myself to others was hindering me from discovering my purpose in life and fulfilling it. Instead of channeling my time and energy into learning and growing I could find myself constantly comparing myself even to television superstars and Instagram models. What helped me overcome this addiction was God. He reminded me that my weaknesses are what makes other people valuable, and their weaknesses are makes me valuable. What do I mean? If we were all perfect meaning, we had all the strengths to do everything perfect well then, they could be no room for uniqueness and diversity. For instance, I am not good at doing mathematics and my friend is good. If we both went for a maths competition my friend could definitely win. Because she understands maths and that’s her advantage. But say we both were math genius; her understanding math could not be an advantage to her in that competition. Since I don’t know math she has an upper hand of winning. The same applies to life in general. Your strengths make you unique. No one is perfect so that we can complement each other. I need your strength and you need my strength together we can make the world a better place. You are because I am, and I am because you are. Therefore, you are perfect just the way you are.
Physical Illness & Mental Health for Our Life
At some point in our lives, a significant, or perhaps life-altering, physical ailment will strike many of us. Our thoughts and emotions can be impacted by the disease and its treatment. Anyone with a physical ailment that is impacting both their own and the mental health of those providing care should read this material. What is the effect of physical illness?
Having or developing a physical illness can affect every area of your life. It can affect areas of your real life, such as:
Work: You may find that you have to stop working, work less, or change jobs.
Daily activities: You may find it difficult to participate in the activities you enjoy or to see the friends and family you like. You may need the help of friends, family, or professional services to do things you used to do yourself.
Financial: Physical illness can affect your finances for various reasons. For example, travel expenses for medical appointments or reducing work for yourself or those who support you.
Spending time in the hospital: You may have to undergo some treatment or surgery in the hospital. This will mean spending time away from home and your usual support network.
Physical illness can also negatively affect your thoughts and feelings.
Stress: Understandably, physical illness can make you worry about the future and feel stressed about the present. You may feel particularly anxious about certain things. For example, the results of an important test, or arranging childcare if you need to go to the hospital.
Feelings about yourself: Physical illness can make you feel like you've lost control over your body and your life. Physical illness is usually not something you can control. It can be annoying and frustrating.
Relationships: Physical illness can make you feel lonely and isolated from friends and family. You don't want to share how you feel with them so as not to worry or upset them. Or maybe you want to share what you're doing, but you don't feel like they understand.
Understanding the World: Getting sick can make you question the world around you and your understanding of what is fair and right. Some people find that it affects their spiritual or religious beliefs.
If a physical illness is having a negative impact on your mental health, help is available. Physical health care providers will want to know if you need help with your mental health. They will be able to refer you to other specialists or organizations that can help. Depending on who you are and what's going on in your life, physical illness can affect your mental health in different ways. We won't try to cover every mental health issue here, but below are some signs you might want to look out for. Concern, depression, and adjustment disorder. Not everyone who has a physical illness will experience mental health problems. However, people with long-term physical illnesses are more likely to experience reduced mental well-being. Research has shown a link between mental illness and certain physical illnesses, such as cancer, diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, and epilepsy. However, these physical ailments are not the only ones that can affect your mental health. People with physical health problems are 2–3 times more likely to suffer from depression than people in good physical health.
Caring for Others
L. M. Jones
To care for others,
with love of all mothers,
With teaspoons of kindness and warm, cuddly covers.
To nurture and comfort from dawn until night,
You love and you conquer with all of you might.
You meet every need,
Even those left unseen,
With attention to detail
Without any greed.
No one knows the steps that you take
To keep them fed, bathed.
You are never a fake.
You do it until you cannot give anymore,
You go home, drained and tired, but still you give more.
A caregiver’s job seems to never be done,
The late-night tasks, that rise with the sun.
Sometimes it’s hot chocolate on a cold winter’s morn,
To the trash man, so early, to dispose of your corn.
Or maybe it’s the gift for the postmaster you placed,
As a surprise for the knowing of their fast, hectic pace.
Or maybe it’s paying at McDonald’s drive-thru, a sweet act of kindness for the person behind you.
And caregivers come in all shapes and all sizes,
They are authentically there, with light, no disguises.
From the disabled veteran in love with his wife,
To a son with a heart that is bigger than life,
From a mother of nursing who started this clan,
DNA of an angel, was not in her plan
But she cared for those people, so shackled and bound,
Yet came home to her 6, that she loved so profound.
Her mother before her, a nurse and mid-wife, taught my mother so young, the true meaning of life.
It’s all about Love, she said, that’s sent from above.
For us to give freely that fits like a glove.
So, if you shared a smile to a lonely someone,
The Love you just gave, then, is second to none,
So, thank you; each one of you, for the care that you give,
To the person beside you
Wherever you live
But remember the most important one of them all,
Is to care for yourself so you can take care of them all.
A mother’s love
Inspired by many
The End
What would you say, is quitting one of your bad habit/s that difficult?
Well, they say old habits die hard, Bang On. It is very true & correct. It is also true & correct that; bad habits can be given up but with a bit of difficulty. Allow me to take you through my personal journey.
