Kubernete Usecases
UseCase :1
From an automation perspective, Since selenium grid confirm of high availabity of node to distribute test case .
All independent testcases can run parallael and when it would scale up to 100 testcase in parallel ,then obvious issue will be load on application means application performance will come down .Here kubernets gives out of box solution for high availabilty of application .
Usecase 2:
Shipping of product that includes, checkout ,build artifacts ,DB setup,making db configuration ,testing (UI,API,security and static analayis) ,configure product with configure management tool(ansible or chef ) , deployment and doing smoke test .All these steps can be automated by Kubernete in very simple and easy way .
Usecase 3:
In microservice world ,each miroserivce(module) has independent life cycle deployement .
when traffic grows for perticular micro-service then it need multiple deployment in order to handle requirest .Kubernetes give solution of autoscaling .
Lets learn some basic of kubernetes :
Docker : It is container where application reside .
Pods: It contains one or more containers
Node : Machine that contains one or more pods
Kubelet: Agent that communicate with master like jenkins slave .
etcd : Database present master node that store all configuration and status .