Kubernetes Cluster on DigitalOcean with Terraform
Aditya Joshi
Senior Software Engineer @ Walmart | Walmart Blockchain Platform | Blockchain | Hyperledger, Kubernetes | Lead Dev Advocate @Hyperledger | CKS | CKA | CKAD
So, I’ve been using DigitalOcean for the past four years to learn and experiment with all things cloud-related. I was on the hunt for a simple and efficient way to spin up a Kubernetes cluster, and let me tell you, I had options galore?—?web console, or doctl cli or REST API and Terraform
Being the curious learner I am, I decided to go with Terraform. I was already diving into the world of IaC (Infrastructure as Code), and Terraform seemed like the perfect tool to add to my arsenal. Plus, it boasts some pretty cool advantages! ??
In this article we explore how to use Terraform to build a Kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean. It’s going to be an exciting journey! ??
Terraform, the popular Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, offers a streamlined way to provision and manage cloud resources, including Kubernetes clusters. In this article, we’ll explore how to leverage Terraform to build a Kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean.
TLDR: If you are looking for full code ony you can find it here
Configure Terraform Provider
Start by creating a directory for your Terraform files. Inside, create a file named main.tf and configure the DigitalOcean provider with your API token:
terraform {
required_providers {
digitalocean = {
source = "digitalocean/digitalocean"
version = "~> 2.0"
provider "digitalocean" {
token = var.do_token
variable "do_token" {
type = string
Remember to store your API token securely, ideally using environment variables or a secret management tool.
Define Kubernetes Cluster Resources
Next, define the resources for your Kubernetes cluster in main.tf:
resource "digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster" "k8s_cluster" {
name = "my-k8s-cluster"
region = "nyc3"
version = "1.29"
node_pool {
name = "worker-pool"
size = "s-2vcpu-2gb"
node_count = 3
This configuration creates a cluster named my-k8s-cluster in the NYC3 region, using Kubernetes version 1.29. It also defines a node pool with 3 worker nodes of the s-2vcpu-2gb size.
Generating KubeConfig
Next, lets define the resource that allow us to generate kubeconfig file used for accessing the kubernetes cluster.
resource "local_file" "kubeconfig" {
content = digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.kubernetes_cluster.kube_config[0].raw_config
filename = "${path.module}/kubeconfig"
This configuration uses local_file resource that generates a local file with the given content. This resource is self explanatory, here we are create a file in the current directory with name kubeconfig and we will be using the output of previous resource which is digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster.kubernetes_cluster as the content of kubeconfig file
Initialize and Apply Terraform Configuration
Open your terminal, navigate to your Terraform directory, and run the following commands:
Before we dive into the code, you will need to set up your DigitalOcean access token. This token allows Terraform to interact with your DigitalOcean account. You can create one using DigitalOcean’s dashboard and then set it in your environment as follows:
export TF_VAR_do_token=your_digitalocean_token
Now lets initialize the terraform workspace using terraform init command.
terraform init initializes a working directory and downloads the necessary provider plugins and modules and setting up the backend for storing your infrastructure’s state
terraform init
terraform plan creates an execution plan, showing the changes that will be made.
terraform apply applies the plan and provisions the resources on DigitalOcean.?
# You can pass the -auto-approve option to instruct Terraform to apply the plan without asking for confirmation.
terraform apply -auto-approve
Benefits of Using Terraform
Additional Tips
Terraform simplifies Kubernetes cluster creation on DigitalOcean, offering a reliable and efficient way to manage your infrastructure. By following these steps and exploring additional options, you can easily build and maintain your Kubernetes clusters while embracing the benefits of Infrastructure as Code.
Open Source Software Integrator
4 个月I did indeed. Now I need to explore terraform and proxmox. Do you have any pointers for that combination?
Open Source Software Integrator
4 个月Nicely written!