People always say that time is testing us, but we keep testing the time, time & again and try to see that whether time suits us or not. Rather, we should give way to time to test us in real sense, isn’t it??
I say this with much conviction now as I have seen during this trying times. This pandemic due to COVID19, time has really tested us, almost everyone & me.
While the world was reeling under tremendous pressure to find some solution & get relief from this pandemic, I too was undergoing equal amount of pressure from my family members to “QUIT SMOKING” as some where this was being one of the threat aspects (respiratory infection and affecting lungs) & a strong reason for people getting infected & affected more seriously.
My family members had witnessed this unsuccessful effort for the last three times and were really worried for my health. So, you all can well imagine the amount of pressure I was undergoing during the initial days of this pandemic and the sense of failure was looming large on my head as how to start this exercise of quitting again.
Initial 4-5 days during my sleeping time were beyond comprehension as I used to see some dreaded & irrelevant things in my dream. I wanted to share this experience with my family members but the very effect of any negative comments from them was haunting me high every time. Therefore, I decided not to share that but to fight it alone and come out victoriously.
However, the penultimate night I had thought that when I go to sleep, I would make up my mind & be prepared that come tomorrow morning, I would be a different person altogether “a smoke free man”. I was not feeling very confident because of my past attempts & subsequent failures. Still gathering courage, I thought to consult my family members one more time that evening, and I found them quite accommodating as well as very supportive as before, they strongly recommended that give it a last try this time and you would surely succeed.
Honestly, as luck would have it, the next day morning when I got up and my wife offered me a cup of tea, I did not step out to the balcony for a smoke rather struck to my promise of quitting by simply ignoring my thoughts strongly and started sharing dialogue with her related to the pandemic to draw my attention away from the smoke. The hours were passing by and there was an urge which was still kicking me to go for a smoke. Family members were going through tremendous pressure more than I, may be as this was the first day of my attempt which I was experiencing again. Some how the day passed by without holding a cigarette which was indicating that road to victory is just few steps ahead but with difficulties. I could manage to hold myself under control and did not discuss this matter further during the whole day if discussed this may lead to a trigger & the urge to smoke will surface again.???
Witnessing the experience of yesterday, when I got up the next day, I was feeling strong externally but internally was little nervous & shaken up whether I would be able to pull through this today again or not. But I followed the same path that of yesterday and stuck to it so that there is continuity to this exercise. Trust me, I could not really believe myself as the hours were passing by and I was not showing much inclination towards that stick (cigarette). The family members were whispering & murmuring within themselves about the days proceedings and were heaving a sigh of relief by such experience. After completing our dinner, when me & my wife were about to retire, my wife whispered in my ears that both of our sons were all praises for my efforts of last two days. They are very proud & confident that you will prove us right. Those words meant a lot to me and I gathered courage, strength to prove myself that I can do it.
Determination of achieving my target was becoming stronger & evident each passing day, but the urge was not slowing down as was the level of determination. But I had decided that may what come, I would prove to my family that I can “QUIT” & I will “QUIT”. I was just praying and keeping myself in control, trying to be composed & somehow cross at least 10 -12 days so that the urge of smoking should die down naturally. Finally, it did happen almost after 15 days of rigorous hard work, perseverance & with complete dedication.
Friends, it was 26th March 2020, when I seriously began this exercise out of compulsion by my family members because of this pandemic and today is 31st December 2020, I have not touched a single stick (cigarette) although I have been lured by many of my friends & colleagues to hold one with them during our various rendezvous, but my inner feeling & conscience has never given way to smoking till day.
Whatever you may call this, a mere fluke, luck by chance or because of the sincere valiant efforts put by my family members which were prime & of immense importance in accomplishing this huge task. It is because of them I could accomplish what I have today. I give full credit & feel proud for them for giving me this golden opportunity to “QUIT SMOKING” and I give myself a pat on the back for accomplishing this feat victoriously.
Today when I sit and look back, I feel so proud and would proudly like to share the same feeling with you all for a better tomorrow for self, for the society and for our Environment.
Should this story inspire you so much so that you may also like to venture out on this path of “QUITTING” at least one of the bad habit/s even if that is not Smoking, could be Alcohol addiction, Drug addiction, Racism, any sort of Discrimination or Bias, being a Religious zealot or could have been drifted towards Terrorism, but do take a pledge to “QUIT ONE FOR YOUR BETTERMENT” to make this World a better place to Live for yourself & others at large, Amen!
#quitabadhabit #givebacktosocietybybeingagoodcitizen
So, after all of these compelling articles, we ask:
“Do you feel WAR is necessary for SURVIVAL?”
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Zoompardy Host | Technical Specialist Trainer
6 个月Good point!
Commonwealth Society Youth Ambassador| IGC Chair, London| Fmr Country Director, COI, Nepal |Global Youth Ambassador, Theirworld, London |Official Volunteer SMM IHRC |Member, 28 Credentials of Entrepreneurs, Malaysia.
6 个月Thanks so much for having my article published in your great platform. I celebrate your greatness.