Kudos to Amazon for making the right move on a new CEO, here is why
chris williams
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So in the past couple years I have not been a fan of Amazon mainly because I am a sprinter. I used to run 100m and 400m races and saw them constantly looking back and losing their lead. This was true at the top but not in the Amazon Web Services part of the business. Andy Jassy has focused on what they were doing right and kept pushing forward with new innovations and offering built around what they were doing only looking back strategically at others but keeping the sprint going.
That is why when I saw the announcement this morning it peaked my interest. I predict by the end of the year we see a move from Amazon to become more of a services company. Yes their store will stay open but building out the pieces of their store on top of Amazon Web Services so other retail stores can use it and gain customers will not only bring more profits for Amazon but for those retail stores that use them.
Now turning a ship as big as Amazon takes time but I predict before the end of the year you will start to see Amazon become less of a competitor to retail and more of a utility provider. Much like they pay for electricity, internet, payment providers to run your store they will start paying for Amazon as their e-commerce store provider.
I don't work for Amazon nor do I know anything about their plans. This is just my opinion but this is where I see it and having Andy Jassy on top is exactly what they need to do this.